A New Day: Beyond ERA (Lincoln, Neb.), 1982 [RG4146.AM]


RG4146.AM: A New Day: Beyond ERA (Lincoln, Neb.), 1982

Papers: 1982, May-July
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.: Public gathering of ERA Supporters
Size: 0.25 cu.ft.; 1 box


When it became apparent that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) would fall short of state ratification by the June 30, 1982 deadline, the National Women’s Conference Committee (NWCC) initiated plans for a day of nationwide celebration to express their renewed vigor and commitment to the principals embodied in the amendment. Choosing July 1, 1982 as “A New Day: Beyond E.R.A.,” the NWCC organized events in Washington, D.C. and encouraged local groups to organize events to coincide with the celebration in the nation’s capitol.

In Lincoln, the newly formed Women’s Legislative Caucus initiated planning on the local level. Ann Raschke and Emily Schmale became coordinators of the Lincoln event. They planned and held a rally on the north steps of the State Capitol at noon on July 1, 1982. The rally, which attracted over 300 supporters, included speeches by Lincoln Mayor Helen G. Boosalis; E.S. Burden; UNL Professor of English, June Levine; Rosemary Machacek; State Senator Shirley Marsh; Hugh Shanks; Rev. Otis Young; and Ruth Thone with performances by Nancy Marshall and Cindy Zubie. This event was considered a success by its organizers.


This collection consists of one box of manuscript materials arranged in four series: 1) Organizational Materials; 2) Publicity Materials; 3) Minutes, Agendas, and Budgets; and 4) Miscellany. The collection relates to the planning and implementation of the July 1, 1982 “A New Day: Beyond E.R.A.” All of the materials in the collection were produced during May-July 1982.

Series 1 includes Organizational Materials provided by the National Women’s Conference Committee (NWCC). Of special interest is the New Day Local Coordinators Training Manual.

The Public Relations Materials of Series 2 consists of a brief outline of the history of the ERA in the Nebraska Legislature, newspaper clippings, and signatures of support. Two proclamations, one signed by Governor Charles Thone and the other signed by Mayor Helen Boosalis, designate July 1, 1982, as “A New Day: Beyond E.R.A.”

Series 3 includes the Minutes, Agendas, and Budget of “A New Day: Beyond ERA,” local organizers. This includes lists of local supporters and contracts.

The Miscellany of Series 4 consists of invitations, fliers, advertisements, and a certificate.

Note: See RG4146.AU for an audiocassette recording of the rally.


Series 1 – Organizational Materials, 1982

Box 1

  1. National Women’s Conference Committee (NWCC) materials
  2. Pamphlet – “Coalition Building: The Wisconsin Model”
    New Day Local Coordinators Training Manual

Series 2 – Publicity Materials, 1982

  1. Letters requesting support, press releases, history of E.R.A. in the Nebraska Legislature
  2. Newspaper clippings
  3. Signatures of support (petition) of equal rights for women
  4. Proclamations

Series 3 – Minutes, Agendas, Budget, 1982

  1. Minutes and Agendas, May-July 1982; also includes rally list, contacts, schedules
  2. Budget

Series 4 – Miscellany

  1. Invitations, fliers, advertisements, certificate


Demonstrations — Nebraska — Lincoln
Equal rights amendments — United States
Lancaster County (Neb.) — History
Lincoln (Neb.) — History
U.S. Constitution — Amendments
Women’s rights — United States

07-13-2007 Revised TMM/tmm

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