What We Found
Will the Real Progressive Stand Up? William Jennings Bryan and Theodore Roosevelt to 1909
Four Engineers on the Missouri: Long, Fremont, Humphreys, and Warren
German-Language Newspapers in Nebraska, 1860-1890
Dawes-Pershing Relationship During World War I (The)
Strength and Stability on the Middle Border: Lee Lawrie’s Sculpture for the Nebraska State Capitol
Council Bluffs Road (The): A New Perspective on the Northern Branch of the Great Platte River Road
Nebraska’s Oral Law of 1911 and the Deaf Community
Burlington Railroad Telegrapher (A), Joseph Harmon Ballengee
Congressional Medal of Honor for a Nebraska Soldier (A): The Case of Private Francis W Lohnes
Touch of Civilization (A): Culture and Education in the Frontier Army
Fort Niobrara, 1880-1906: Guardian of the Rosebud Sioux
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