Thomas Stinson Allen, 1865-1945 [RG3804.AM]


RG3804.AM: Thomas Stinson Allen, 1865-1945

Papers: 1890-1951
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.: Lawyer; U.S. District Attorney
Size: 1 envelope & 1 oversize folder


Thomas Stinson Allen was born in Baynes Point, Illinois, in 1865. At some later, unknown date, Allen moved to Nebraska and in 1891 was the first graduate of the Nebraska Law College. In 1898 he married Mary Elizabeth Bryan, sister of William Jennings Bryan. The couple made Lincoln their home for the rest of their lives. “Tom” Allen entered the Talbot, Bryan & Allen law firm in 1895 which later became the partnership of Talbot & Allen. In 1915 Allen was appointed U.S. District Attorney, a position he held until 1921. He then formed the firm of Allen & Requartte, where he specialized in corporate law and helped establish many Nebraska firms. In addition to being active in various professional circles, Allen was an ardent Democrat and was an advisor to Charles W. Bryan. Allen died in Lincoln on October 29, 1945.


This collection consists of correspondence, 1890-1940; memorial materials; and scrapbook fragments. The bulk of the material relates to political affairs in Nebraska in the 1890s and the early 1900s, including an extended commentary on the role of William Jennings Bryan at the Democratic National Convention in Baltimore in 1912. Local issues discussed in the letters include prohibition, the candidacy of Grover Cleveland in 1892, and patronage. Correspondents include: James E. Boyd, 1890, 1892, 1893; Charles S. Allen, 1904; Thomas S. Allen, 1904; Charles Ogden, 1890; and Ignatius J. Dunn, 1940.



Circular letter of Charles Ogden, Democratic State Central Committee, October 1890
Seven letters written to William Bays, Valparaiso, in 1890, 1892, 1893, and 1904
I.J. Dunn to T.S. Allen, January 16, 1940, regarding the role of William J. Bryan at the Democratic National Convention of 1912
Memorial materials from the memorial service by the Lincoln Bar Association


Scrapbook fragments relating to honors received, etc.


Allen, Thomas Stinson, 1865-1945
Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925
Boyd, James E., 1834-1906
Bays, William
Democratic Party
Nebraska — Politics and government
Political parties


RG2952: Allen, Mary Elizabeth Bryan (wife of Thomas S. Allen) contains some papers and photographs relating to both the Allen Family and to Thomas S. Allen.

Related materials can also be found in the following collections: RG0001, SG28: Bryan, Charles W.; and RG3198.AM: Bryan, William Jennings.

Several references relating to Allen may be found in the Nebraska History magazine. See the Nebraska History Index for citations.

DAB/ab 06-10-1967
Rev. KFK 03-16-1999
KFK/dco 09-18-2003
01-13-2010 Revised TMM

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