What We Found
Urge Man, Ga Westerut (Young Man Go Westward)
Nebraska Public School Education, 1890-1910
Bookwalter, Agricultural Commune in Nebraska
Age and Sex Compositions of the Population on the Nebraska Frontier, 1860-1880
Nebraska History in Graduate Theses
Quaker Report on Indian Agencies – Contents: Introduction; Report; Pawnees; Iowas, Sacs and Foxes; Otoes and Missourias; Santee Sioux; The Winnebago Agency; The General Condition, Habits and Manners of the Indians; Indian Peculiarities and Superstitions; Some Disconnected Incidents Attending the Indians and Our Journey; Views Entertained of the “Quaker Experiment”; A Universal Verdict, from the Omaha Daily Herald, August 29, 1869; Excerpt from the New York Weekly Tribune of 9th Mo 29th, 1869; Means of Improving the Indians; How To Visit All the Reservations; Appendix [from the Omaha Herald] The Indians and The Friends
Battle of Massacre Canyon (The)
A B Persinger, Nebraska Panhandle Pioneer
Archival Program at the Nebraska State Historical Society (The)
Problems Arising from Shifts of the Missouri River on the Eastern Border of Nebraska
Can Nebraska or Any State Regulate Railroads?
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