National Preservation Act Celebrating 50th Year

LR458, a resolution to acknowledge the 50th year of the National Historic Preservation Act, was passed March 9 by the Nebraska State Legislature.

Preservation50 Poster



The Act authorized the establishment of the major federal historic preservation programs and participation at the state level.  The following year the Nebraska Legislature accepted the provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act and assigned the Nebraska State Historical Society to administer the state’s historic preservation program.  This state/federal partnership has since expanded to include local governments and Tribal initiatives in historic preservation. 
The state’s program has also grown to identify and address the needs specific to the state, including the state income tax credit, a property tax valuation incentive for owners of historic properties that are rehabilitated and investment in “main street” communities and urban centers.  The resolution was introduced by Senator Jerry Johnson of Wahoo (District 23).  Co-sponsors were Mark Kolterman of Seward (District 24); John Stinner of Gering (District 48); and Matt Williams of Gothenburg (District 36). Here is the full text of the resolution:

ONE HUNDRED FOURTH LEGISLATURE SECOND SESSION LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION 458 Introduced by Johnson, 23; Kolterman, 24; Stinner, 48; Williams, 36. WHEREAS, the National Historic Preservation Act (P. L. 89-665) was signed into law by  President  Lyndon  B.  Johnson  on  October  15, 1966, thereby establishing the framework for inventorying and preserving America’s historic buildings, districts, landscapes, and archeological sites; and WHEREAS, the Nebraska Legislature accepted the provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act the following year and selected the Nebraska State Historical society to fulfill the state’s responsibilities under the Act; and WHEREAS, this partnership has allowed Nebraska’s preservation program to identify and address the needs specific to our state, including a state income tax  credit,  a property tax valuation  incentive  for owners of historic properties that are rehabilitated,  and investment in “main street” communities and urban centers; and WHEREAS, this state and federal partnership has since expanded to include local governments and tribal initiatives in historic preservation; and WHEREAS, the Nebraska State Historical Society today maintains a statewide comprehensive survey and inventory representing all of Nebraska’s 93 counties and over 92,888 places significant in Nebraska prehistory and history; and WHEREAS, the National Register of Historic Places, also created by the National  Historic  Preservation  Act,  contains  more  than  1,888 historic properties and districts in Nebraska; and WHEREAS, the Nebraska State Historical Society has developed an effective and efficient means to avoid or mitigate the impacts of federal projects on Nebraska’s historic places; and WHEREAS, federal historic tax credits have resulted in the rehabilitation of hundreds of historic buildings for a diversity of housing and commercial uses in downtowns and older neighborhoods in Nebraska communities large and small;   and WHEREAS, community  development, diversity,  heritage  tourism,  and local pride of   place are critical components  of   the state  program;   and WHEREAS, the  State  of   Nebraska joins   with  thousands  of   public, private, and    nonprofit  sector   partners  in  commemorating the   50th    anniversary  of    the National   Historic    Preservation   Act     throughout   2016     under     the    banner    of “Preservation50”   to    celebrate    the   first   five    decades  of      the      nation’s preservation   program and   to  ensure  a   strong  future  for  historic   preservation efforts. NOW, THEREFORE,  BE IT  RESOLVED BY  THE  MEMBERS  OF  THE  ONE HUNDRED  FOURTH LEGISLATURE   OF  NEBRASKA,  SECOND  SESSION:

  1. That  the  Legislature   hereby acknowledges the  national,    state,  local, and   tribal   partnerships established by   the  National  Historic   Preservation   Act during  the  year of   the 50th anniversary  of   its  passage.
  1. That   a   copy   of   this  resolution be   sent  to  the United states  Secretary of   the Interior,   the Director of   the  National Park   Service,  the  Preservation50 Advisory   Committee,   the    Advisory  Council   on   Historic  Preservation,   and    the Nebraska     State   Historical   Society,   as   an    expression   of    the  Legislature’s appreciation  for  the  significance  of    the  Act    and   its many  benefits   for  the people of   the State of   Nebraska.




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