Frederick Moffatt Woods, 1844-1928 [RG1591.AM]


RG1591.AM:  Frederick Moffatt Woods, 1844-1928

Papers:  1870-1958
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska:  Agriculturalist and Auctioneer
Size:  0.5 cu.ft.; 1 box


Frederick M. Woods was born at Belvidere, Boone County, Illinois, on August 13, 1844, the son of Elias Woods. His parents later moved to Sycamore, Illinois, where Woods received his early education.

In 1864 Woods enlisted in the Union Army and served with the 5th Illinois Light Artillery until the end of the war. In 1866, Woods married Eliza O. Eddy at Belvidere, Illinois, and the couple moved to Downer’s Grove, Illinois. This union produced six children; four sons and two daughters. In 1882, following several years in the furniture and meat packing business in Illinois, Woods and his family moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he became a landholder and cattle breeder, as well as a prominent auctioneer. In this latter capacity, Woods traveled extensively in the U.S. and Canada. Woods became noted for his advocacy of improved methods of agriculture and livestock breeding, and was a forerunner in the development of agricultural colleges and extension services. In his travels, Woods was an ardent spokesman for his doctrine of improved agriculture, and was a strong promoter of the State of Nebraska and its resources.

Frederick M. Woods died on July 31, 1928, at his summer home near Bayfield, Wisconsin.


This collection consists of one box arranged in three series: 1) Biographical material on Frederick M. Woods; 2) Printed matter; and 3) Newspapers and clippings, 1854-1866.

The bulk of this collection consists of biographical material concerning Frederick Woods and newspapers (1854-1866) relating to the life of Woods and his role in the promotion of agriculture in Nebraska.

Note: Please see photo component [RG1591.PH] for photographs.


Series 1 – Biographical Material
Box 1

  1. Biographical sketch of F.M. Woods prepared for the occasion of his recognition by the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture, 1923
    Woods Bros., Foresight, September 1928, containing a sketch of F.M. Woods
    Obituary of F.M. Woods, Lincoln Star, August 1, 1928

Series 2 – Printed Matter

  1. Consolidated general balance sheet of Woods Bros. Corporation, December 31, 1929
    A Pictorial Study of the Security and Earning Power Back of the Shares of Woods Bros. Corporation, undated (photograph of General John J. Pershing and Mark Woods(?) on cover)
    Address of Mark Woods, “Right about face, we’re going back to the farms,” undated
    Fragments of the Journal of Fine Arts, undated
    Telegram from J.L. Livermore to Woods Bros.
    Advertisement – Alexander Eaglerock Aircraft Corp.
    Advertisement – Morton’s Celebrated Gold Pens, 1864
    Wholesale price list – E.E. Eaton Co. Sporting Goods, 1875
  2. Certificate of land registration issued to Alexander Brand of Cook Co., Illinois, 1848
  3. Report of the Battle of the Hatchee, dated October 9, 1862, Bolivar, Tenn., by James C. Veatch, Brig. Gen., Commanding 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, to Captain Binmore, Asst. Adj. Gen. 4th Division
  4. Hymnal, words only, incomplete and undated

Series 3 – Newspapers and clippings

  1. The Saturday Evening Post, Volume 34, No. 1763, May 12, 1855
    The Boston True Flag, May 6, 1854
    The Boone Co. Advertiser, Volume 3, No. 52, January 26, 1866
  2. Clippings, mostly from Civil War period newspapers – includes accounts of the Baltimore National Convention, 1864; Retreat of Hookers Army, May 1863; Army of the Cumberland, October 1863; obituary of Lt. Daniel N. Clark, Co. B., 15th Illinois Infantry

Subject headings:

Agricultural history
Woods Brothers Corporation
Woods, Frederick Moffatt, 1844-1928

DJR/JEP/ab             12-01-1967
Revised TMM          05-16-2007

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