Henry Veith [RG3610.AM]


RG3610.AM:  Henry Veith, 1846-1924

Invoices:  1873-1879

Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska:  Grocer, Baker & Confectionery, Businessman

Size:  2.0 cu.ft.; 4 boxes


Henry Veith was born December 2, 1846, in Nieder Ramstadt, Hessen, Germany.  He left Germany around 1866, spending one year in London, England, before immigrating to the United States in 1867.  Veith settled first in Pekin, Illinois, where he worked on a railroad for two years.  In 1869, Veith resettled in Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, where he entered into a business partnership with his future brother-in-law.  Two years later, he opened his own business, a bakery and confectionery.  He later added groceries and a hardware department.  His store was located at 905-909 “O” Street in downtown Lincoln.  In 1872, Veith married Katharina Goetz.  This marriage produced nine children.  Veith also served two terms, beginning in 1892, as a council member from the second ward.  Veith remained actively involved in the conducting of his business until 1922 when he retired.  Henry Veith died on December 7, 1924.  He is buried in Wyuka Cemetery, Lincoln, Nebraska.


This collection consists of four boxes invoices dating from 1873-1879.  This material relates to merchandise orders placed by Henry Veith while conducting his grocery, bakery, confectionery, and hardware business in Lincoln, Nebraska.  The invoices show items ordered, the quantity ordered, and the amount paid.  These are arranged alphabetically by the name of the company, and then arranged chronologically for each company.  The location of the company, merchandise specialty, and dates of transactions with Henry Veith are noted.  Cancelled checks and receipts are often included.


Box 1


    1. Alden & Bro., St. Louis, 1876; wine

    1. William T. Allen Co., Chicago, 1878-1879; Wholesale grocer

    1. D.H. Andrews, Lincoln, 1873, 1879; Crockery, china, glassware

    1. Arbuckel Bros., Chicago, 1877; coffee

    1. Wm. Ashton, Lincoln, 1876; P. Lumber

    1. H.C. Babcock, Lincoln, 1875; coal and lumber

    1. Ballard Bros., Lincoln, 1876; hardware

    1. C.B. Beach, Lincoln, 1876, 1879; flour, meal, feed

    1. Beck & Feldcamp, Chicago, 1878; tobacco

    1. Bell, Conrad Co., Chicago, 1878; tea, coffee, spice

      a. E & H Benedict, Chicago, 1878; teas, coffees, spices, mustard, cream of tarter

    1. Benjamin & Lawrence, Lincoln, 1879; wallpaper

    1. Best, Russell Co., Chicago, 1877-1878; tobacco

    1. Amory Bigelow, Chicago, 1877; tea

    1. Bohanan Bros., Lincoln, 1874; meat, poultry, game

    1. Booth, Hinman & Co., BeLoir, Wisconsin, 1876-1878; wrapping paper

    1. S.S. Brock, Lincoln, 1873; druggist

    1. Brown Bros. & Co., Quincy, Illinois, 1875; confectioner

    1. Buckstaff, Chase & Co., Lincoln, 1875; lumber

    1. Bullock Bros., Lincoln, 1876; wood and coal

    1. Burlington Notion Co., Burlington, Iowa, 1878-1879; notions

    1. Capital Soap Works, Lincoln, 1874; soap

    1. W.O. Carpenter & Son, Chicago, 1878; cheese, ham dried beef, pork, bacon, dried fruits, etc.

    1. Chase & Blanchard, St. Joseph, Missouri, 1877; grocers and wholesale dealers in oysters

    1. Chicago Baker Company, Chicago, 1878-1879

    1. A. & P.A. Clark, Peoria, Illinois, 1876; growers and dealers in baker’s confectioners & Butcher sup.

    1. T.J. Clark, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1877; grocer

    1. Clark & Loveday, Chicago, 1878-1879; wholesale fish dealers

    1. Clark & Taylor, Lincoln, 1875; steam cracker bakery

    1. Consolidated Tank Line Co., Lincoln, 1875; crude and refined oils

    1. Crete Mills, Crete, Nebraska, 1876-1879; formerly Bridges & Johnston

    1. A.J. Cropsey & San, Lincoln, 1873, 1878; flour, feed, meal, etc.

    1. Samuel Cupples & Co., St. Louis, 1876-1879; woodenware, cordage, paper bags, etc.

    1. Curtis Brothers, Rochester, New York, 1878; canned fruit, vegetables, pickles

    1. L. Danbaum, Council Bluffs, 1875; cigars

    1. Darmstadt, Germany, 1874; various companies

    1. R.T. Davis & Co., St. Joseph, Missouri, 1877; millers

    1. Julien J. Deck, Lincoln, 1876; grocer

    1. William Devereaux, Lincoln, 1876; tobacco

    1. J.H. Dix, Chicago, 1876-1878; salt fish and canned goods

    1. Douglas, Streett & Co., St. Louis, 1878; teas, syrups and molasses

    1. Dozier, Weyl & Co., St. Louis, 1878; crackers and fancy biscuits

    1. Dunham, Peckham & Co., St. Louis, 1876-1878; yeast powder, confectioners, foreign fruits, groceries

    1. Duquett & Louie, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 1877; candies, fruits, oysters

    1. Durands & Co., Chicago, 1876-1879; grocers, tea importers

    1. John M. Dutro, St. Louis, 1878; fish dealer

Box 2


    1. Elliot & Turner, Lincoln, 1873-1875; drugs, books, stationery, toilet articles

    1. Farrell Bros., Leavenworth, Kansas; fruits, confectionery

    1. Frank Field & Co., Chicago, 1878; cracker and confectionery manufactures

    1. Flint, Evans & Co., St. Louis, 1876; teas, coffees, spices

    1. Mark S. Foote & Co., Burlington, Iowa, 1875; paper, paper bags, envelopes, twine

    1. Otto Funke & Bro., Lincoln, 1873-1876; liquor, wines, cigars

    1. Jos. Garneau & Co., Lincoln, 1877-1879; crackers and pilot bread

    1. Gere & Hathaway, Lincoln, 1873; Nebraska State Journal

    1. Gerrans & Raymaker, Lincoln, 1873; meats, poultry, game

    1. Gillet, McCulloch & Co., Chicago, 1876; baking powder, chewing gum, hair oil, perfumery, pomades, inks, lemon sugar

    1. C.S. Goodrich & Co., Omaha, 1876-1877; woodenware, housekeeping goods

    1. Gould, Briggs & Co., Chicago, 1876; grocers

    1. P.J. Grant, Lincoln, 1875; lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, coal

    1. Great Western Tea Co., Omaha, 1875; tea, coffee

    1. Gulick & Clark, Lincoln, 1873; bakery, confectionery

    1. Hannum & Hauk, Clebeland, 1878; baking powder, flavoring extracts, essences

    1. F. Harbach & Bro., Des Moines, 1876; cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco

    1. A.E. Hargreaves & Co., Lincoln, 1875-1878; news, stationery, fruit, confectionery, oysters, nuts

    1. Hass & Zeh, Lincoln, 1875; meat, lard, sugar, cured hams, breakfast bacon

    1. G.W. Hauck & Co., St. Joseph, Missouri, 1875; coffee, spices, mustards, cream tarter

    1. Hawley & Burkd, Lincoln, 1876; farm machinery, wagons, stoves, tinware

    1. Heineman Bros. Baltimore, 1878; cigars

    1. Henning & Co., Chicago, 1878; cooperage and cider

    1. Carl Hoffman, Lincoln, 1875; furniture and upholstery

    1. Humphrey Bros., Lincoln, 1875; hardware and agricultural implements

    1. J.H. Hucyk & Co., Chicago, 1876-1879; flavoring extracts, buffalo baking powders, French bluing, lemon sugar

    1. J.B. Inderrieden & Bro., Chicago, 1876-1879; fruits and fancy groceries

    1. Jewett & Sherman Co., Milwaukee, 1876-1879; coffee, spices, baking powder, mustard

    1. J.D. Johnson, Lincoln, 1875; grain, flour, feed

    1. Jones & Schmidt, Lincoln, 1873-1875; dry goods, ready-made clothing, groceries

    1. W.G. Jones & Co., Lincoln, 1875; lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, moldings and building paper

    1. I. & J.A. Joseph, 1876; Polishes (“blucking”)

    1. S. Kingsbaker & Bro., St. Joseph, Missouri, 1875; cigars and tobacco

    1. Koenig, Hauck & Bro., St. Joseph, Missouri, 1875; crackers

    1. John Kranz, Chicago, 1875-1879; confectionery

    1. H.P. Lau & Co., Lincoln, 1873-1878; bottled soda, ginger ale, candies, nuts, oranges, apples

    1. Ledwith & Menlove, Lincoln, 1875; coal and wood

    1. Leighton & Brown, Lincoln, 1878; drugs, books, stationery, paints, oils, varnish, glass, dyes, brushes

    1. Little, Brock & Curson, Lincoln, 1876-1879; flour, feed, grain

    1. J.D. Lottridge & Co., Woodlawn, Nebraska, 1875; flour, cheese

    1. T.W. Lowrey, Lincoln, 1873-1878; flour, meal, grain, coal

Box 3


    1. McNab & Johnson, Chicago, 1878-1879; fish

    1. Franklin MacVeagh & Co., Chicago, 1878; importers, grocers

    1. E.B. Mallory & Co., Chicago, 1876; oysters

    1. Merker Bros., Chicago, 1875-1878; fancy goods, druggists’, sundries, pipes, smokers’ articles, pocket cutlery

    1. Metzler & Rothschild, Chicago, 1876-1877; tobacco

    1. Meyer & Raapke, Omaha, 1873; groceries, cigars, tobacco, fish, importers

    1. A. Meyer, Lincoln, 1873-1876; wood and coal

    1. Julius Meyer (Oppenheimer & Meyer), St. Louis, Missouri, 1873; cigars, tobacco, pipes

    1. L. Meyer & Bro., Lincoln, 1874-1875; groceries and provisions

    1. Missouri Glass Co., St. Louis, 1878-1879; glassware, lamps, queensware, bottles

    1. Nave, McCord & Co., St. Joseph, Missouri, 1876-1878; grocers

    1. Nebraska Tank Oil Co., Lincoln, 1876-1878; oils and gasoline

    1. Nickerson & Seely, Chicago, 1878; fish

    1. Nutter & Flickinger, Geary City, Kansas, 1879; flour and corn meal

    1. B. Oppenheimer & Co., St. Joseph, 1875-1877; cigars, tobacco, pipes

    1. M. Oppenheimer, Lincoln, 1875-1876; dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes

    1. Orlando Mills, Orlando, Nebraska, 1878; flour, mill feed, dry goods, groceries

    1. Orson & Acres, Burlington, Iowa, 1873-1879; paper, stationery, binding, blank books, twine

    1. Parker & Edgerly, Lincoln, 1875; hardware, stoves, tinware

    1. Parsons & Mackenzie, New York, 1878

    1. George Parsons, New York, 1878; fancy goods, china, glassware, fireworks

    1. John C. Partridge & Co., New York, 1876-1877; tobacco

    1. O.H. Peckham & Co., St. Louis, 1878; confectionery, foreign fruits, nuts

    1. C.O. Perrine, Chicago, 1876; honey, syrups, beeswax

    1. Peycke Bros., Omaha, 1877; fruits, oysters, grocers

    1. Pfund & Dorner, Omaha, 1876; cheese

    1. F.P. Pratt & Co., Lincoln, 1873; wood

    1. Pundt, Meyer & Raapke, Omaha, 1873-1878; groceries, teas, spices

    1. A.M. Purves & Co., Philadelphia, 1878; spices, mustard, coffee, rice flour, cream of tarter, gelatin

    1. Quinlan Bros., Chicago, 1878-1879; fruits, groceries

    1. Raymond Bros. & Co., Lincoln, 1873-1875; wholesale grocers

    1. Raymond Bros. & Co., Lincoln, 1876; wholesale grocers

    1. Raymond Bros. & Co., Lincoln, 1877; wholesale grocers

    1. Raymond Bros. & Co., Lincoln, 1878-1879; wholesale grocers

Box 4


    1. Reid, Murdoch & Fischer, Chicago, 1877-1878; wholesale grocers

    1. Reynolds & Reynolds, Dayton, Ohio, 1878; stationery, paper, ink

    1. Rice & Byers, St. Louis, 1876; cigars tobacco

    1. Rich & Oppenheimer, Lincoln, 1873-1875; dry goods, clothing, shoes and boots, trimmings, groceries, dishware

    1. A.C. Rudolf & Co., Lincoln, 1873; wholesale grocers

    1. A. Ryder & Co., Chicago, 1876; fruits, oysters, fish

    1. D.H. Salinger & Co., Atchison, Nebraska, 1878; cigars, tobacco

    1. Christian Sasse, Lincoln, 1875; coal, wood

    1. Schweitzer & Beer, Chicago, 1877; toys, china, glassware, druggists’ sundries, baskets, beads, musical instruments

    1. W.T. Seaman, Omaha, 1876; paper

    1. Thomas Sewell, Lincoln, 1876; groceries, provisions, woodenware

    1. F.M. Shafer, Lincoln, 1875; house and sign painting, calsomining, furniture-varnishing

    1. S.P. Sladden & Co., Chicago, 1878-1879; fruits, fancy groceries

    1. Jas. M. Smith & Co., Chicago; fruits, fancy groceries

    1. F.L. Somner & Co., St. Joseph, Missouri, 1877; crackers, biscuits

    1. Spreter & Loepfy, Lincoln, 1873; cattle, hogs, poultry, venison

    1. Steele & Price, Chicago, 1878-1879; baking powder, flavoring extracts, perfumes, yeast, lemon sugar

    1. Stewart, Aldrich & Co., Chicago, 1876-1879; groceries, coffee, fruit

    1. J.M. Swan & Co., Burlington, Iowa, 1878; druggists’ and grocers’ notions, small musical instruments

    1. Taylor Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, 1877-1878

    1. Tolman & Walker, Chicago, 1879; wholesale grocers and tea dealers

    1. Tracy & Parker, Troy, Kansas, 1877; flour

    1. Turner, Frazer & Co., St. Joseph, Missouri, 1873-1877; wholesale grocers

    1. Henry Veith, Lincoln; bakery, confectionery, groceries, provisions; fruits

    1. Vergho, Ruhling & Co., Chicago, 1878-1879; importers

    1. S. Way & Co., Lincoln, 1873; stoves and tinware

    1. Wahoo Mills, Saunders County, Nebraska, 1873; flour, corn meal, bran

    1. Calvin E. Webber, Chicago, 1876-1879; fruits, fancy groceries, cigars

    1. Charles D. Wells, Chicago, 1876-1878; cheese, hams, dried beef, pork, bacon, dried fruits, beans

    1. Western Oil Tank Line Co., Lincoln, 1877; petroleum, lubricating oils

    1. Wilson & Kennard, St. Joseph, Missouri, 1875-1878; teas and ground spices

    1. John M. Wright & Co., Chicago, 1877; china and Japan teas

    1. Miscellaneous Invoices and Receipts, 1873-1875

    1. Miscellaneous Invoices and Receipts, 1876-1879 and undated and fragments


Subject headings:

Bakers and bakeries — Nebraska

Confectioners — Nebraska

Crete Mills (Crete, Nebraska)

Grocery stores — Nebraska — Lincoln

Hardware stores — Nebraska — Lincoln

Lincoln (Nebraska) — Businesses

Merchants — Nebraska

Raymond Brothers and Company (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Veith, Henry, 1846-1924


AIF/psw                03-03-1980

Revised TMM      07-10-2019


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