What We Found
Prelude to the Little Bighorn: Failure of the Allison Commission, Fall 1875
David Oscar Luse – Murdered or Killed in Self-Defense?
Postscript: Doc Middleton
Postscript: Union Pacific World Premiere in Omaha, 1939
A Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Story Played Out in Western Nebraska in 1968
“The Fever-Heated and Blood-Hot Abolitionists of Falls City”: Southeast Nebraska and the Battle for Bleeding Kansas
Music Echoed from the Buttes: Fort Robinson’s Buffalo Soldier Bands, 1887-1907
When Music and Paleontology Meet at the National Music Museum
More Edric Eaton Photos from History Nebraska’s Collection
Postscript: Japanese Professional Baseball Began in? Lincoln?
Excavating Edric Eaton: Omaha’s Pioneer Photographer
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