RG1225.AM: Charles Meinhold, 1812-1877
Military records: 1862-1877
Size: One folder
It is unclear when Charles Meinhold came to the United States, but he was born in Berlin, Germany (Prussia) in 1812. He joined the U.S. Army in 1851 and served until his death in 1877. He was a captain in the 3rd Cavalry and commanded Troop B out of Fort McPherson, Nebraska, in 1872. He also served out of Camp Sheridan and North Platte, Nebraska, through 1876. In December of 1876 Meinhold received a leave of absence due to health reasons. From January to March or April Meinhold was recuperating at Hot Springs, Arkansas. Meinhold transferred to the Sanitarium at Clifton Springs, New York, later in the year. Charles Meinhold died at Clifton Springs, New York, on December 14, 1877. He is buried at Clifton Springs Village Cemetery, Clifton Springs, New York.
The collection consists of ten pages (typescript copies) of letters and military papers relating to Charles Meinhold’s military service. The typescript was compiled by researcher Susan Martin in 1966 from copies held at the National Archives. In a transcribed letter from Capt. Meinhold dated April 27, 1872, Meinhold describes leading a group of men to overtake a “marauding party of Indians who had stolen seven horses from parties at McPherson station on the 24th.” William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody served as their guide.
Transcribed military papers, 1862-1877
Subject headings:
Cody, William Fredrick, 1846-1917
Indians of North America — Nebraska
Indians of North America — Wars — 1866-1895
Meinhold, Charles, 1812-1877
Military service
United States — History — Civil War, 1861-1865
United States. Army. Cavalry regiment, 3rd
Revised TMM 03-22-2017