RG4076.AM: United Congregational Church, United Church of Christ (Grand Island, Neb.)
Records: 1887-1970
Grand Island, Hall County, Neb.: Congregational Church
Size: 21 volumes on 2 reels of microfilm
The First Congregational Church of Grand Island developed from a Sunday School begun in a store building in April of 1887, initiated by the Rev. J. D. Stewart, with 15 members. On June 16, 1887, the congregation was formally organized and the following year a church was constructed at 6th and Kimball Streets. The structure was remodeled in 1916.
In October of 1906 a group of Germans from Russia organized the Free Evangelical Lutheran Pilgrim Congregational Church, located at Vine and Division Streets. Services were continued there until 1956 when a declining membership led to a union with the Park Community Congregational Church. This congregation was organized in a newly developed part of the city in 1956 and met in the Dodge School Auditorium until its own facility was built at Oak and Bismark the following year.
In 1961 the Park Community Congregational Church and the First Congregational Church merged under the name of United Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ. The property of the First Congregational Church was sold and a new sanctuary was dedicated at 504 E. Bismark Street in 1964.
This collection of the records of the United Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ (Grand Island, Neb.) consists of 21 volumes on 2 reels of microfilm arranged in five subgroups: 1) Records of First Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.), 1887-1961; 2) Records of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Pilgrim Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.), 1908-1954; 3) Records of the Park Community Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.), 1956-1959; 4) Records of the United Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ (Grand Island, Neb.), 1961-1970; and 5) Historical Data.
The first four subgroups contain registers of members, baptisms, marriages and burials as well as minutes of meetings from the three churches and the fourth which was formed from their merger. The records of the First Congregational Church (subgroup 1) also contains minutes and treasurers’ books of the Dorcas Society, a women’s fellowship organization. Subgroup 5 includes photocopies of historical sketches and other material compiled by clerks and historians of the various congregations. This material was loaned for microfilming in January of 1982.
Subgroup 1: Records of First Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.), 1887-1961
Series 1 – Record books, 1887-1961
Reel 1
- 1887-1925
- 1937-1952
- 1954-1958
- 1959-1961
Series 2 – Minute books, 1899-1923
Reel 1
- 1899-1919
- 1920-1923
Series 3 – Records of the Dorcas Society, 1916-1961
Reel 1
- Minutes, 1916-1924
- Minutes, 1924-1929
- Minutes, 1929-1935
- Minutes, 1935-1942
- Minutes, 1943-1958
Reel 2
- Minutes, 1958-1961
- Treasurer’s Book, 1915-1925
- Treasurer’s Book, 1926-1931
- Treasurer’s Book, 1938-1956
- Treasurer’s Book, 1956-1961
Subgroup 2 – Records of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Pilgrim Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.), 1908-1954
Series 1 – Minutes, 1908-1954
Reel 2
- 1908-1936
- 1936-1954
Subgroup 3 – Records of the Park Community Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.), 1956-1959
Series 1 – Minutes, 1956-1959
Reel 2
- 1956-1957
- 1956-1959
Subgroup 4 – Records of the United Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ (Grand Island, Neb.), 1961-1970
Series 1 – Records, 1961-1970
Reel 2
- 1961-1970
Subgroup 5 – Historical Material
Reel 2
- Various historical materials
Congragational Church in Nebraska
Evangelical Church in Nebraska
First Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.)
Free Evangelical Lutheran Pilgrim Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.)
German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Nebraska
Germans from Russia
Grand Island (Neb.) — Churches
Hall County (Neb.) — Churches
Park Community Congregational Church (Grand Island, Neb.)
United Church of Christ in Nebraska
United Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ (Grand Island, Neb.)
Women in Nebraska
Revised 10-03-2008 TMM