RG4179.AM: Edmund McKinney
Papers (on microfilm): 1847-1848, 1916, n.d.
Kansas and Nebraska: Missionary
Size: 1 reel of microfilm
This collection of the papers of Edmund McKinney consists of six items on one reel of microfilm arranged in three series: 1) Letters Sent and Essay, 1847-1848; 2) Iowa, Otoe, Omaha, and Pawnee Manuscripts; and 3) Biography of Elizabeth Stevens Morse, 1916. The two letters and the essay in Series 1 were written by Presbyterian missionary Edmund McKinney. They describe the Iowa, Sac, Omaha, and Otoe Indians with whom he came in contact. The manuscript in Series 2 contains rules of grammar and a dictionary prepared by McKinney. Series 3 contains a biography of Elizabeth Stevens Morse, taken from a letter by Grace Meeker in August of 1916, with corrections supplied by the Kansas State Historical Society. The relationship of the Morse biography to Rev. McKinney is uncertain. This collection is in the possession of the Kansas State Historical Society in Topeka, which microfilmed it and donated a copy to the Nebraska State Historical Society in June of 1984.
Note: See the Nebraska History index for additional references to Edmund McKinney.
Series 1 – Letters Sent and Essay, 1847-1848
Reel 1
- Letter, 1847
- Letter, 1848
- Essay, n.d.
Series 2 – Iowa, Otoe, Omaha and Pawnee manuscripts, n.d.
- Rules of grammar and a dictionary prepared by McKinney
Series 3 – Biography of Elizabeth Stevens Morse, 1916
- Biography of Elizabeth Stevens Morse, taken from a letter by Grace Meeker, Aug. of 1916
- Corrections supplied by the Kansas State Historical Society
Subject headings:
Indians of North American — Missions
Iowa Indians
McKinney, Edmund
Missionaries — Nebraska
Morse, Elizabeth Stevens
Omaha Indians
Pawnee Indians
Presbyterian Church in Nebraska
Sac Indians
APD/jls 06-06-1984
Encoded TMM 09-23-2010