Marker Text
Austin was named in honor of Simeon Austin, a circuit rider. In 1877 Austin post office was established on the farm of Oliver S. Brown and continued until 1919. The Union Pacific Railroad arrived in 1886; the Austin siding was built halfway between Loup City and Rockville in 1902 and removed in 1985. Although it was never incorporated, Austin had a store, 1906-31; church, 1907-46; blacksmith shop, 1916-19; stockyards and office; grain elevator; corn crib; coal bin; and several homes. Austin Irrigation functioned from 1913 to 1926. Picnics and ball games were held in a nearby grove.
District No. 2, the first rural school in Sherman County, was established on November 15, 1873. After 125 years of serving the Austin community it closed in June 1998 after educating the last eligible student in the district. Austin was the last rural school to close in Sherman County and had been located on three different sites in three different buildings.
All that remains of Austin today is the cemetery established in 1886, and located one mile southeast of here.
Rural Nebraska 58, Rockville, Sherman County, Nebraska View this marker’s location 41.202247, -98.91130