What We Found
Crime in Seward County, Nebraska, 1869-1908
A Cold Field in December: The Tragedy of State Sheriff William Flake
Postscript: Who Is the Bad Man in this Photo?
Start Your Engines: Nebraska Stock Car Racing Photograph by the Harold Mauck Studio
The Desegregation of the Lincoln Municipal Swimming Pool
“Over Hill, Over Dale”: A Nineteenth Century Biography of Omaha’s Military Road Network
Postscript: The Return of Car 7-11
The Oglala Lakota and the Atkinson-O’Fallon Treaty of 1825
Lakota Statesmen and the Horse Creek Treaty of 1851
Postscript: The First Horse Creek Treaty Marker
The “Flagpole Affair” at Red Cloud Agency: An Incident in the Cultural Transition of the Oglala Lakota
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