This Easter postcard is from Nebraska State Historical Society collections. NSHS 9857566 (above).
What is Easter without eggs, if not the genuine article, then at least egg-shaped candy? By the early twentieth century, the use of the modern chocolate-making process and improved mass manufacturing methods meant that the chocolate Easter egg was fast replacing the natural product.
The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal said on April 5, 1907: “The modern youngster may find “the ‘henless’ Easter egg is winning out and the old hen is being pushed aside from another sphere of industry. The sale of candy Easter eggs and other Easter novelties this year indicates that they are on a rising tide of popularity.”
The News-Journal reported that a local candy manufacturing and wholesaling company, Faucett, Carney, & Hager, had filled 435 orders for “special Easter goods. . . . These orders came from candy dealers throughout their territory. Dealers cleared out their stock and sent in hurry orders for more candy eggs and engaging looking candy rabbits. Norfolk merchants did an increased business in Easter candy novelties this month.
“The array of goods carried at the local candy factory is calculated to gladden the youthful heart. It ranges from the tiniest of candy eggs to mechanical baskets that are made to retail at $7.50. These baskets are topped with mechanical toys of the Easter variety and hold several hundred Easter eggs of the ‘penny’ size. They would provide a feast for a whole Sunday school.”
– Patricia C. Gaster, Assistant Editor / Publications