RG4317.AM: Charles N. Phillips, 1843-1932
Papers: 1843-1897
Exeter, Fillmore County, Neb.: Homesteader; businessman
Size: 0.5 cu.ft.; 1 box
Charles N. Phillips was born at Clarrie, Potter Co., Pennsylvania, in 1843. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. K., 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and took part in the battles at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettsyburg. At Gettysburg he lost his right arm, and was released from the hospital three months later. In 1870 he married Rosana Whitney at Cuba, New York, and four children were born to them. In 1871 the couple moved to Fillmore County, Nebraska, where they homesteaded and lived for several years. In 1897 they moved to Exeter where he served as postmaster for nine years. Charles Phillips died at Exeter in June of 1932.
This collection consists of one box of material arranged in three series: (1) business records, 1843-1885; (2) newspapers and clippings, undated; (3) miscellany. This material relates to the drayage business conducted by Charles N. Phillips in Fillmore County; and to the 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry.
Series 1 – Business Records, 1843-1885
Box 1
- Records, c. 1843-1873 (This record must have originally belonged to Phillips’ father, but later entries indicate the time when Phillips was in business in Fillmore County.)
Records, c. 1879-1882
- Records, c. 1843-1873 (This record must have originally belonged to Phillips’ father, but later entries indicate the time when Phillips was in business in Fillmore County.)
- Records, c. 1882-1885
Records, c. 1881-1885
- Records, c. 1882-1885
Series 2 – Newspapers and Clippings, n.d.
- Includes: Fillmore County News, Vol. XLI, No. 23, which contains the obituary of Charles N. Phillips; also a number of clippings concerning the 149th Pennsylvania as well as other units from that state which fought at Gettysburg
Series 3 – Miscellany
- Includes certificates appointing Charles N. Phillips as postmaster at Exeter, dated 25 May 1897 and signed by U.S. Postmaster General James A. Gary
Exeter (Neb.) — Businesses
Fillmore County (Neb.) — History
Freight and freightage — Nebraska
Pennsylvania — History — Civil War, 1861-1865
Phillips, Charles N., 1843-1932
Postal service — Nebraska — Exeter
United States. Army. Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 149th (1861-1865)
DAB/HEK/jlc 04-22-1966
Encoded TMM 03-09-2011