What We Found
The Military Career of Robert W Furnas
The Plattsmouth Letters of Cyrus Woodman, 1869-1870
The Second Nebraska’s “Battle” of Chickamauga
The Importance of Fences to the American Pioneer
The Story of Mud Springs
Marking the Grave of Alexander Culbertson
An 1850 Gold Rush letter from Fort Laramie by A C Sponsler, a Thayer County Pioneer
Charles G Dawes and the Nebraska Freight Rate Fight
Robert W Furnas as Omaha Indian Agent, 1864-1866 (Part 1)
Fifty Years a Country Publisher: A Reminiscence
P A Rydberg’s “Report of a Botanical Exploration, Made in Western Nebraska in the Summer of 1891, as a Special Agent of the Department of Agriculture”
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