Nebraska Historic Tax Credit NHTC

Latest News

July 1, 2024


The Nebraska Historic Tax Credit program relaunched and began accepting new applications on September 5, 2023. The re-launch comes with
changes to the program. As of July 2024 there was approximately $55 million in credits available.



About NHTC

The Nebraska State Historic Tax Credit (NHTC) was initiated in 2015 and reinstated in 2023 under the Nebraska Job Creation and Main Street Redevelopment Act.  The NHTC provides a state tax credit of up to 25% of qualified rehabilitation expenditures in counties with cities of the metropolitan or primary class and 30% in all other counties. Annually, $2 million is allocated by the Nebraska Legislature on the first day of the calendar year.  Individual projects are capped at $2 million.  The availability of the NHTC has encouraged investment in historic resources in rural communities and urban cores throughout Nebraska.

Are you interested in learning about completed NHTC projects? View our StoryMap here for more information!

The NHTC program consists of a 5-part application process. The Nebraska State Historical Society reviews parts 1-3. The Nebraska Department of Revenue approves parts 4 and 5.

Basic Requirements

  • A NHTC Part 2 application must be submitted prior to the commencement of work (with minimal exceptions).
  • Buildings must be a historically significant real property at the time of final approval. The building must be:
    • Individually listed on the National Register, or
    • A contributing resource in a historic district listed on the National Register, or
    • Individually designated pursuant a landmark ordinance enacted by a political subdivision, or
    • Located within a district designated pursuant a landmark ordinance enacted by a political subdivision.
    • A local government, through a Historic Preservation Ordinance, can help properties gain eligibility to
      the NHTC. To learn more, please contact us or visit our webpage on the CLG program.
  • Private single-family detached residences do not qualify for the NHTC program.
  • Eligible project expenditures must equal at least $5,000.
  • All work must meet the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. This will be determined by the NeSHPO during the review process.

Before You Apply

Applicants apply online via the NHTC website application. Please read the NHTC online application instructions before applying. In addition, applicants are encouraged to consult early and often with the NeSHPO in the planning stages of the project.

This guidance document is advisory in nature but is binding on the Nebraska State Historical Society until amended by such agency. A guidance document does not include internal procedural documents that only affect the internal operations of the agency and does not impose additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties or include confidential information or rules and regulations made in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act. If you believe that this guidance document imposes additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties, you may request a review of the document.

Part 1 - Historic Structure Certification

The NHTC Part 1 determines the subject property as a historically significant real property for the purpose of the program. All online applications require a completed Part 1 application, including properties individually listed on the National Register.

Required Materials (except for properties individually listed on the National Register)

  • A narrative description and statement of significance.
  • Exterior photos documenting each elevation and interior photos of significant spaces. All photos must follow the digital photograph guidelines found at the application instructions.
  • A PDF photo site key which follows the digital photograph guidelines found in the application instructions.
  • A PDF map with the subject property clearly labeled.
  • A PDF of the Certified Local Ordinance designation (if applicable).


Part 2 - Qualified Rehabilitation Approval

The NHTC Part 2 determines if the proposed rehabilitation will meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, and will thus qualify for an allocation of credits.

Upon submission of a Part 2 application, the applicant will need to pay a Part 2 application fee. This fee is 0.8% of the total credits requested, and must be paid prior to the review of a Part 2 application. The web application will auto-generate an invoice upon completion of the Part 2 application. The Part 2 application is considered incomplete until the application fee is paid. Applicants can pay their application fee via credit card by calling 402-471-9797, or by mailing a check to the Nebraska State Historical Society, 1500 R Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-1651.

Once you have an approved Part 2 on file with the NeSHPO, any changes to the proposed scope of work must be submitted for approval via an amendment before those changes are implemented.

Nebraska Historic Tax Credit Amendment Form

Required Materials:

  • Narrative description of existing conditions and proposed work.
  • A set of interior and exterior photographs which follow the digital guidelines found in the application instructions
  • A PDF photo site key which follows the digital photograph guidelines found in the application instructions
  • A PDF copy of a map with the subject property clearly labeled
  • A PDF copy of architectural drawings or plans, scaled to fit on 11′ x 17″ paper
  • A completed cost estimate form
  • A PDF copy of the property’s current property tax statement or property record card.
Part 3 - Completed Rehabilitation Approval

An NHTC Part 3 must be submitted within 12 months of the building being placed in service. If Part 3 is not submitted within 12 months, the project will not be issued a credit. The NHTC Part 3 application determines if all the completed work on the subject property conforms to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The Part 3 application becomes available only after the NeSHPO approves a complete Part 2 application. The applicant must submit a complete Part 3 application within 12 months of when all approved work is complete, and the subject property is placed into service. Once a Part 3 application is approved, the applicant may begin the process with the Department of Revenue to verify eligible expenses and to calculate, distribute, and use the allocated tax credits.

Upon submission of a Part 3 application, the applicant will need to pay a Part 3 application fee. This fee is 0.2% of the total credits requested. The web application will auto-generate an invoice upon completion of the Part 3 application. The Part 3 application is considered incomplete until the application fee is paid. Applicants can pay their application fee via credit card by calling 402-471-9797, or by mailing a check to the Nebraska State Historical Society, 1500 R Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508-1651.

After the NeSHPO has reviewed and approved the NHTC Part 3, the Nebraska Department of Revenue (NDR) will review and certify the project expenses. The applicant will have to submit a Part 4 and Part 5 application along with a Schedule I and II to NDR.

Additional Information

For further information regarding the NHTC, please contact:

Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
Michael Sothan, Historic Tax Credit Coordinator
[email protected]


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About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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