The first white settlers in Adams County were Mortimer "Wild Bill" Kress and Jerome "California Joe" Fouts, who entered the area in 1869 and located claims on the Little ...
The world is full of great ideas, but sometimes the best are ignored. One example involves the case of an extraordinarily efficient stove that was widely introduced by ...
The young city of Lincoln in 1877 offered its citizens many forms of recreation, including roller skating. The Daily State Journal, March 30, 1877, described local ...
Sidney in Cheyenne County was laid out in the fall of 1867 at the time of the completion of the Union Pacific Railroad. Though prosperous as a frontier town, it had a ...
The first street railway in Lincoln went into operation in 1883. The Daily State Journal on November 3 of that year included this account:
"Mr. Durfee was busily ...
The September 23, 1884, issue of The Daily State Journal at Lincoln included the following account of a local wedding: "Late Saturday evening H. E. Noble, the artist, ...
During the grasshopper infestations of the mid-1870s, Nebraska boosters were hesitant to advertise the state's distress, fearing that immigration and investment would be ...
Eight times between 1857 and 1875 some parts of Nebraska were visited by grasshoppers. The greatest grasshopper raid came on July 20, 21, and 22, 1874, with crops almost ...
In November of 1884, Grover Cleveland narrowly defeated Republican James G. Blaine to become the first Democrat to be elected President since 1856. The tumultuous ...
Young love, traditionally celebrated on Valentine's Day, springs up throughout the year--and through the years. From Lincoln's Daily State Journal, November 14, 1877: ...
Fire fighting in Nebraska's pioneer communities was almost always difficult. The Daily State Journal (Lincoln) of May 12, 1878, reported of a small fire near the ...
The Daily State Journal of Lincoln on July 1, 1884, remarked on the upcoming Independence Day: "As it has been decided that Lincoln will not celebrate the glorious ...