Milo V. German, 1904-1957 [RG4169.AM]


RG4169.AM:  Milo V. German, 1904-1957

Papers:  ca. 1955-1983

Cozad, Dawson County, Neb.:  Farmer; inventor; businessman

Size:  1 folder


Milo V. German was born on a farm northeast of Cozad, Nebraska, on May 26, 1904. As he was primarily a farmer, he turned his inventive talents toward developing a practical siphon-gravity tube for crop irrigation. By 1942 success with plastic prototypes lead German to found a siphon tube manufacturing business, called Nebraska Plastics, Inc. His products carried the moniker “Cozad” as a trade name. The company produced many other irrigation products over the years, and gained a world-wide clientele. Milo German died in an airplane crash on July 20, 1957.


These papers relate to the life of Milo German and his business, Nebraska Plastics, Inc. Included are biographical sketches of German (written by his son, Douglas German), documents supporting German’s role in siphon-tube irrigation, and promotional material about the products. Correspondence relates to Nebraska Plastics, Inc.’s involvement with the 1960 International Trade Exhibition in Jeshyn, Afghanistan, and to Douglas German’s correspondence with the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) regarding his father’s work.

The photo component [RG4169.PH] consists of approximately 340 photographic prints. Many of the photographs show various types of irrigation equipment in use, such as plasti-gated hose and pipe sprinkler systems, and irrigation pumps. Also included are photographs of products that Milo German distributed for B & W Manufacturing and Nebraska Plastics, Inc. A warehouse fire at the factory and unidentified people presumed to be associated with German and Nebraska Plastics, Inc., are also pictured. A portrait of German, ca. 1940, is included.

The moving image component [RG4169.MI] consists of seven reels of 16mm color and black & white film illustrating the use and manufacture of the siphon tube irrigation system at Nebraska Plastics, Inc., Cozad, Nebraska. Included is footage of a man working his tube-irrigated field, workers manufacturing irrigation tubes, and the process of setting up the system in a field. Also included are several promotional films about the irrigation tubes. Researcher must use videocassette copies.


Misc. papers relating to Milo German and Nebraska Plastics, Inc.



Advertising — Nebraska

Agricultural exhibitions — Afghanistan

Agricultural implements — Nebraska

Alcoa (Pa.)

B & W Manufacturing

Bakelite Plastics (N.Y.)

Business enterprises — Nebraska

Businessmen — Nebraska

Cozad (Neb.) — Businesses

Dawson County (Neb.) — Businesses

Fires — Nebraska — Cozad

German, Douglas K.

German, Milo V., 1904-1957

Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Lincoln, Neb.)

Inventions — Nebraska — Cozad

Inventors — Nebraska — Cozad

Irrigation — Nebraska

Irrigation farming — Nebraska

Jeshyn (Afghanistan)

John Deere


Nebraska Plastics, Inc. (Cozad, Neb.)

Pennino, Walter A.


Union Carbide (N.Y.)

United States Department of Commerce (Washington, D.C.)

University of Nebraska (Lincoln, Neb.)

Water distribution structures


08-03-2009   Revised TMM/tmm

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