Stephen Delevan Day, 1883-1960 [RG3600.AM]


RG3600.AM:  Stephen Delevan Day, 1883-1960

Papers:  1917-1942

Omaha, Douglas County, Neb.; Houston, Texas:  World War I aviator

Size:  0.25 cu.ft.; 1 box


Stephen D. Day enlisted in the military service on August 29, 1917, and was promoted to 1st Lt. in the field artillery as an aerial observer. He served in France during the later stages of the first World War. After the war, he went on to promote aviation and was active in the Minneapolis, Minnesota and Omaha, Nebraska Aero Clubs. He helped to organize the 1921 Omaha “Aero Congress” and the 1928 International Air Races. Stephen Day later engaged in the pipeline industry in Texas, specializing in pipeline protective coatings. He died in Houston, Texas, on June 10, 1960.


This collection consists of one box of manuscript material containing correspondence, 1918-1942; certificates and orders, 1917-1930; various printed materials, 1918-1930, including materials from the Omaha Aero Congress of 1921 and the International Air Races of 1928; and miscellaneous other materials. The collection relates to Stephen D. Day’s military service in the Air Corps during the first World War; to aviation in the United States during the 1920’s, and to the development of pipeline coating processes in the 1930’s and 1940’s.

Note:  See the photo component [RG3600.PH] for related images.


Box 1


    1. Correspondence, 1918-1942, n.d.

    1. Certificates and orders, 1917-1930

    1. Omaha Aero Congress, 1921, official program

      Omaha Aero Congress, 1921, Aviator’s Ball dance program

      Omaha Aero Congress, 1921, entry blank and rules for International Aero Congress

    1. International Air Races, 1928, lists of entries

      International Air Races, 1928, judges’ and timers’ sheets

      International Air Races, 1928, rules and regulations, transcontinental races

    1. Articles and clippings regarding aviation, Stephen Day and pipeline coatings

      French publication, La Baionnette, 1919 (3 issues)

      Booklet, “Aerial Observation for all Arms,” American Expeditionary Forces, France, June, 1919

      Booklet, “Following the Allied Drive: An account by Major C.B. Waterman, Chief of Transportation of the Air Service, of a day’s experience in U.S. 14839 Cadillac Touring Car.”

      Program, “Request performance of The Circus Princess at the Winter Garden, Tuesday Midnight, June 14, 1927, in Honor of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh,” arranged by The Ancient and Secret Order of Quiet Birdmen

    1. Miscellany, including:

      Letterhead, The Skywriting Corporation of America

      Roster of the 429th Pursuit Squadron

      Program, First Annual Dinner, Fourth Battery, Reserve Officers Training Camp, Fort Oglethorpe, GA, held at Signal Mountain, Tenn., Nov. 10, 1917

      Booklet, Le Bon Anglais, text by Roger Boutet de Monvel, images by Guy Arnoux (incomplete)



Aero Club (Omaha, Neb.)

Aviation — Nebraska

Day, Stephen Delevan, 1883-1960

Omaha (Neb.) — History

World War, 1914-1918 — Personal narratives


Encoded TMM   03-25-2010

Revised TMM   10-01-2014

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