William E. “Pussyfoot” Johnson [RG2092.AM]


RG2092.AM:  William E. “Pussyfoot” Johnson, 1862-1945

Papers:  1925-1943

New York and Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska:  Prohibitionist

Size:  One folder


Born in New York in 1862, William E. “Pussyfoot” Johnson spent his formative years as a rural school teacher in Dodge County, Nebraska, and as a student at the University of Nebraska.  He also worked as a businessman in Lincoln, Nebraska, for a time.  Johnson was active in journalism and public speaking as a student, and later worked for the Lincoln Daily News.  Johnson, a staunch supporter of Prohibition, became widely known for his views on alcohol.  In 1906, Johnson was appointed as a special U.S. Marshall in Oklahoma to suppress the illegal sale of liquor.  It was here that he gained national renown and his colorful nickname, “Pussyfoot.”  Johnson spent the rest of his career traveling the world and promoting temperance and prohibition.  He eventually retired to Chenango County, New York, and died in 1945.


This collection consists of one folder containing several documents relating to noted Prohibitionist, William E. “Pussyfoot” Johnson.  Included in the collection are two typed transcripts of letters written by Johnson to T.F.A. Williams, describing various events in his life.  Also included are two addresses of welcome presented to Johnson during his tours to promote Prohibition, and a memorandum written by Johnson relating to his experiences in Norway in 1925.



    1. Memorandum relating to experiences in Norway, 1925

    1. Letter typescript from Johnson to T.F.A. Williams relating to business activities in Lincoln, March 30, 1943

    1. Letter typescript from Johnson to T.F.A. Williams regarding his father and time spent in Omaha, April 21, 1943

    1. Typed address presented to Johnson at Centenary Hall, Madras, India, by the Ebenezer Lodge no. 22, International Order of Good Templars, February 28, 1929

    1. Address of welcome signed by sixty citizens of Delhi, India, on the occasion of Johnson’s first visit to the city (see oversize)


Subject headings:

Johnson, William Eugene (Pussyfoot), 1862-1945

Lincoln (Neb.) — History

Omaha (Neb.) — History




TMM      03-16-2021


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