RG4023.AM: Yankee Hill Cemetery (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Records: 1868-1980
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska
Size: 0.25 cu.ft.; 1 box and 1 reel of microfilm
Yankee Hill Cemetery is located in the northwest corner of section 10, township 9N, range 6W in Yankee Hill Precinct, Lancaster County, just southwest of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska. It is near the site where a trail from Nebraska City to Fort Kearny crossed Salt Creek, and there is evidence for burials there beginning in the late 1840’s. The exact date for the organization of the cemetery association is not known. The cemetery was originally known as Pleasant Hill. On October 30, 1926, the organization formally adopted the name of Yankee Hill Cemetery Association.
This collection of the records of the Yankee Hill Cemetery Association consists of 4 volumes arranged in one series: 1) Records, 1868-1980. Volume 1 is a Burial Register arranged by section and lot numbers. It has alphabetical surname indexes to burials and lot owners and is on microfilm only. It was loaned for filming by the Yankee Hill Cemetery Association in December 1980.
Volume 2 is a Register of Burials, 1968-1977, arranged partly by Block and Lot Number and partly by date of burial. The information from this book was recopied into Volume 1 above. Volume 3 consists of minutes of the cemetery association dating from 1920 to 1938. The last volume contains assessments for lots, 1922-1926.
The manuscript volumes in the collection were donated by the Cemetery Association in December 1980.
Series 1 – Yankee Hill Cemetery Records, 1868-1980
Reel 1
- Register of Burials, 1868-1980 (arranged alphabetically by surname)
Box 1
- Register of Burials, 1968-1977 (arranged partly by Block and Lot number and partly by date of burial)
- Minutes of the Cemetery Association, 1920-1938
- Assessments for Lots, 1922-1926
Subject headings:
Cemeteries — Nebraska — Lancaster County
Lancaster County (Nebraska) — Cemeteries
Pleasant Hill Cemetery (Lincoln, Nebraska)
APD/lm 03-30-1981