George Lane Stocking [RG4190.AM]


RG4190.AM:  George Lane Stocking, 1896-1931

Papers: 1917-1919; 1925

Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska: 1st Lieutenant, 351st and 26th Infantry

Size: 0.5 cu.ft.; 1 box


George Lane Stocking was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 6, 1896.  A graduate of Omaha’s Central High School, Stocking was employed by Orchard and Wilhelm Company of Omaha, retailer of furniture, carpets, and draperies.

George L. Stocking entered military service as a 1st Lieutenant on August 15, 1917.  After basic training at Fort Snelling, Minnesota, Stocking received additional training at Camp Dodge, Iowa, Camp Mills, New York, and Camps Hill and Lee, Virginia.  He served overseas, first with the 351st and then with the 26th Infantry, seeing action in the Alsace campaign.  He received his military discharge on July 9, 1919.  After his return to Omaha, Stocking served as a Captain in Officer Reserve Corps.

Stocking left Omaha in 1927 to accept a position in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with Kauffman’s Department Store.  In July, 1931, he relocated in Philadelphia when he secured the position as head of Wanamaker’s Department Store’s hotel furnishing and decorating department.  George L. Stocking was killed in an automobile accident in Philadelphia on December 19, 1931.  He was survived by his wife and three children.


This collection consists of one box of papers dating from 1917 to 1925.  The collection relates exclusively to the military training and service of Omaha resident, Lieutenant George L. Stocking.  Nearly all of the material pertains to Stocking’s World War I service, although one 1925 item deals with his assignment while he served in Nebraska’s Officer Reserve Corps.  Included in this collection are instruction bulletins, training guides and exercises, Stocking’s classroom notes of lectures, intelligence training materials, and military order and correspondence.

Accession: 84-96


Box 1


    1. Instruction Bulletins, 1917-1918

    1. Instruction Bulletins, 1917-1918

      Field Physical Training of Soldier, 1917; Divisional Intelligence from the General Staff Point of View

    1. Intelligence training notes; Army General Staff College class book, Oct.-Dec., 1918

    1. Lecture notes and classroom written exercises

    1. Lecture notes and classroom written exercises

    1. General orders, special orders, and military correspondence, 1917-1919; 1925

    1. Miscellany (includes maps, souvenirs, dedications, etc.)


Subject headings:

Military training camps (U.S.)

Soldiers — Nebraska

Stocking, George Lane, 1896-1931

World War, 1914-1918

World War I


AIP/law                 09-1989

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