RG4413.AM: Trinity Lutheran Church (Stamford, Neb.)
Records: 1886-1978
Stamford, Harlan County, Neb.: Lutheran Church
Size: 7 items on 1 reel of microfilm
Trinity Lutheran Church was officially organized on March 11, 1888, as part of the General Synod. The first services were held in a school house a few miles southwest of Stamford. Later that year, services were moved to the Presbyterian Church in Stamford, and by May of 1890, the congregation had constructed their own house of worship. Because the first members were German immigrants, worship services and business meetings were conducted solely in German until 1910 when English was first used to a limited extent.
In 1920 the Sappa Peak Lutheran Church, located near Stamford, dissolved and some of its members joined the Trinity congregation. Others joined the German Emmanuel Lutheran Church which was also located near Stamford. In 1925 the latter merged with Trinity to form a church whose congregation was derived from what were three previously separate congregations: Trinity, Sappa Peak, and Emmanuel.
In 1926 English was adopted as the church language and in 1928-1929 the present church was constructed. On March 11, 1978, Trinity Lutheran Church celebrated its ninetieth anniversary.
This collection consists of records of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Stamford, Nebraska, arranged into three series: 1) Records of Trinity Lutheran Church, 1888-1978; 2) Records of German Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 1899-1924; and 3) Miscellany, 1886-1950.
The bulk of the collection is contained in Series 1. Volume 1 of this series is the 90th Anniversary booklet of Trinity Lutheran Church which includes an interesting historical account of the church that gives not only important dates, but also tells how the church was affected by such things as crop failures, and anti-German sentiment during World War I. Also included are complete lists of pastors and confirmed members. The other four volumes are church registers which contain records of members, pastors, baptisms, confirmations, communions, weddings, deaths, and church council meetings. Volumes 2 and 4 hold the church constitution and Volume 4 also has a church history.
Series 2 consists of a church register from the German Emmanuel Lutheran Church which merged with Trinity Lutheran in 1925. This volume contains records of membership, baptisms, confirmations, communions, and deaths. The last inclusive date is 1924 which is the year before the merger.
Series 3 consists of a church register from St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Long Island, Kansas. This church was never a part of Trinity Lutheran, but in the infant baptism section of the register (page 112, 114) there are references to three people who transferred to Trinity Lutheran Church of Stamford, Nebraska.
This collection was loaned for microfilming in May of 1978. Part of the material is in German.
Series 1 – Records of Trinity Lutheran Church, 1888-1978
Reel 1
- 90th Anniversary Booklet, 1888-1978
- Church Register, 1888-1914
- Church Register, 1915-1924
- Church Register, 1888-1974
- Church Register, 1962-1978
Series 2 – Records of German Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 1899-1924
- Church Register, 1899-1924
Series 3 – Miscellaneous, 1886-1950
- Church Register of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Long Island, Kansas, 1886-1950
German Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Stamford, Neb.)
Germans in Nebraska
Harlan County (Neb.) — Churches
Lutheran Church in Kansas
Lutheran Church in Nebraska
Sappa Peak Lutheran Church (Stamford, Neb.)
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (Long Island, Kan.)
Stamford (Neb.) — Churches Trinity Lutheran Church (Stamford, Neb.)
Revised 11-01-2008 TMM