George Linden Loomis, 1849-1932 [RG3860.AM]


RG3860.AM:  George Linden Loomis, 1849-1932

Papers:  1865-1917

Fremont, Dodge County, Neb.:  Lawyer

Size:  0.5 cu.ft.; 1 box


George Linden Loomis, the son of a Methodist minister, was born in Harmony, New York, on November 28, 1849. Loomis attended public schools at Blockville and Harmony, New York, before entering college at Albany, New York, where he graduated with a bachelor of law degree in 1875. He lived in Iowa for a year, and then in 1876 moved to Fremont, Nebraska, to open a law office. He married Alice Marie Hadley in 1880, and they made their home in Fremont, where Loomis practiced law for 56 years.

Loomis served as the County Attorney of Dodge County, Nebraska, and President of the County Bar Association. He was a Representative in the Nebraska Legislature from 1901 to 1905; Chairman of the Nebraska Delegation to the Democratic National Convention in Baltimore which nominated Woodrow Wilson for President; member of the Nebraska State Commission to the Lewis and Clark Exposition held at Portland, Oregon, in 1905; and Collector of Internal Revenue during Wilson’s administration. Loomis was a member of the Fremont School Board, on the Board of Trustees of Doane College, and a Director of the Fremont Normal School. A State Moderator of the Congregational Church, he was also Nebraska Grand Master of the Odd Fellows, founder of the Commercial Law League of America, and Director of several financial institutions in Fremont.

George L. Loomis died in his home on March 23, 1932, at the age of 82, after being bedridden for two years from a stroke. He was survived by his wife and six children.


The George L. Loomis Collection consists of one box of manuscript material arranged in three series: 1) Correspondence, 1905-1917; 2) Land Certificates, 1873-1880; and 3) Miscellany, 1865-1909. The Correspondence concerns Loomis’s service on the Nebraska Delegation to the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland, Oregon, in 1905. The Land Certificates are Homestead certificates for land in Norfolk, Lincoln, Grand Island, and West Point, Nebraska.

Included in the Miscellaneous material are certificates for the appointment of Loomis as Notary Public; a certificate for membership in the Commercial Law League of America and a composite picture of the speakers, including Loomis, at the convention of that association in 1899; and a certificate of appointment for Loomis to the Missouri River Navigation Congress at Omaha in 1909. Other miscellaneous items are a military discharge for John W. Brown, January 1, 1865; receipts for Loomis’s utility bills, 1898; letterhead from several Nebraska businesses; and a map of the route of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company along the Columbia River.


Series 1 – Correspondence, 1905-1917

Box 1


    1. The Lewis and Clark Exposition, 1905

    1. Miscellaneous letters, including one from William Jennings Bryan, 1908 and 1917

Series 2 – Land Certificates, 1872-1880

    1. Homestead certificates for land in Norfolk, Lincoln, Grand Island, and West Point, Nebraska, 1874-1880

    1. Deeds to land sold by the Union Pacific Railroad in Saunders and Dodge Counties, Nebraska, 1872-1873

Series 3 – Miscellany, 1865-1909

    1. Certificates appointing Loomis Notary Public

      Certificate of membership in the Commercial Law League of America and photographs of members

      Loomis’s appointment to the Missouri River Navigation Congress at Omaha, 1901

      Military discharge for John W. Brown, 1865

      Receipts for utility bills

      Letterhead from Nebraska businesses

      Map of the route of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company along the Columbia River

      Receipt for a donation to the Democratic National Committee, 1908

      Invitation to the launching of the Battleship USS Nebraska, 1904

      Mortgages, 1876, 1865-1909

    1. Ledger, 1902-1906 (See oversized)



Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925

Fairs and expositions

Homestead law

Lawyers — Nebraska

Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition (Portland, Ore.)

Loomis, George Linden, 1849-1932

Railroad land grants — Nebraska


ht   11-07-1974

Encoded TMM   06-11-2010

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