Othman A. Abbott (1842-1935), a practicing lawyer at Grand Island beginning in 1867, was not only one of Nebraska's influential pioneer lawyers but also one of the ...
Sisters Edith and Grace Abbott made unique contributions to education and social work not only in Nebraska but on a national and international level. Edith Abbott became ...
Baseball was a popular leisure activity for boys and young men in Nebraska during the 1890s and early 1900s. Small towns often fielded teams, giving rise to strong ...
The silver anniversary of the admission of Nebraska into the Union was celebrated in Lincoln on May 25 and 26, 1892. According to Transactions and Reports, published by ...
Nebraska lawyer Othman Abbott and his wife, early settlers in Grand Island, shared an interest in women's rights. In his Recollections of a Pioneer Lawyer, published by ...
The English sparrow is one of the most common birds in Nebraska and in the United States. Originally found in England and northern Europe, the sparrow was brought to ...
The Grand Island Sugar Palace was erected in 1890 to commemorate the birth of the state's sugar beet industry. Patterned after the Sioux City Corn Palace, the building ...
Pioneer lawyer Othman A. Abbott of Hall County was Nebraska's first lieutenant governor and a member of the constitutional conventions of 1871 and 1875. In 1928 Abbott ...
In April of 1895 Mr. and Mrs. H. Darwin McIlrath pedaled west from Chicago, determined to circle the world on bicycles. During their journey, sponsored by the Chicago ...
Labor Day is a day of rest for most of us--the last holiday of the summer. But Nebraska's first Labor Day, a hundred years ago, offered little respite for those who ...
Nebraska law prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages effective May 1917, two years before the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlawed ...
From a letter written June 13, 1854, by D. A. Chapman, correspondent of the Troy (New York) Whig, and reprinted in the New York Tribune, July 3, 1854: "I have just ...