Surviving images and artistic renditions of Oregon-California Trail scenes are rare. A collection of previously unknown views by Arkansas artist William Minor Quesenbury ...
The Depression years of the 1930s were hard times for many Nebraskans. Yet it was also atime of hope and expanding horizons. Personal transportation, in the form of ...
From a letter written June 13, 1854, by D. A. Chapman, correspondent of the Troy (New York) Whig, and reprinted in the New York Tribune, July 3, 1854: "I have just ...
Over seven hundred travelers along the Great Platte River Road left journals or diaries about their experiences in going West. These documents often have a vividness ...
Most of us take road maps for granted. It's easy for today's travelers to get a clear map to guidethem on their way. Not so with early voyagers across Nebraska's "sea of ...
Lawlessness along the Overland Trail to Oregon and California, according to Merrill Mattes, author of The Great Platte River Road, was relatively low. There were no ...
Cartoon depicting Lincoln sportswriter “Cy” Sherman reflecting on Nebraska nicknames. The cartoon was drawn by George Hartman and appeared in the 1939 Almanac for ...
Our Historical Markers across Nebraska highlight fascinating moments and places in our state's past.
Today we're focusing on the North Platte Valley's trio of ...
One of Nebraska’s most iconic landmarks is getting some daily attention from two Sandhills photographers and over 3,000 of their fans. Friends and photography partners ...
Caption: Ezra Meeker and his ox team at Chimney Rock, July 1906. NSHS RG0959.PH5-1
One hundred ten years ago in July 1906 Ezra Meeker stopped at Chimney ...
The right portion of this house shows a remnant of an earlier, lower gable, indicating that the house was originally built with a low roof (like the house in the left ...
#1 Chimney Rock
Feel the awe and curiosity the pioneers experienced when they saw the most famous landmark on the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails.