Frank Henton Johnson, 1871-1960 [RG2612.AM]


RG2612.AM:  Frank Henton Johnson, 1871-1960

Papers:  1868-1927
Plattsmouth, Cass County and Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.:  Solder; farmer
Size:  1 box and 1 reel of microfilm


Frank Henton Johnson was born in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, in 1871. At the age of eighteen he began working as a machinist in the shops of the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad in Plattsmouth. He became a fireman in 1892 and later a locomotive engineer on the same railroad. Johnson enlisted in Company M of the First Nebraska Volunteer Infantry on May 9, 1898. He served with this unit in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War and the subsequent Philippine Insurrection, advancing to the rank of Corporal. He was mustered out with the regiment on August 23, 1899. Upon his return to the United States, Johnson worked as an engineer on the Florida East Coast Railroad. He was married in Plattsmouth to Miss Grace Walker. In 1911 the couple moved to a farm northwest of Weeping Water; in 1927 they retired to Lincoln. Johnson was a member of the Plymouth Congregational Church, the United Spanish War Veterans, and several Masonic orders. He died on August 25, 1960, at the age of 89 and was buried in Lincoln Memorial Park.


The Frank Henton Johnson Collection consists of one box, three oversized volumes, and one oversize folder, arranged in four series: 1) Correspondence, 1894-1927; 2) Scrapbooks, 1898-1899; 3) Printed Matter; and 4) Financial Records, 1868-1889.

The collection relates primarily to Frank Henton Johnson’s service in the Spanish-American War of 1898 and the Philippine Insurrection. The bulk of this collection to be found in Series 1 consists of letters exchanged between Frank H. Johnson and his parents and brother Jay during Johnson’s military service. The correspondence has been microfilmed, and the filming order has been maintained. Clippings and other enclosures which were filmed with the correspondence have been retained in Series 1; folder titles correspond with the film targets.

Series 2 consists of a scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, primarily from Plattsmouth and other Nebraska newspapers, for the years 1898-1899. These clippings concern the war and the activities of Johnson and other Nebraskans. The printed matter in Series 3 consists of books, pamphlets, newspapers, programs, and certificates in both English and Spanish. Most of this material was collected by Johnson during his military service. The financial records of Series 4 consists of two volumes: the personal accounts of J.W. Johnson of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, the father of Frank, 1868-1919; and the accounts of Platte Lodge No. 7 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, 1873-1879. Mr. J.W. Johnson served as Treasurer of these two organizations.

Note:  See also the photo component [RG2612.PH] for related images. History Nebraska holds various collections containing materials relating to the Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection.


Series 1 – Correspondence, 1894-1927 (also available on microfilm)
Box 1 (and reel 1)

  1. Letters Received, 1894
  2. Letters Received, 1898
  3. Letters to Parents, 1898
  4. Letters Received, 1899
  5. Letters to Parents, 1899
  6. General Correspondence, 1900-1927

Series 2 – Scrapbooks, 1898-1899

  1. Scrapbook, 1898-1899 (see oversize)

Series 3 – Printed Matter
Box 1

  1. Rules and Regulations for the Sons of Veterans, 1888
    Manual of Guard Duty, 1893
    English-Spanish Handbook, 1898
    Picturesque Manila, 1898
    The Soldier’s Letter, 1898
    Constitution and By-Laws, Army of the Philippines Firing Tables, 1942
    Song books
  2. Pamphlets, programs, and articles in Spanish
  3. Ticket stubs, newspaper clippings, 1898

Oversize folder:

Roster of M Company, 1st Regiment, Nebraska Infantry
American, 1898
Freedom, 1899
El Heraldo de la Revolution, 1898
The Inter-Ocean, 1893
Miscellaneous certificates

Series 4 – Financial Records, 1868-1889

  1. Personal accounts of J.W. Johnson, 1868-1919 (see oversize)
  2. Account book of Platte Lodge No. 7, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, 1873-1879

Subject headings:

Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Platte Lodge No. 7 (Plattsmouth, Neb.)
Johnson, Frank Henton, 1871-1960
Johnson, Joseph W.
Nebraska Infantry. 1st Regiment, 1898-1899
Philippines — History — Philippine American War, 1899-1902
Plattsmouth (Neb.) — History
Spanish-American War, 1898

APD/cat   02-16-1977
Encoded TMM   05-11-2010

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