A. Ferdinand Verges [RG4440.AM]


RG4440.AM:  A. Ferdinand Verges, 1833-1900

Diary:  1871-1880

Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska:  Farmer; physician

Size:  Two items


Born in Germany on August 21, 1833, A. Ferdinand Verges came to the United States around 1852.  He lived in Chicago and practiced medicine before moving to Omaha, Nebraska, in 1868. In 1869 he took a trip to the Elkhorn Valley area and purchased land in Pierce County, about ten miles north of Norfolk, Nebraska.  Dr. Verges broke sod and worked the land, as well as serving as the only country doctor in the area.  He made his residence on the homestead until 1881 when he moved to Norfolk, Nebraska.  In the Nebraska State Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1882-1883, he is listed as a Homeopathic Physician. 

Dr. Verges acquired large property interests in Norfolk and the surrounding area.  Having come from an area of Germany known for raising sugar beets, he visited the Grand Island sugar beet factory and determined that a similar facility could be built at Norfolk.  He contributed nearly $5000 towards the building of the sugar beet refinery at Norfolk.  He also contributed to the street car lines, electric light plant and other public improvements around Norfolk.

Dr. Verges married Augusta Marquardt, and the couple had three children, Minnie, Anna and Charles.  Augusta died in 1887 and Dr. Verges remarried.  He and his second wife, Mary (Marie) Blattermann, had a daughter, Mary.  Verges’ second wife died in 1891.  Dr. Ferdinand Verges died in Norfolk on April 1, 1900.  He is buried in Prospect Hill Cemetery at Norfolk, Nebraska, beside his wives.

Note:  For a more detailed description of Verges’ farming and business life, see The Norfolk Daily News, March 3, 1900, p. 2.  Dr. Verges’ obituary appears in The Norfolk Daily News, April 2, 1900, p. 3, col. 3.


This collection consists of two items, the farm diary of A. Ferdinand Verges, 1871-1880, in German, and a typed translation by H.L. Weingart.  The diary relates to Verges’ farming experiences near Norfolk and in Pierce County, Nebraska.  The entries are mostly brief and relate to day-to-day affairs and activities dating from 1871 to 1880.



    1. Diary of A. Ferdinand Verges, 1871-1880 (in German)

    1. Diary translation by H.L. Weingart


Subject headings:

Agricultural laborers — Nebraska

Farm life — Nebraska

Germans in Nebraska

Madison County (Nebraska) — History

Norfolk (Nebraska) — History

Pierce County (Nebraska) — History

Verges, A. Ferdinand, 1833-1900


JEP/pjm                09-14-1977

Revised TMM        04-19-2019

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