RG1632.AM: Camp Fire (Lincoln, Neb.)
Records: 1913-1994; bulk 1940s-1994
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska: Youth organization
Size: 33.0 cu.ft.; 42 boxes & oversize
The Camp Fire organization was established in 1910 by Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick and his wife, Charlotte. The purpose of the organization was to guide young girls in self discovery while developing a home spirit. Camp Fire Girls was heavily influenced by American Indian lore by using symbols, wearing ceremonial gowns, and picking American Indian names. Dr. Gulick believed the experiences young people have early in life teaches them to care for themselves, their environment, and the people around them for a lifetime.
The Camp Fire Girls was divided into four clubs: Blue Birds, Adventure Club, Discovery Club, and Horizon Club. The youngest, Blue Birds, was for girls in grades 1 through 3, while the Horizon Club was designed for girls in grades 9 through 12. Over the years these clubs changed and even new clubs were created. For instance, in 1975 when boys were invited to join Camp Fire, Blue Jays was established as the male equivalence to Blue Birds.
Girls were able to learn valuable lessons as they worked for honors to make rank within the organization. These honors were divided into seven crafts: Home, Health, Camp, Hand, Nature, Business, and Citizenship/Patriotism. Once a girl received enough honors, she would make rank.
There were four ranks available to achieve: Trail Seeker, Wood Gatherer, Fire Maker, and Torch Bearer and each rank had requirements to achieve before moving on to the next one. The highest award in Camp Fire was the Wohelo Medallion. This award was only open to members in grades 9 through 12. Each year the Camp Fire would gather to welcome newcomers, present awards and recognize members for their achievements – this was called the Grand Council Fire.
Lincoln became a member in 1912 when the Camp Fire Girls became known nationally. However, it wasn’t until 1922 when Lincoln received its official charter. The Lincoln Council (later known as the Pioneer Council) had jurisdiction not just in Lincoln but other surrounding towns including but not limited to Milford, Seward, Auburn, Hallam, Sutton and even Columbus at one time or another. In the late 1950s Camp Fire Girls in Lincoln was divided into three districts: District 1 (Nakeema District), District II (Shawonda District), and District III. Each District had its own committee members and schools to operate out of.
Soon after joining the Camp Fire Girls, the Lincoln Council signed a lease agreement with the Kiwanis Club for Camp Kiwanis near Milford on the Blue River. At Camp Kiwanis girls learned the essentials of camping, including making a fire, field cooking, canoeing, swimming and archery. In 1971 the agreement was terminated and Camp Kiwanis was renamed The Easter Seal Camp, which catered to disabled children. The Lincoln Council continued to operate until the mid-1990s when the chapter was dissolved.
Today, Camp Fire serves in twenty-eight states. Camp Fire was America’s first nonsectarian and multicultural organization – open to all children no matter their race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation – and continues to stay true to its core values.
This collection contains records from the Lincoln Council Camp Fire organization. The documents range in date from 1913-1994 with a large portion dating from the 1960s and 1970s. The content of the collection revolves mainly around the organization’s Board of Directors, Committees, events, day camps, and award ceremonies. The collection is divided into fifteen series: Corporate Records, Membership Committee, Training Committee, Public Relations, State Fair Committee, Camp Committee, Events, Clubs, Awards/Recognitions, Charters, Scrapbooks, Rosters, Contact Cards, Local Newsletters, Newspaper Clippings and National Publications.
Note: See the photo component [RG1632.PH] for photographs relating to Camp Fire in Nebraska. See the Library catalog for publications relating to Camp Fire. The Nebraska History Museum holds various Camp Fire related artifacts in their collections.
Series 1, Corporate Records, includes Board of Directors minutes, annual meeting minutes and reports, Executive Committee minutes and correspondence, etc. Many of the Board of Directors minutes also include Executive Committee minutes.
Series 2, Membership Committee, contains minutes and correspondence, membership lists, membership cards and membership registration forms.
Series 3, Training Committee, includes minutes of meetings, training materials for leaders and educational materials for youth members.
Series 4, Public Relations, consists of press releases, proclamations, correspondence and some reports.
Series 5, State Fair Committee, includes information on State Fair award winners, entry category information, reports, etc.
Series 6, Camp Committee, contains minutes of meetings, information on the various camps as well as day camps, information on Leader-Daughter Night, etc.
Series 7, Events, consists of materials relating to their Golden Jubilee, 75th Birthday, as well as their Save the Blue Birds and Save Our Statue projects.
Series 8, Clubs, includes information on various clubs such as Sparks, Blue Birds, Discovery Club and Horizon Club.
Series 9, Awards and Recognitions, contains information on ceremonials, patches, Grand Council Fire, and miscellaneous other awards.
Series 10, Charters, is a small series consisting of various camp charters.
Series 11, Scrapbooks, includes thirty-two (32) Camp Kiwanis and youth member scrapbooks. The scrapbooks themselves may contain newspaper clippings, promotional and membership materials, photographs, etc.
Series 12, Rosters, contains various rosters of council members, committee members, leaders, school/camp/clubs, etc. Also included are leader and member contact cards.
Series 13, Contact Cards, is comprised of several boxes of index cards with contact information for leaders, assistants, etc.
Series 14, Local Newsletters, consists of various local publications including Camp Fire Connection and Family Flame.
Series 15, Newspaper Clippings, consists of various folders containing newspaper clippings about Camp Fire, mostly from Lincoln newspapers. The clippings date from the 1920s to the 1990s and are grouped by decade.
Series 16, National Publications, includes various Camp Fire catalogs, comic books, promotional materials, etc.
Series 1 – Corporate Records
Box 1
- Board minutes, 1949
- Annual meeting, 1950
- Board minutes, 1951
- Board minutes, 1952
- Annual meeting, 1952
- Board minutes, 1953
- Annual meeting, 1953
- Board minutes, 1954
- Annual meeting, 1954
- Board minutes, 1955
- Annual meeting, 1955
- Board minutes, 1956
- Annual meeting, 1956
- Board minutes, 1957
- Annual meeting, 1957
- Board minutes, 1958
- Board minutes, 1959
- Annual meeting, 1959
- Board minutes, 1960
- Board minutes, 1961
- Annual meeting, 1961
- Board minutes, 1962
- Annual meeting, 1962
- Board minutes, 1963
- Annual meeting, 1963
- Board minutes, 1964
- Annual meeting, 1964
- Board minutes, 1965
- Annual meeting, 1965
- Board minutes, 1966
- Annual meeting, 1966
- Board minutes, 1967
- Board minutes, 1968
- Board minutes, 1969
- Board minutes, 1970
- Annual meeting, 1970
- Board minutes, 1971
- Annual meeting, 1971
- Board minutes, 1972
- Annual meeting, 1972
- Board minutes, 1973
- Annual meeting, 1973
- Board minutes, 1974
- Annual meeting, 1974
- Board minutes, 1975
- Annual meeting, 1975
- Board minutes, 1976
- Annual meeting, 1976
- Board minutes, 1977
- Annual meeting, 1977
- Board minutes, 1978
- Annual meeting, 1978
- Board minutes, 1979
- Annual meeting, 1979
- Board minutes, 1980
- Annual meeting, 1980
- Board minutes, 1981
- Annual meeting, 1981
- Board minutes, 1982
- Annual meeting, 1982
- Board minutes, 1983
- Annual meeting, 1983
- Board minutes, 1984
- Board minutes, 1985
- Board minutes, 1986
- Annual meeting, 1986
- Board minutes, 1987
- Annual meeting, 1987
Box 2
- Board minutes, 1988
- Annual meeting, 1988
- Board minutes, 1989
- Board minutes, 1990
- Annual meeting, 1990
- Board minutes, 1991
- Board minutes, 1992
- Annual meeting, 1992
- Board minutes, 1993
- Yearly goals
- Financial records
- Annual reports, 1945, 1948-1952
- Annual reports, 1953-1956
- Annual reports, 1957, 1960, 1980-1981, 1983-1984
- Annual reports, 1985-1986
- Annual reports (regional/national)
- Group Organization including:
Handbook – How We Are Organized to Serve
1968 Group Organization Committee handbook
U.S. map of Regions
Lincoln map of Districts
Camp Fire Girls fact sheet
Board of Directors fact sheet - Early Camp Fire correspondence, 1914-1925 (includes constitution and by-laws)
- Group Organization correspondence, 1963-1971, 1975
- Group Organization minutes, 1963-1972, 1974, 1979
- Group Organization schedules and attendance, 1965, 1968-1971
- The Work of the Camp Fire Girls Committees (explains the workings of each committee)
- Camp Fire – Pioneer Council Program Calendar, 1987-1988
- Personnel (personnel policies, Affirmative Action Program, job postings, employee handbook)
- GEM (Growth Extension and Maintenance) Committee (minutes, roster, job description)
- Coordinating Committee minutes, 1981-1986
- Memorials/Gifts Committee minutes
Nominating Committee correspondence
AIM (Adult Information Meeting) schedules - Camp Fire Supply Outlet (includes agreements with Gold’s of Nebraska; J.L. Brandeis & Sons, Inc.; and Miller & Paine, Inc.
- Camp Fire Lincoln Council Promotional Material (see box 42)
- Guardians’ Association, 1940s
- LASA (Lincoln Assistants and Sponsors Association) meeting invitations, 1943-1944, 1947-1948, 1951-1958
- District I Executive Committee minutes, 1968-1980
- District I Annual Meetings, 1968, 1970-1981
- District I LASA minutes, 1968-1981
Series 2 – Membership Committee
- Membership Committee (Membership Facts; Membership Extension handbook, etc.)
- Membership Committee minutes, 1968, 1978-1980
- Membership Committee correspondence
- Youth Membership lists, 1986-1993
- Adult Membership
- Combined Adult/Youth membership lists, 1989, 1991-1993
- Membership numbers and statistics
Box 3 Youth Membership Cards, Aalfs-Bearss (Lincoln)
Box 4 Youth Membership Cards, Beatty-Broughton (Lincoln)
Box 5 Youth Membership Cards, Brouse-Colburn (Lincoln)
Box 6 Youth Membership Cards, Cole-Dillon (Lincoln)
Box 7 Youth Membership Cards, Dillworth-Floen (Lincoln)
Box 8 Youth Membership Cards, Florea-Griffing (Lincoln)
Box 9 Youth Membership Cards, Griffis-Hicks (Lincoln)
Box 10 Youth Membership Cards, Hielen-Johnson (Lincoln)
Box 11 Youth Membership Cards, Johnston-Kyster (Lincoln)
Box 12 Youth Membership Cards, Lacey-Maulsby (Lincoln)
Box 13 Youth Membership Cards, Maxey-Nichelson (Lincoln)
Box 14 Youth Membership Cards, Nichols-Rank (Lincoln)
Box 15 Youth Membership Cards, Raser-Schuelke (Lincoln)
Box 16 Youth Membership Cards, Schuerman-Stibal (Lincoln)
Box 17 Youth Membership Cards, Strickland-Warden (Lincoln)
Box 18 Youth Membership Cards, Ware-Zwibel (Lincoln Youth Membership Cards, Kahler-Young (unknown location)
Box 19 Youth Membership Cards Section
- Auburn
- Milford
- Bennet
- Hallam
- Palmyra
- Eagle
Box 20 Youth Membership Cards
- Seward
- Columbus
Box 21 Youth/Adult Membership Cards
- Sutton (Youth)
- Malcolm (Youth)
- Palmer (Youth)
- Dorchester (Youth)
- Ceresco (Youth)
- Walton (Youth)
- Alto (Youth)
- Misc. towns (Youth)
- Adult membership applications
- Camp Fire Adult registration cards
- Permanent Adult record cards
Box 22
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
Box 23
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
Box 24
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
- Membership registration forms
Box 25
- Leader names with youth member information, Adams-Ringsmuth
- Leader names with youth member information, Schuster-Zessin
- Alumni lists
- Alumni members, Abbuhl-Hales
- Alumni members, Hammer-Rice
- Alumni members, Richards-Zwiebel
- Nakeema District group number record
- Shawonda District group number record
- District III group number record
- District IX group number record
- District X group number record
Series 3 – Training Committee
- Songs
- Folk dances
- Poems
- Rural recreation (games, dances and songs)
- Babysitting training aids
- Fire safety
- Outdoor training
- Safety rules
- Misc. educational aids (Lummi sticks; creative dramatics; Indian legends; puzzles)
- Scrollfilm visual aids
- Visual training aids
- Leaders’ manuals and handbooks
- Leader’s Guide to Adventure Trails
- Training information for new leaders, 1974-1980
- “I’m Peer Proof,” resource handbook, activity book and certificates
- Training Committee minutes and notes
Series 4 – Public Relations
- Your Public Relations P’s & Q’s
- Press Release How To’s
- 75th Birthday press releases
- 1986 Birthday public relations information
- “I’m Safe & Sure and I Can Do It”
- Public relations correspondence
- Public relations annual reports, 1976-1978, 1980
- Press releases
- Birthday proclamations, 1991-1993
- Proclamations, 1971, 1977 (see box 42)
- Birthday proclamations, 1978-1979 (see box 42)
- Birthday proclamations (1982-1985, 1987, 1989 (see oversize)
Series 5 – State Fair Committee
- State Fair, 1971
- State Fair, 1972
- State Fair, 1973
- State Fair, 1974
- State Fair, 1975
- State Fair, 1976
Box 26
- State Fair, 1977
- State Fair, 1978
- State Fair, 1979
- State Fair, 1980
- State Fair, 1981
- State Fair, 1982
- State Fair, 1983
- State Fair, 1984
- State Fair, 1985
- State Fair, 1986
- State Fair, 1987
- State Fair, 1988
- State Fair, 1989
- State Fair, 1991
- State Fair, 1992
- State Fair, misc., 1975-1984
Series 6 – Camp Committee
- Camp Kiwanis lease agreements, 1920-1949
- Camp Kiwanis lease termination, 1949
- Camp Kiwanis business (reports, statistics, maps, etc.)
- Camp Kiwanis promotional materials
- Camp Hitaga annual report, 1957 (Iowana Council, Cedar Rapids, Iowa)
- Menahka Day Camp, 1957 (Iowana Council, Cedar Rapids, Iowa)
- Camp Committee (minutes, activity report, etc.)
- Leader-Daughter Night, 1965-1977
- Pow Wow, 1967
- Summer Fun/Day Camp
- Day Camp, 1966
- Day Camp, 1967
- Day Camp, 1974
- Day Camp, 1975
- Day Camp, 1976
- Day Camp, 1977
- Day Camp, 1978
- Day Camp, 1979
- Day Camp, 1980
- Day Camp, 1981
- Day Camp, 1982
- Day Camp, 1983
- Day Camp, 1986
- Day Camp, 1987
- Day Camp, 1988
- Wohelo Day Camp, 1991
- Wohelo Day Camp, 1992
- Wohelo Day Camp, 1993
- Day Camp yearly numbers and misc. camper lists
- Day Camp manuals
- Resident Camp, 1979
- Resident Camp, 1980
- Camp Kiwanis/Easter Seal events
- Camp Harriet Harding
- Louisville Hilton Nature Retreat and Northeast YMCA
- Crete Youth Cabin
- Camp Kitaki Outdoor Skills Overnight, 1981-1983
- Campership information, 1953-1969
- Camper lists and volunteer registrations, 1978-1979
Box 27 Camp Harriet Harding registration cards, 1972-1973
Box 28 Camp registration cards
- Camp Kiwanis, 1971
- Camp Fire Kindergarten Day Camp, 1983
- Camp Fire Camp, undated
Series 7 – Events
Box 29
- Golden Jubilee
- Golden Jubilee programs (see box 42)
- 75th Birthday
- Various birthday celebrations
- Save the Blue Birds (conservation project to protect blue birds)
- Wise Old Willie (national conservation project)
- Friendship Across the Ages project
- Save our Statue project, 1986
- Candy Sale information, 1989
- Misc. events and projects
- Misc. event invitations
Series 8 – Clubs
- Camp Fire Girls Ethics
- Sparks starter guides
- What, When, Why Book: For Blue Bird Leaders
- Blue Bird Leader materials
- Blue Bird material
- Adventure Girl Activities
- Discovery Club Advisor minutes, 1973-1982
- Kohani Kouncil minutes, 1978
- Kohani Kouncil minutes, 1979
- Kohani Kouncil minutes, 1980
- Kohani Kouncil minutes, 1981
- Kohani Kouncil minutes, 1982
- Kohani Cabinet, misc. information
- Discovery Club training
- Discovery Club activities
- Discovery Club programs
- Discovery Club program evaluations, 1976-1978
- Discovery Club invitations
- Discovery Club Recognition Awards
- Discovery/Horizon Club Trips, final reports
- Discovery/Horizon Club Recognition Nights, 1978, 1980-1983
- Discovery Club emblems
- Kohani Hokan, 1973, 1975-1980
- Horizon Club advisor minutes, 1965-1966, 1977-1980
- Horizon Club program evaluations, 1962, 1977-1982
- Horizon Club service hours, 1963-1964
- Horizon Club conferences, 1953, 1963-1966, 1968, 1971
- Horizon Club misc.
Series 9 – Awards and Recognitions
- Ceremonials, 1957
- Ceremonials Past
- Blue Bird/Sparks Ceremonials
- Horizon Club Ceremonials
- Trail Seeker, Wood Gatherer and Torch Bearer information
- Local/Contest/Service Honors, 1929-1933
- Symbolism and description of official Camp Fire Recognition Awards, 1982-1983
- Grand Council Fires, 1949, 1951-1958
- Grand Council Fires, 1960
- Grand Council Fires, 1961
- Grand Council Fires, 1962
- Grand Council Fires, 1964-1966
- Grand Council Fires, 1967
- Grand Council Fires, 1968
- Grand Council Fires, 1969
- Grand Council Fires, 1970
- Grand Council Fires, 1971
- Grand Council Fires, 1972
- Grand Council Fires, 1973
- Grand Council Fires, 1974-1978
- Grand Council Fires, 1979
- Grand Council Fires, 1980s
- Grand Council Fires, 1991-1992
- Council Fire songs
- Adult recognition and tenure information
- Awards, 1960s
- Awards, 1970s
- Awards, 1980s
- Awards, 1990s
- Awards, alumni lists
- Awards to Camp Fire
- Resolution of Appreciation, 1961 (see oversize)
- Wohelo Medallion application and essay, Shawn Tracy
- Wohelo Medallion application and essay, Lisa Jordal
- Wohelo Medallion application and essay, Jaci Wilke
- Guardian of the Fire award, 1917, Cornelia Frazier (see oversize)
- Guardian of the Fire award, 1923, Bee Jackson (see box 42)
- Guardian of the Fire award, 1924, Josephine Hornung (see oversize)
Guardian of the Fire award, 1951, Mrs. L.W. O’Brien (see oversize) - Group leader certificates, Mrs. Alexander Bauer, 1954; Mrs. J.E. Cole, 1957 (see box 42)
Series 10 – Charters
- Litaga (College View, Neb.) charter, 1924 (see box 42)
- Okihi (Haigler, Neb.) charter, 1941 (see box 42)
- Loyal Blue Bird group charter, 1954 (see box 42)
- O Wee Con Da charter, 1957 (see box 42)
- Tahkia charter, 1961 (see box 42)
- Happy Blue Birds charter, 1961 (see box 42)
- Watoiga charter, 1961 (see box 42)
- I Yo Pta charter, 1961 (see box 42)
- Ki Wa Ci charter, 1961 (see box 42)
- Camp Fire Chartered Council, 1977 (see oversize)
- Charter addendum, 1977 (see oversize)
- Camp Fire, Inc. Chartered Council, 1987 (see oversize)
- Charter addendum, 1981 (see oversize)
- Skookum (Lincoln, Neb.) charter, undated (see box 42)
Minnehaha (Friend, Neb.) charter, 1930 (see box 42)
Series 11 – Scrapbooks
Box 30
- Scrapbook, fragments of Camp Harriet Harding, 1927
- Scrapbook, Camp Kiwanis, 1932 (owned by Helen Emig, Lincoln Council Executive)
- Scrapbook, Camp Kiwanis “Down on the Blue,” 1933
- Scrapbook, Camp Kiwanis, 1935
- Scrapbook, Camp Kiwanis, 1936
- Scrapbook, Camp Kiwanis, 1936
- Scrapbook, Camp Kiwanis, 1937
- Scrapbook, Camp Kiwanis, 1939
- Scrapbook, Camp Kiwanis, 1945
- Scrapbook, Hawaii Day Camp, 1960 (owned by Lee Ann Muggy)
- Memory book, 1914-1917 (owned by Eleanore Peisiger)
- Scrapbook, Winooski Camp Fire (Fairbury, Neb.), 1914-1916
Scrapbook, Aokiya Camp Fire (University Place), 1926 - Scrapbook, 1925-1927
- Scrapbook, 1930
- Scrapbook, Camp Brewster (Scribner, Neb.), 1930 (owned by Juanita Bauer)
Box 31
- Scrapbook, 1949-1951 (owned by Gretchen Paul)
- Scrapbook, 1950 (owned by Mary J. Ernst)
- Scrapbook, 1954-1955 (owned by Sharon Kay Hall)
- Scrapbook, 1955-1956 (owned by Valeaira Lou Cleman)
- Scrapbook, 1956 (owned by Valeaira Lou Cleman)
- Scrapbook, 1956 (owned by Marilee Haberman)
- Scrapbook, Shu Ta Ka, 1956-1957 (owned by Helen Clemans)
- Scrapbook, 1959 (owned by Jean L. Tilman)
- Scrapbook, 1936-1945 (see oversize)
- Scrapbook, 1946 (see oversize)
- Scrapbook, 1947-1948 (see oversize)
- Scrapbook, 1948-1955 (see oversize)
- Scrapbook, Lincoln Council of Camp Fire Girls, 1953-1954 (see oversize)
- Scrapbook, Lincoln Council of Camp Fire Girls, 1960-1963 (see oversize)
- Scrapbook, Lincoln Council of Camp Fire Girls, 1968-1970 (see oversize)
- Scrapbook, Lincoln Council of Camp Fire Girls, 1971-1973 (see oversize)
- Scrapbook, undated (includes national promotional material)
- Scrapbook fragments (see oversize)
- Record book, We Nah Ki Ya Camp Fire, 1950-1952 (owned by Patty Lou Bogar)
Series 12 – Rosters
Box 32
- Council members rosters, 1943-1949
- Zones 1-6 school rosters, 1951-1956
- Zones 1-6 school rosters, 1956-1958
- Zones 1-6 school rosters, 1958-1959, undated
- Board of Directors/Committee rosters, 1950-1959
- Board of Directors/Committee rosters, 1960-1969
- Board of Directors/Committee rosters, 1970-1979
- Board of Directors/Committee rosters, 1980-1987, 1989
- Board of Directors/Committee rosters, 1991-1992
- Board of Directors/Committee rosters, undated
- Board of Directors/Committee alumni lists
- Districts I, II and III combined Committee/school rosters
- District I Committee rosters, 1959-1970, 1972-1980; school roster, 1958
- District I school rosters, 1959-1970
- District I school rosters, 1970-1981, undated
- District II Committee rosters, 1958-1979
- District II school rosters, 1958-1970
- District II school rosters, 1971-1981, undated
- District III Committee rosters, 1962-1975
- District III school rosters, 1962-1975
- District IX rosters, 1973-1975; Leader-Assistant rosters, 1973-1979
- District X rosters, 1969-1973; Leader-Assistant rosters, 1965-1979
- Junior Hi rosters, 1958-1971
- Discovery Club rosters, 1971-1981, undated
- Horizon Club rosters, 1959, 1972, 1975-1981, undated
- Leader rosters, 1940s, 1950-1952, 1983-1988, 1992-1993, undated
- Camp staff rosters, 1961-1971, 1981-1982
Series 13 – Contact Cards
Box 33 Past Leader Contact Cards, 1951-1958
Box 34 Past Leader Contact Cards
- District I
- District II
- District III (Aalfs-Gutgsell)
Box 35 Past Leader Contact Cards
- District III (Hadfield-Young)
- District IX
- District X
- Leaders, sponsors and assistants contact cards (Aalfs-Dworak)
Box 36 Past Leader Contact Cards
- Leaders, sponsors and assistants contact cards (Eager-Mitchell)
Box 37 Past Leader Contact Cards
- Leaders, sponsors and assistants contact cards (Miller-Zulauf) Past leaders (Anderson-Wagner)
Box 38 Misc. Contact Cards (Haase-Peterson)
Box 39 Misc. Contact Cards (Petsch-Zummach; old member cards, Ager-Whipple)
Box 40 Member reference cards, 1980s
- Abell-Zmarzly (Lincoln)
- Able-Warland (Auburn)
Series 14 – Local newsletters
Box 41
- Fall Newsletter, 1953
- Camp Fire Connection, 1981
- Camp Fire Connection, 1982-1984
- Camp Fire Connection, 1985
- Camp Fire Connection, 1986-1987
- Camp Fire Connection, 1988-1989
- Camp Fire Connection, 1990-1994
- Family Flame, 1984-1985
- Alumni Newsletter, 1984-1985, undated
- Camp Fire Update, 1988-1993
- Camp Fire Kids, 1985-1986
- Pioneer Press, 1986-1987
- Lincoln Council of Camp Fire News, 1980
Series 15 – Newspaper Clippings
- Clippings, 1917
- Clippings, 1920s
- Clippings, 1930s
- Clippings, 1940s
- Clippings, 1950s
- Clippings, 1960s
- Clippings, 1970s
- Clippings, 1970s
- Clippings, 1980s
- Clippings, 1980s
- Clippings, 1990s
Series 16 – National Publications
- Camp Fire catalogs
- Camp Fire comic books, no. 4, 83, 88
- Camp Fire calendars, 1952-1953, 1988-1989
- National promotional pamphlets, brochures, etc.
- “Dollars from Doughnut Drives,” undated
Box 42 (larger items removed from other boxes)
- Camp Fire Lincoln Council Promotional Materials
- Proclamation – Clean Up Lincoln Weekend
Proclamation – Bicycle-Pedestrian Safety Week - Birthday proclamations, 1978-1979
- Golden Jubilee programs, 1960
- Guardian of the Flame award, 1923, Bee Jackson
- Group Leader Certificate, 1954, Mrs. Alexander Bauer
Group Leader Certificate, 1957, Mrs. J.E. Cole - Charter, Okihi (Haigler, Neb.), 1941
- Charter, Loyal Blue Bird Group, 1954
- Charter, O Wee Con Da, 1957
- Charter, Tahkia, 1961
- Charter, Happy Blue Birds, 1961
- Charter, Watogia, 1961
- Charter, I Yo Pta, 1961
- Charter, Ki Wa Ci, 1961
- Charter, Skookum (Lincoln, Neb.), undated
Charter, Minnehaha (Friend, Neb.), 1930 - “How to Catch the Big Ones,” promotional assistance kit
Subject headings:
Camp Fire (Lincoln, Neb.)
Camp Fire Girls
Camp Kiwanis (Lincoln, Neb.)
Camps — Nebraska
Girls — Societies and clubs
KH/tmm 01-23-2015; 07-08-2024