The Cornhusker State Games recently brought athletes from all over Nebraska to the Capital
City. Although these games are only a few years old, statewide athletic contests are nothing
new. Both amateur and semi-pro baseball clubs from across Nebraska signed up for the first
all-state competition in 1935.
“Entries are rolling in at a snappy pace, indicating to the tourney director, Charles N. Moon, that
the full quota of thirty-two teams will be down on the line by the end of next week. The count
to date discloses that nine club managers have given definite notice of intention to compete in
the first state competition ever staged in Nebraska. The list includes six Lincoln clubs all
members of the Capital city amateur league, plus Wisner, Oakland, and Irvington from the
northeast section of the state. The City league entrants are: Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power,
Roberts Dairy, Hardy Furniture, Woods Furniture, Ways’ Inn, Yellow Jackets.
“Meantime, western Nebraska baseball folks are sitting up and taking notice, as Director Moon
is in receipt of a request for tournament information from the North Platte Storz Triumph club.
Nebraska City’s strong independent team, the Otoes, is a probable entrant and Director Moon
anticipates receipt of the Otoes’ entry blank, duly signed, within the next few days.
“The Oakland, Nebraska club, managed by ‘Cheese’ Lindbergh, former Nebraska State League
umpire, is one of the formidable aggregations of the northeast Nebraska section, its record for
1934 listing twenty-six victories against twelve defeats.
“Tournament regulations provide that the ten high clubs will share in the division of the cash
spoils, the winner to represent Nebraska in the national semipro tournament during August at
Wichita, all expenses paid.
In addition to the money rewards, the same ten teams will receive trophy cups, while several
additional trophies will be passed out to the leading individual players. Each member of the
championship team will receive a gold baseball, suitable for watch charm purposes. All
trophies will be on exhibition, beginning Sunday, in the Lawlor Sporting Goods Store windows,
1118 O Street.”