What We Found
Gray Wolf (The): Tom Dennison of Omaha
Mormon Bride in the Great Migration (A)
Minutes of Vigilance Committee, Florence, Nebraska, May 29-July 30,1857
Pioneer Pharmacist J Walter Moyer’s Notes on Crawford and Fort Robinson in the 1890’s
Joseph Barker and the 1868 Union Pacific Railroad Excursion from Omaha
Table Rock Opera House (The), 1893-1900: A Small-Town Community Center
Letters of Pastor Christian Helmreich: Establishing a Lutheran Congregation in Weyerts, Nebraska, 1887-1888
William Jennings Bryan’s Plans for World Peace
Hogan Ouren in Nebraska and Colorado, 1861-1866
Missouri River Journal of Leonard W Gilchrist (The): 1866
Amanda Lamin-Devonshire, England: or Amanda Lamme-Marthasville, Missouri
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