Roy Justin Henderson, 1875-1971 [RG5556.AM]


RG5556.AM:  Roy Justin Henderson, 1875-1971

Papers:  1910s-1999; mostly 1960s-1999

Nuckolls County, Neb.:  Farmer

Size:  0.5 cu.ft.; 1 box


Roy Justin Henderson was born in Monroe County, Iowa on July 21, 1875. In October of 1882, Roy’s family left Iowa for Lyon County, Kansas. Roy’s father, Andrew Jackson Henderson II, and oldest brother traveled by covered wagon while he, his mother, Clara Elizabeth (Irwin) Henderson, and his four other siblings traveled by train. The family lived in Americus, Kansas for three months before moving to Wymore, Nebraska in February of 1883. They stayed in Wymore for only a few weeks and then moved to Nuckolls County, Nebraska where they staked a claim.

Roy received his early education at the Valley Home School in Nuckolls County and later attended Superior High School where he graduated second in his class in 1897. On November 12, 1901, Roy married Minnie Bosserman. They settled on 80 acres of land given to Roy by his father. Roy and Minnie had three children, Sigrid Rose (1907-1916), Elisabeth Hortense (1910- ), and Philip Alden (1914- ). Minnie passed away in 1949. Roy Henderson died in 1971.


This collection mainly consists of the reminiscences of Roy Henderson. These reminiscences contain information relating to farming in Nuckolls County, his education and family life, the railroad and various businesses in Nuckolls County, etc. Of particular interest are Henderson’s reminiscences of the blizzard of 1888 as well as the grasshopper plague and drought of the 1930s. Also included in the collection are additional writings by Henderson as well as family histories and genealogies.


Box 1


    1. Journal

    1. Reminiscences, handwritten

    1. Reminiscences, typed

    1. “Memories: Roy Justin Henderson, 1875-1971,” edited by Susan K. Henderson (1998-1999)

    1. James Shelton manuscript by Roy J. Henderson

    1. Family histories and genealogy



Blizzard, 1888

Blizzards — West (U.S.) — History

Farm life — Nebraska

Frontier and pioneer life — Nebraska — Nuckolls County

Henderson Family

Henderson, Minnie Rose (Bosserman), 1875-1949

Henderson, Roy Justin, 1875-1971

Nebraska — Blizzard, 1888

Nuckolls County (Neb.) — History


Revised 02-08-2008   TMM/ew

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