What We Found
Major Fenner and the Clemenceau Cannon
The Editor’s Table (Part 1): A Nebraska Contribution to Peace; Governor Griswold; A Memory Train Through Nebraska; Fifty Years in Custer County; Additions to Historical Library
Superintendent’s Annual Address and Reports
Memorials to the Sioux Indians
The Story of the Oglala and Brule Sioux in the Pine Ridge Country in the Middle Seventies
Memorials to the Sioux Indians (Part 2): Why Remember the Indian?; A Memorial to the Sioux Nation; After Wounded Knee: A Recollection; People’s Memorials, and Their Monuments; They Who Create: Stories of the Borglums
Memorials to the Sioux Indians (Part 3): Congressman Commends Sioux Memorial, Shallenberger and Massacre Canyon Monument, Dwight Griswold, Sioux Grievances at Pine Ridge Agency, Letter from Captain Cook, Captain Cook and the Indians, Sioux Indian Memorials
Red Cloud and the US Flag
Addresses at Annual Meeting 1940: The Trail-Making Urge; The Pony Express Trail: Its Dramatic Story; Childhood Memories of My Father’s Experiences; A Map Study of Nebraska Trails; The Pony Express Trail: Its Markings in Nebraska
History’s Place in the Nebraska Country Press
The DAR Rescue of Early Lancaster County Records
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