Every election has its hot issues. Deficits and radioactive waste may confront us now, buthere's what voters in 1890 faced:
"The greatest question ever before the ...
In November of 1884, Grover Cleveland narrowly defeated Republican James G. Blaine to become the first Democrat to be elected President since 1856. The tumultuous ...
The 1891 election for Nebraska Supreme Court judge was an unusual contest. The People's Independent convention was held August 18, 1891, at Hastings. The nominees ...
Rock Bluff, Cass County, during territorial days was one of Nebraska's thriving river towns although almost nothing of it remains today. The town was founded January 6, ...
An election year is a good time to recall oddities from Nebraska elections and politicians of the past.
The youngest governor in Nebraska history was Albinus ...
Prohibition was a major issue for Nebraska voters in 1886. While railroads, currency, and tariff reform were debated, the real political interest on the state level was ...
In this election year, Nebraska has been host to the President, the Vice-president, and amultitude of other national political figures. The campaigners have been whisked ...
On July 14, 1913, Gerald R. Ford, then named Leslie King, Jr., was born in Omaha, the only person ever born in Nebraska who became president of the United States. ...
In this centennial year of William Jennings Bryan's first campaign for the presidency, his career has been reviewed in an exhibit at the Nebraska History Museum, in ...
Nebraskans at the polls this November will mark standardized printed ballots. But this precise regularity of ballots has not always been the case. In Nebraska's early ...
A World War I poster featuring Gen. John J. Pershing. NSHS 13000-3565 (at left).
World War I did not produce a military hero who became President, but it did launch ...
Prohibition was the law of the land by 1920, but the Prohibition Party was still uneasy. As the presidential campaign season got underway, they feared that neither a ...