What We Found
Soldiering in the Platte Valley, 1865: A Nebraska Cavalryman’s Diary
Post Script: Taking the Census 100 Years Ago
Letters from Home: Prisoner of War Mail at the Fort Robinson Camp during World War II
Signing the Pledge: George B Skinner and the Red Ribbon Club of Lincoln
Camp Sheridan, Nebraska: The Uncommonly Quiet Post on Beaver Creek
Nebraska Football and Michael Oriard’s Bowled Over: A Review Essay
Postscript: Willa Cather: A Matter of Appearances
African-Americans in Nebraska: Introduction
“Equality Before the Law”: Thoughts on the Origin of Nebraska’s State Motto
Always on My Mind: Frederick Douglass’s Nebraska Sister
“A Double Mixture”: Equality and Economy in the Integration of Nebraska Schools, 1858-1883
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