As you may have gleaned from perusing previous blogs, History Nebraska houses a fairly large collection of artwork and other items from the late Nebraska artist John Falter. Falter was a highly successful and influential illustrator from the 1930s until his death in 1982. During the past year we’ve been cataloging all the Falter items in the museum collection and came across sketches and order forms for novelty ties that Falter designed. These sketches depict whimsical ties that show off Falter’s talent as an artist but also his sense of humor. Unfortunately, our collection did not include any of the finished products so the search was on! After a few months our eagle-eyed intern found one on eBay and we pounced on it and are now the proud owners of the “Rope’s End” tie pictured above.
An order form for the novelty ties designed by John Falter. The ties could be ordered through George Falter Clothier in Atchison, Kansas. George was John’s father and owned clothing stores in Atchison and Falls City, Nebraska. Falter was known to research his works thoroughly and do many preparatory sketches. Enjoy the sketches of our tie below as well as others from the series–and a few that didn’t make it.
Why Not Buy a Novelty Tie?
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