Harry Elmer Weakly [RG3955.AM]


RG3955.AM:  Harry Elmer Weakly, 1899-1974

Papers:  1920-1974
North Platte and Lincoln, Nebraska, and South Dakota:  Research Soil Scientist, USDA
Size:  2.0 cu.ft.; 2 boxes


Harry Elmer Weakly was born at Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska, on August 6, 1899.  His parents, Ward F. and Hannah M. (Snyder) Weakly came to North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, in 1904, and to Roseland, Nebraska in 1914.  Harry graduated from Roseland High School in 1918.  He served in the Army during World War I.  After the war, Harry attended the University of Nebraska.  During the years 1920 and 1921 he was involved in a soil survey of Deuel and Antelope Counties for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  He received his BSC in Agronomy from the University in 1922.  That summer he worked on barberry eradication for the USDA in Nebraska.  In March of 1923, he became Jr. Agronomist for the Division of Dry Land Agriculture, USDA, at the University of Nebraska Experiment Station in North Platte.

Harry E. Weakly married Ethel Beatrice Liljegren of Lincoln County on August 30, 1925, having received his master’s degree in soil physics from the University that spring.  For the next twenty years, until 1946, the Weakly’s lived in North Platte and Harry continued his work at the U.S.D.A. North Platte substation.  While living in North Platte, Harry and Ethel had five children.  A son, Ward Frederick, kept an interest in the same field as his father.  His papers are among the collections in the Nebraska State Historical Society.

In 1946 Harry accepted a position as superintendent of Belle Fourche Experiment Station at Newell, South Dakota, for the Department of Agriculture.  He retained that position until being transferred by the Department to Lincoln in 1957 for a stubble mulch farming project.  He became a research soil scientist at the University Experiment Station and an associate professor (later emeritus) at the University of Nebraska.  Weakly worked primarily with irrigation and soil moisture.  He studied the drought cycles of Western Nebraska and submitted a report, “A History of Drought in Nebraska” for publication as a Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin and in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Volume 17, #6 November/December 1962.  A letter on Nebraska’s oldest trees written to the Historical Society from the North Platte station in 1940 can be found in Nebraska History, Volume 21, #2, April/June 1940, p.112.

In 1956 he was offered a position in Kenya, Africa, and submitted an application in October 1960, in Ceylon, as a dry land agronomist with the International Cooperation Administration.  Harry E. Weakly died at Garden City, Kansas, on July 3, 1974.  His wife, Ethel had died in 1971.  During his lifetime he was a member of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Soil Science Society of America; Nebraska Academy of Sciences; Nebraska Ornithologists; and an honorary life member of the Plains Anthropologists.  His published works appear in the proceedings of the above as well as the Journal of ForestryJournal of Soil and Water Conservation, W.S.D.A. Technical Bulletins, University of Nebraska Experiment Station Bulletins and research reports, South Dakota State College Experiment Station Bulletins, Soil Science, and Audubon Field Notes among a few.

Weakly was also a member of the National Geographic Society and the Inland Bird Banding Association.  He was a district commissioner for the North Star District, Lancaster County, of the Boy Scouts of America, 1958-1967.  His hobbies included geology, stamp collecting, dendrochronology, ornithology, and archaeology.


This collection consists of two boxes of manuscript material arranged in six series:  1) Biographical Information; 2) Correspondence, 1931-1973; 3) Manuscripts, 1920-1974; 4) Research Material and Projects, 1957-1971; 5) Ornithology Records, 1931-1967; and 6) Boy Scouts of America materials, 1958-1967.  The papers relate primarily to Harry E. Weakly’s work in irrigation, soil, climate, and drought.  His interest in ornithology and the Boy Scouts of America is also reflected in this collection.

Series 1 consist of biographical information about Harry E. Weakly and his wife, Ethel, including obituaries and articles.  Series 2 contains correspondence, 1931-1973, dealing primarily with the projects and research of Harry E. Weakly.  Letters concern his work for the U.S.D.A. Bureau of Plant Industry at the North Platte substation, 1931-1946; as superintendent of Belle Fourche Experiment Station, Newell, South Dakota, 1946-January 1957; and as a dry land agronomist and irrigationist at the University of Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, 1957-1965.  Topics covered include fossil collecting, dendrochronology, climate, precipitation, drought, archaeology, agronomy, etc.  Also included is a correspondence on Weakly’s many publications and articles.  Weakly performed pump irrigation and water table studies at North Platte, studies of the relationship of climate and tree rings, and soil and water management investigations.  Included in the last folder is bibliography of Weakly’s works compiled in 1973.

The manuscripts, 1920-1974, of Series 3, comprise the bulk, as well as the most important part, of the collection.  This series is a compilation of works by Weakly and others arranged in chronological order.  The manuscripts are articles and research reports containing information on soil conservation, climate, irrigation, drought, dendrochrohology, and results of experiments conducted by Weakly at the several experiment stations where he was stationed.  Many appear in original form as well as in reprints from journals and proceedings of organizations in which they were published.  Series 4 consists of seven folders of research materials and project files.

Harry E. Weakly was an active member of the Nebraska Ornithologists Union.  Series 5 reflects that interest and his work in the field.  There are bird sighting lists for almost every year that were recorded for the Union’s tabulation of the bird population.  He participated in bird banding in North Platte, 1936-1945, and in South Dakota, 1946-1954.  He applied for a permit to resume banding in Lincoln in 1965.  Weakly was also a member of the North Platte Bird Club and the Inland Bird Banding Association.  He held a permit to collection specimens of birds for scientific study from 1936 until 1960; wrote newspaper articles concerning bird migrations and population in Lincoln County, as well as speaking publicly on the subject.  From 1957-1963, forms are included in the folders for the Cooperative Migration Study that was published in Audubon Field Notes.  Correspondents include the Nebraska Ornithologists Union, the National Audubon Society, U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Bureau of Biological Survey, and the University of Nebraska Department of Zoology.  Some of Weakly’s works on Birds in Nebraska can be found in Series Three.

Series 6 concerns the period of Weakly’s life as a district commissioner for the Boy Scouts of America, Cornhusker Council, North Star District of Lancaster County, Nebraska, 1958-1967.  Included is a notebook of minutes of pack and troop rosters for this district, 1958-1967, and minutes and newsletters of the Cornhusker Council, 1959-1966.  The remainder of this series includes publications and general memos of the Cornhusker Council and Boy Scouts of American published brochures, both promotional and tutorial, and catalogs for equipment and uniforms.


Series 1 – Biographical information
Box 1

  1. Obituaries and Articles about Harry E. and Ethel B. Weakly

Series 2 – Correspondence, 1931-1973

  1. 1931-1939

Correspondents include U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; Gamma Sigma Delta; Society of Agriculture, Nebraska Chapter; University of Nebraska College of Agriculture; Professor J.C. Russel; UNL Dept. of Zoology; George E. Hudson, Curator, Charles R. Conner Museum, Washington.

Subjects include his work at North Platte substation; stamp collection; fossil collecting; amphibious specimens of North Platte area; and include material on “Hydrographic Coefficients and Moisture Equivalents,” “Tree Rings and Climate,” and “Tree Rings as a Record of Precipitation in Western Nebraska.”

  1. 1940-1957

Correspondents include University of Nebraska College of Agriculture; Platte Valley Power and Irrigation District; University Museum, Lincoln, by C. Bertrand Schultz; U.S. Dept. of Agriculture; George F. Will, South Dakota; Smithsonian Institution; Herman F. Chapman, South Dakota; James H. Gunnerson, Lincoln; U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Missouri River Division; International Cooperation Administration; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; USDA Agricultural Research Service, Soil and Water Conservation Research Bureau; Charles A. Jensen, California; Waldo R. Wedel, U.S. National Museum; Bo Eklund of the Swedish Institute for Forest Research.

Subjects include archaeology; dendrochronology; Missouri River Basin Survey, 1949; ornithology; tree ring research; Plains Conference for Archaeology, 1950; American Society of Agronomy; Soil Science Society of America; Forestry.  Includes information on “Dendrochronology in Nebraska,” and “A Tree Ring Record of Precipitation in Nebraska.”

  1. 1958-1962

Correspondents include Nebraska Academy of Sciences; James K. Lewis, South Dakota; Nebraska Ornithologists Union; Thomas F. Kehoc, Canada; Dr. Frank L. Duley, Colorado; Kansas State Historical Society; W. Raymond Wood, Oregon; Soil Science Society of America; USDA Agricultural Research Service; and University of Nebraska.

Subjects include Wyoming dendrochronology; drought; the grant to establish dendrochronology lab in Nebraska; soil conservation; ornithology; archaeology; precipitation; agronomy.  Includes information on “Drought Periods in Western Nebraska as Recorded by Tree Growth;” “The Effects of HPAN Soil Conditioner on Runoff, Erosion and Soil Aggregation;” “Current Developments in Plains Dendrochronology;” “Precipitation in Western Nebraska – Past and Present;” and “Aggregation of Soil Carried in Runoff Water from Simulated Rainfall.”

  1. 1963-1965

Correspondents include Bryant Bannister, Arizona; Russell Langford, Colorado; Maxwell J. Dorsey, Illinois; Journal of Forestry; Gamma Sigma Delta; Carl H. Chapman, Missouri; Louis M. Thompson, Iowa State; Leslie L. Zook, Utah; Carl T. Curtis; Roman L. Hruska; Harold C. Fritts, Arizona; American Society of   Agricultural Engineers; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation; Charles Osborn, McCook, Nebr.

Subjects include drought in Nebraska; Plains Conference, Oklahoma, 1961; dendrochronology; soil conservation; Fred Sprague, University of Nebraska; geology; J.C. Swinbank, USDA Extension Agent, Cheyenne County, Nebraska; Weakly’s strokes, hospitalization, and retirement in 1965; and the Platte Valley Rock and Mineral Society, North Platte

  1. 1966-1973

Subjects include Sigma Delta Gamma; dendrochronology; Glenn Viehmeyer, North Platte; Annual Western South Dakota Stud Ram Show and Sale, Newell, South Dakota; UN Emeritus Association; and a bibliography of Weakly’s works, 1973

Series 3 – Manuscripts, 1920-1974

  1. U.S.D.A. Soil Survey of Deuel County, Nebraska, published 1920
  2. U.S.D.A. Soil Survey of Antelope County, Nebraska, published 1921
  3. The Rust Problem, 1923 (newspaper article)
  4. The Moisture Situation, 1924 (newspaper article)
  5. U.S.D.A. Soil Survey of Garden County, Nebraska, Bulletin #17, Series 1924
  6. Master Thesis – “The Movement of Moisture in the Vapor Phase through Soils,” University of Nebraska Science Department, 1926.  Includes Lecture Series outlines #1-3, #5 and #9
  7. Pump Irrigation at the North Platte Experimental Substation; Nebraska Farmer, March 18, 1927
  8. University of Nebraska, North Platte Substation, Pump Irrigation, February 18, 1928
  9. Pump Irrigation Results (North Platte Substation), by Weakly and Zook; University of Nebraska Experiment Station Bulletin #227, June 1928
  10. Lions Club of Pine Bluffs, Wyoming – Pump Irrigation meeting summary, February 28, 1928
  11. The Movement of Soil in the Vapor Phase – (1) The Loss of Moisture in the Vapor Phase from Soils under Field Conditions; Part IV of MA Thesis presented at meeting of American Society of Agronomy, Ft. Collins, Colorado
  12. The Conservation of Soil Moisture and the Theory of Vapor Movement; Burr, Russel; Weakly, 1931
  13. The Movement of Soil Moisture in the Vapor Phase – #2, Equipment for Study and the Law of Saturation Deficit; Russel, Weakly, 1931
  14. Soil Moisture Conditions at the University of Nebraska, North Platte Substation, April 20, 1931
  15. Pump Irrigation; Omaha Sunday World-Herald, October 1932
  16. Pump Irrigation and Water Table Studies; University of Nebraska Experiment Station Bulletin #271, May 1932
  17. Fall Irrigation; presented at Dawson County Irrigation Schools at Overton and Cozad, January 8 & 9, 1933
  18. Pump Irrigation at the North Platte Experimental Substation; University of Nebraska Experiment Station Bulletin #301, June 1936
  19. Climate – Past and Present; Radio Broadcast, KGNF, June 9, 1937
  20. Climate; Lecture #8, December 9, 1937
  21. Birds and the Farmer; Radio Broadcast, KGNF, July 13, 1938
  22. Grass; North Platte Substation, March 2, 1938
  23. Bird Banding in Nebraska, 1939
  24. Erosion and Soil Fertility; University of Nebraska, North Platte Substation, February 27, 1939
  25. Rodent Control; Radio Broadcast, KGNF, May 9, 1939
  26. Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Program and Abstracts of papers presented at 49th Annual Meeting, May 5 & 6, 1939, Lincoln, Nebraska; p.14 – Abstract of Weakly’s “Tree Rings and Climate”
  27. Nature’s Weather Record; News Releases, June 12, 1939
  28. Nebraska History, Volume 22, April/June 1941 (copy)
  29. A Tree Ring Record of Precipitation in Western Nebraska; original and reprint from Journal of Forestry, Volume 41, #11, November 1943
  30. Summer Fallow in Nebraska, Zook and Weakly; University of Nebraska Experiment Station Bulletin #362, August 1944
  31. Trees as Recorders of History in Nebraska; Abstract from Proceedings of Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 55th Annual Meeting, May 4-5, 1945, Lincoln
  32. Dendrochronology in Nebraska; carbon and copy of Proceedings of the 5th Plains Conference for Archaeology, Note Book #1 – Lab of Anthropology, University of Nebraska, 1949 (featured part 3, #6, p.111)
  33. Crop Rotation and Tillage Experiments at the North Platte Substation, 1907-1934; Zook and Weakly; U.S.D.A. Technical Bulletin #1007, April 1950
  34. Irrigated Crop Rotations on the Clay Soils of Western South Dakota; Weakly and Nelson; Circular #83, South Dakota State College Experiment Station, Brookings, December 1950
  35. Feeding Dakota Lambs…Results of Feeding Trials at the Newell Field Station; Jordan and Weakly; Bulletin #403, South Dakota State College Agric. Experiment Station, Brookings, June 1950
  36. Cobalt Salt in Lamb Rations; ibid, Bulletin #425, March
  37. Fifty Years of Agricultural Research at the U.S.D.A. Newell Field Station, Newell, South Dakota, July 1957, USDA Agricultural Experiment Station
  38. Fertility and Fertilization Investigations (paper #27), Lincoln, Nebraska, 1958
  39. Irrigation Investigations at the U.S. Belle Fourche Field Station, Newell, South Dakota, 1958
  40. Irrigation Investigations at the U.S. Newell Field Station, South Dakota, 1959 (U.S.D.A. Bulletin)
  41. Dendrochronological Research in the Central and Northern Plains – Part II, Inventory and Appraisal of Specimens Collected…, Richard P. Wheeler (carbon copy), 1958
  42. Bibliography of Dendrochronological Studies in the Central and Northern Plains and Contiguous Regions; Weakly and Wheeler, Lincoln, November 1958
  43. The Effects of HPAN Soil Conditioner on Runoff, Erosion, and Soil Aggregation, 1952-1958.  Includes reprints Journal of Soil & Water Conservation, Volume 15, #4, July 1960
  44. Aggregation of Soil Carried in Runoff Water From Simulated Rainfall; reprints Soil Science Society of American Proceedings, Volume 26, #5, September/October, 1962 (pp. 511 and 512)
  45. Dendrochronology and Archaeology in Nebraska; presented at Plains Anthropological Convention, Lawton, Oklahoma, November 23-25, 1961.  Includes copy of Plains Anthropologist, Volume 7, #16, June 1962
  46. Annual Research Report – Runoff and Erosion Studies – Univ. of Nebraska, Soil and Water Conservation Division, Agricultural Research Service, by Swanson, Weakly, et al – restricted use, 1962
  47. History of Drought in Nebraska; original and reprints, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Volume 17, #6, November/December 1962; Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station paper #1126, Journal Series
  48. Studies of Soil Particles and Aggregates carried in Runoff from Simulated Rainfall; Swanson, Dedrick, and Weakly; prepared for Winter meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, December 10-13, 1963, Chicago, Illinois
  49. Dendrochronology – A Tool for Archaeology; Abstract appearing in copy of proceedings of Nebraska Academy of Sciences 73rd Annual Meeting, May 3 & 4, 1963, Lincoln; by Weakly and Champe
  50. Annual Rings in Big Sagebrush, by Charles Wesley Ferguson; University of Arizona Press, Tucson; Review by Weakly, 1964
  51. Protecting Soil Surfaces Against Erosion with Organic Mulches – Progress Report; A study conducted for Department of Navy, Bureau of Yards and Docks at Lincoln, February 1964 (NOT FOR PUBLICATION)
  52. Relation of Water Stability of Soil Aggregates to Time of Soaking; Weakly, Dedrick, and Swanson, 1964
  53. Evaluation of Mulches for Water Erosion Control, by Swanson, Dedrick, Weakly, and Haise.  Presented at Annual meeting of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, June 21-24, 1964, Ft. Collins, Colorado; Nebraska Agric. Experiment Station paper #1567, Journal Series
  54. Same as Folder 46; Includes copy of #51 (#2) for 1965
  55. Do Droughts Occur in Cycles; article regarding Harry Weakly in Underground Raindrops – A Digest of Irrigation and Pumping News, Volume 8, #1, Spring 1964; U.S. Electrical Motors Division of Emerson Electric Co., Los Angeles, California, p.16 reprinted from Nebraska Farmer
  56. Same as folder #51, Progress Report #2, February 1965
  57. Recurrence of Drought in the Great Plains in the Last 700 Years, 1965; with reprints of Agricultural Engineering, Volume 46, #2, p.86, February 1965 – the Journal of the American Society of Agric. Engineers, St. Joseph, Missouri, and a copy of that issue
  58. Comparing Mulches:  Scientists Check Effects of Four Mulching Materials on 6% Slope; appearing in copy of Agricultural Research, Volume 13, #8, February 1965, p.14
  59. Size Distribution of Soil Aggregates as Influenced by Microorganisms; carbon and reprint from Soil Science, Volume 103, #1, pp.75-77, 1966
  60. Bibliography of articles by Harry E. Weakly compiled in 1974 and Selected References on Dendrochronology, prepared by Ward F. Weakly

Box 2

  1. Tree Rings as a Record of Precipitation in Western, Nebraska, 1939; U.S.D.A, Division of Dry Land Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, and University of Nebraska North Platte Substation, no date [Note: Folder 61 was published in Tree Ring Bulletin, Volume 6, #3, January 1940; and Journal of Forestry, Volume 41, #11, 1943]
  2. Tree Rings Work in the Central and Northern Plains; prepared for 16th Plains Archaeology Conference, Lincoln, November 27-29, 1958; copy of proceedings, Plains Anthropologist, Volume 5, #9, May 1960
  3. Drought Periods in Western Nebraska as Recorded by Tree Growth; Nebraska Academy of Sciences 68th Annual Meeting, April 18-19, 1958, Lincoln.  Prepared as News Release.  Copy of meeting program included
  4. Precipitation in Western Nebraska, Past and Present, c.1958, undated; published in Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 1961
  5. Soil and Moisture Conservation Research in the Central Plains, undated (newspaper release)
  6. Use of Water by Crops Under Irrigation, undated
  7. Publications list of works by Harry E. Weakly, 1920-1971

Series 4 – Research materials and projects, 1957-1971

  1. Results of Tree Rings, Analysis, Birdshead Cave, Wyoming, by R.P. Wheeler, 1957
  2. National Science Foundation Grant Proposal; A Statistical and Ecological Study of Past Climate in the Central and Northern Great Plains as Recorded by the Annual Growth Rings of Trees, April 1960, #B-8800, denied June 1960.  Includes material on previous grant, 1958, to set up dendrochronological lab in Lincoln
  3. A Rotating Boom Rainfall Simulator, by Norris P. Swanson; for presentation at 1963 Winter Meeting, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Chicago, December 10-13 (paper #63-728)
  4. Newspaper clippings – copy of Sunday Journal and Star, Lincoln, January 12, 1964, Section B, with article by Weakly and photo of him
  5. Nebraska vs. Iowa Boundary Compact Case, 1967-1969 with statistics and Weakly’s testimony
  6. Kansas Water News, Volume 14, Spring 1971
  7. Chart – Drought Periods in Western Nebraska (used in paper of Folder 64)

Series 5 – Ornithology records, 1931-1967

  1. Ornithology records, 1931
  2. Ornithology records, 1934
  3. Ornithology records, 1935
  4. Ornithology records, 1936 (includes (2) volumes of Bird Banding Records, 1936-1954; bird sighting lists, correspondence with the Union, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey; news releases on bird populations by Weakly; and a speech, “Wild Life Refuges, Sanctuaries and Preserves,” by Weakly presented at North Platte Bird Club, December 1936)
  5. Ornithology records, 1937 (includes (1) volume of bird banding notes, 1937; bird sighting lists, correspondence; (1) volume, Bird Banding Record, 1936-1937; news releases; Constitution and By-Laws of the Nebraska Ornithologists Union; lists of birds observed at North Platte)
  6. Ornithology records, 1938 (includes bird sighting lists; correspondence from University of Nebraska Department of Zoology and USDA, Bureau of Biological Survey)
  7. Ornithology records, 1939 (includes (1) volume Bird Banding Record, January 1938 thru October 1939; bird sighting lists; Survey forms of Bird Banders; and correspondence concerning speech delivered at 40th Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Ornithologists Union, North Platte, May 12-13, 1939)
  8. Ornithology records, 1940 (includes bird sighting lists and correspondence)
  9. Ornithology records, 1941 (includes bird sighting lists and correspondence)
  10. Ornithology records, 1942 (includes (1) volume Bird Banding Record, 1939-1942 and bird sighting lists)
  11. Ornithology records, 1943 (contains 1 postcard regarding whooping cranes near Stapleton, Nebraska)
  12. Ornithology records, 1944 (includes bird sighting lists and correspondence with Nebraska Ornithologists Union
  13. Ornithology records, 1945 (includes bird sighting lists and a letter from National Audubon Society regarding count of whooping cranes)
  14. Ornithology records, 1946 (includes bird sighting lists and a letter from National Audubon Society regarding count of whooping cranes)
  15. Ornithology records, 1947 (includes bird sighting lists and correspondence with U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, North Dakota)
  16. Ornithology records, 1948 (includes bird sighting lists, South Dakota; and correspondence regarding material for “Audubon Field Notes; concerning South Dakota birds)
  17. Ornithology records, 1949 (includes bird sighting lists, South Dakota)
  18. Ornithology records, 1950 (includes bird sighting lists, South Dakota)
  19. Ornithology records, 1951 (includes bird sighting lists, South Dakota)
  20. Ornithology records, 1956 (includes bird sighting lists and a letter regarding bird banding in South Dakota)
  21. Ornithology records, 1957 (includes bird sighting lists and Cooperative Migration Study for “Audubon Field Notes”)
  22. Ornithology records, 1958 (includes bird sighting and Audubon Survey)
  23. Ornithology records, 1959 (includes bird sighting and Audubon Survey)
  24. Ornithology records, 1960 (includes bird sighting and Audubon Survey)
  25. Ornithology records, 1961 (includes bird sighting and Audubon Survey)
  26. Ornithology records, 1962 (includes bird sighting and Audubon Survey)
  27. Ornithology records, 1963 (includes bird sighting and Audubon Survey)
  28. Ornithology records, 1964 (includes bird sighting and Audubon Survey)
  29. Ornithology records, 1965 (Weakly resumes bird banding in Nebraska.  Bird sighting lists but no survey included)
  30. Ornithology records, 1966 (Bird Sighting lists only)
  31. Ornithology records, 1967 (Bird Sighting lists only)

Series 6 – Boy Scouts of America, 1958-1967

  1. North Star District, Cornhusker Council, Lancaster County, Nebraska Commissioners notebook, 1958-1967, includes commissioners’ minutes, troop and pack charters, North Star District information and Cornhusker Council minutes and printed matter
  2. Cornhusker Council Information and Newsletters, 1959-1967
  3. Boy Scouts of America blank forms, n.d.
  4. Boy Scouts of American publications, 1959-1966 (tutorial, promotional, and equipment brochures and catalogs)
  5. Boy Scouts of America publications and pamphlets for commissioners, packs, units, etc., 1959-1967 and n.d.


Subject headings:

Agricultural experiment stations
American Society of Agricultural Engineers
American Society of Agronomy
Belle Fourche Experiment Station (Newell, South Dakota)
Bird banding
Birds — Nebraska
Birds — South Dakota
Boy Scouts of America
Boy Scouts of America. Cornhusker Council. Nebraska
Boy Scouts of America. Cornhusker Council. North Star District. Lancaster County, Nebraska
Climate — Nebraska
Gamma Sigma Delta. University of Nebraska
Inland Bird Banding Association
Kansas — Archaeology
Lincoln County (Nebraska) — History
Missouri River Basin Survey, 1949
National Audubon Society
Nebraska Academy of Sciences
Nebraska-Iowa Boundary Compact
Nebraska Ornithologists Union
Nebraska vs. Iowa
Nebraska. University. Agricultural Experiment Stations
Nebraska. University. College of Agriculture
Nebraska. University. Department of Zoology
Nebraska. University. Museum
Newell (South Dakota) — History
North Platte Bird Club (North Platte, Nebraska)
North Platte (Nebraska) — History
Plains Anthropological Conference
Platte Valley Power and Irrigation District
Platte Valley Rock and Mineral Society (North Platte, Nebraska)
Pump irrigation
Sheep — South Dakota
Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology
Society of Agriculture. Nebraska Chapter
Soil conservation
Soil Science Society of America
South Dakota — Irrigation
South Dakota — Soil and water conservation
Wyoming — Dendrochronology

Bannister, Bryant, 1926-
Chapman, Herman F.
Curtis, Carl Thomas, 1905-2000
Dedrick, Allen R.
Dorsey, Maxwell J., 1880-1966
Duley, Frank Leslie, 1888-1978
Ekland, Bo
Ferguson, Charles Wesley, 1922-
Fritts, Harold C., 1928-
Gunnerson, James Howard, 1922-2009
Hudson, George Elford, 1907-1974
Jensen, Charles A.
Langford, Russel Hal, 1925-
Lewis, James Kelly, 1924-
Hruska, Roman Lee, 1904-1999
Osborn, Charles
Russel, J.C.
Schultz, Charles Bertrand, 1908-1995
Sprague, Fred
Swanson, Norris P.
Swinbank, John C., 1899-1989
Viehmeyer, Glenn, 1900-1974
Weakly, Harry Elmer, 1899-1974
Weakly, Ward Frederick
Wedel, Waldo Randolph, 1908-1996
Wheeler, Richard P.
Will, George F.
Wood, Walter Raymond, 1931-
Zook, Leslie L., 1880-1969


AIP                      12-12-1979
Revised PMC       12-20-1988

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