Ned Culbertson Abbott [RG2626.AM]


RG2626.AM:  Ned Culbertson Abbott, 1874-1960

Papers: 1850-1959

Nebraska City, Otoe County, Nebraska:  Educator, author, historian

Size: 15.5 cu.ft.; 32 boxes


Ned Culbertson Abbott was born in Fremont, NE in 1874, the son of Luther J. Abbott, a pioneer physician, and his wife, Clara.  After completing his early education at the Fremont public schools, Ned C. Abbott entered the University of Nebraska in 1892.  Active in campus literary and political activities, Mr. Abbott received a B.A. Degree in 1896, an L.L.B. Degree in 1900 and an M.A. Degree in 1918.  He gained admission to the Nebraska Bar Association in 1900.

Mr. Abbott went to Nebraska City in 1896 to cover the graduation exercises of the Nebraska School for the blind for the Omaha Bee.  He became acquainted with the superintendent, and later was appointed to a teaching position for two years, 1894-1900.  Subsequently, he was principal of the Humboldt High School, 1900-1901.  In 1901, Lillian Newbranch became the wife of N.C. Abbott, whereupon Mr. and Mrs. Abbott sailed to the Philippines to teach at the U.S. Schools located in the Moro Province.  Returning to Nebraska in 1904, Mr. Abbott was an English teacher at Lincoln High School, 1904-1905; and superintendent of the Tekamah schools, 1905-1909

Mr. Abbott was appointed superintendent of the School for the Blind in 1909.  In 1911 he resigned, as a new state administration took office.  He became superintendent of the Humboldt Schools until, 1913, when he was re-appointed superintendent of the Nebraska School for the Blind.  He retained that position continuously until 1947, when he resigned on the advice of his physician.  During his tenure, Mr. Abbott energetically sought to improve the school and to increase public awareness of the education and life of the blind.  He was regarded as a noted public speaker on myriad topics.  Mr. Abbott was closely acquainted with several members of the Morton Family, and was active in several Arbor Day celebrations.  He designed the Nebraska City slogan and pictorial device, “Plant Trees”.  The papers of J. Sterling Morton were catalogued by Mr. Abbott, who also authored several articles about Morton.  Mr. Abbott served twice as president of the Nebraska State Historical Society, and was widely published in magazines, journals, and newspapers.  He was also president of the University of Nebraska Alumni Association.

Founder and chapter president of the Nebraska City Rotary, Mr. Abbott held offices in virtually every civic organization in Nebraska City.  Mr. and Mrs. Ned C. Abbott were also the parents of four children; Mrs. Fredrick Ware, Mrs. Amos Ginn, Mrs. William L. Wilson, and M. Lea Abbot.  In 1948, Mr. Abbott received an honorary Doctor of Law Degree from the University of Nebraska.

Mr. Abbott retired to Pasadena, California, where he died on February 24, 1960, following a heart attack, two weeks before his eighty-sixth birthday.


The Ned C. Abbott collection consists of 32 boxes of manuscript material and one oversized folder arranged in 15 series:  (1) General Correspondence, 1888-1959; (2) Family Correspondence, 1850-1933; (3) Genealogical data, 1937; (4) Manuscripts, of short length (addresses and articles), 1891-1948; (5) Book length manuscripts, undated; (6) Notes, 1920-1945; (7) Keene and Mabel (Avery) Abbott manuscripts, 1905-1935; (8) Research Data, undated; (9) Diaries of Clara F. Abbott, 1863-1867; (10) Diaries of Luther J. Abbott Jr., 1898-1899; (11) Personal Diaries and Journals of N.C. Abbott, 1921-1953; (12) Account books of N.C. Abbott, 1889-1946; (13) Printed Matter, 1890-1955; (14) Newspaper clippings, 1871-1960; and (15) Miscellany.  The papers span the years 1850 through 1959, but the bulk of the material is confined to 1920-1950.

Most of the Ned C. Abbott collection relates to his career as an educator, author and Nebraska statesman.  The general correspondence is arranged according to correspondence.  Correspondents include:  Keene Abbott, 1895-1941; Mabel Abbott, 1909-1941; Bess Streeter Aldrich, 1919-1931; Willa Cather, 1922; L.L. Coryell, Sr., 1923-1944; Karl A. Menninger, 1930; John H. Morehead, 1925-1941; Joy Morton 1924-1939; Mark Morton, 1938-1947; Sterling Morton, 1934-1951; James C. Morton, 1939-1952; L.D. Richards, 1923-1928; and James L. Sellers, 1939-1959.

The majority of the material in series four consists of typewritten manuscripts of speeches given by N.C. Abbott, arranged chronologically.  Topically they are diverse; most however deal with personal experiences of the author, Nebraska history, or the duties of Nebraskan citizens in their communities.  The four longer manuscripts in series five are incomplete, some missing several chapters; none were ever published.  With the exception of a biography of J. Sterling Morton, these are autobiographical efforts on N.C. Abbott.  Series six contains the first drafts of several of the manuscripts; series eight, the research data, contains the source material for the manuscripts.

Series seven contains the manuscripts and published short fiction pieces of Keene and Mabel (Avery) Abbott, brother and sister-in-law of Ned C. Abbott, after the Abbott family moved to Fremont and Fontanelle, between the years 1863-1867.  The diary of Luther J. Abbott, Jr. relates events of the Spanish-American war.  This diary exists in the collection and is also contained in the microfilm files of the society.  The personal diaries of N.C. Abbott cover the years 1921-1953.  In addition, yearly journals of his career activity exist from 1939-1949.  Together they provide a detailed account of events of the educator’s personal and professional life.  The Luther J. Abbott Jr. diaries in series ten are restricted for preservation.  Researchers are asked to use the photocopies provided.

The three series containing printed material complete this extensive collection which charts Nebraska history, illuminates several noted Nebraskans, and relates the progress of education of the blind, and general growth of the state.

Note:  See the photo component [RG2626.PH] for related images.


Series 1 – General correspondence, 1888-1959

Box 1


    1. 1888

    1. 1891

    1. 1892

    1. 1893

    1. 1894

    1. 1895

    1. 1896

    1. 1987

    1. 1898

    1. 1899

    1. 1900

    1. 1901 (incl. Material from Humboldt memorial address, 1901)

    1. 1902 (incl. Letters from the Philippines; Cottabato Letters to the Lariat)

    1. 1903

    1. 1904

    1. 1905

    1. 1906

    1. 1907-1909

    1. 1910

    1. 1911

    1. 1913-1914

    1. 1915-1916

    1. 1917

    1. 1918

    1. 1919

    1. 1920

    1. 1921

    1. 1922

    1. 1923

    1. 1924

    1. 1925

Box 2


    1. 1926

    1. 1927

    1. 1928

    1. 1929

    1. 1930

    1. 1931

    1. 1932

    1. 1933

    1. 1934

    1. 1935 (incl. Letters on “Wives of Governors” portrait display.)

    1. 1936

    1. 1937

    1. a. 1938

    1. b. 1938

Box 3


    1. a. 1939 (incl. Arbor Day Letters)

    1. b. 1939

    1. c. 1939 (incl. Envelope on Hastings Abbott reunion)

    1. a. 1940 (incl. Much correspondence with and about members of the Morton Family)

    1. b. 1940

Box 4


    1. 1941

    1. 1942

    1. 1943

    1. 1944

    1. 1945

    1. a. 1945

    1. b. 1945

    1. 1946

Box 5


    1. 1948

    1. 1949

    1. 1950

    1. 1951

    1. 1952-1953

    1. 1954-1959

    1. Undated

Series 2 – Family correspondence, 1850-1933

    1. 1850-1869

    1. 1870-1879

    1. 1880-1900

    1. 1900-1910

    1. Culbertson

    1. Remote Abbotts

    1. L. S. Abbott

    1. Lillian Abbott (Mrs. Ned C. Abbott)

    1. Keene Abbott

    1. Mabel (Avery) Abbott

    1. Misc. (incl. Series from Clara – 1865)

    1. Misc.

Series 3 – Genealogical data, 1937

Box 6


    1. 1937 Prepared Abbott genealogy

    1. Prepared Morton Genealogy

    1. Genealogical Data-Abbott

    1. Genealogical Data, including:

      E.M. Collins Family, Culbertson Family, Jewett and Adams Genealogy, Farnum Genealogy

Series 4 – Manuscripts, 1891-1948

    1. 1891, A Century of Dishonor (A high school effort)

    1. 1903, Education among the Moros

    1. 1907, The Institutions of Man

    1. 1908, Memorial Day, its significance

      1908, A July Fourth Address

    1. 1910, Washington, a fusion of bloods Past and Present

    1. 1912, The Spirit of Freedom

      1912, Approach to literature through history

    1. 1915, Fire

      1915, Little Rock Convention

      1915, A Teacher’s Experience in the Field

    1. 1916, Success or Failure-Which?

      1916, Dynamics of Inspiration

      1916, The Ring and the Book

    1. 1917, Washington, Superman and Nation Builder

    1. 1919, The Teaching of English in a School for the Blind

Box 7


    1. 1920, Then and Now (Fremont History)

      1920, Co-operation

      1920, A Life with a Purpose (Samuel Bacon)

    1. 1923, Our Nebraska City Device

    1. 1924, Arbor Lodge-Its Historic Significance

      1924, Arbor Day and Forestry Conservation

      1924, Social Needs of Nebraska

    1. 1925, School for the blind:  Outside Activities

    1. 1926, Carnival of Cartoons

      1926, Your place in the Organization

      1926, Burt among the First

    1. 1927, Lincoln’s Place in American Biography

      1927, Wintersteen Rotary Address

      1927, Defining a State Fair

    1. 1928, Three Generations of Service

      1928, J.S. Morton and Horticulture

      1928, Luke Lavender and Historic Sights

    1. 1929, Samuel Bacon-Pioneer Educator

      1929, Bellevue and its Story

      1929, Sports Evolution

      1929, The Family and Games

    1. 1930, Debate with Longacre

      1930, Historic Programs of the Nebraska City Rotary Club

      1930, Historic Primer of our calendar

    1. 1931, Ghostly Talk on Vergil Tests

    1. 1932, Mr. Pepys and his Valentines

      1932, At Ak-Sar-Ben

      1932, Utility Corporations and the Public

    1. 1933, From the Elysian Fields

    1. 1934, Statement of N.C. Abbott concerning the Rosewater campaign

    1. 1935, The Wounded Knee Engagement and After

    1. 1937, The Deaf-Blind and Helen Siefert

    1. 1938, Morton, his College Days

      1938, Flying, panorama of our history (Verse)

      1938, Air Mail, the socializer

Box 8


    1. 1940, Out of the Dark

    1. 1941, Silas A. Holcomb, man o’ pairts

    1. 1944, The Choice of Nebraska’s State Capital

      1944, Abe Billings Biography

    1. 1946, Our Week and Some Others

    1. 1947, Mr. Samuel Bacon in Illinois

      1947, Samuel Bacon, the Founder

      1947, The Sterling Morton Awards

    1. 1948, That Cass County Courthouse

    1. 1918-1929, Occasional addresses, Bound

    1. Undated, Homeric Games

    1. Undated, Planting Trees

      Undated, Ideals of the Medical Profession

    1. Essays on Calendar Reform

Box 9


    1. The Territorial Counties of Nebraska

      The life of Ruskin

      Otoe County

    1. The Inspiration of Art and Literature

      The University and Honorary Degrees

      Francis Burt, first Governor of Nebraska

      Historical Aspects of Literature

    1. Early Life of J. Sterling Morton

      Morton, Arbor Lodge, and Arbor Day

      Morton, the Tree Planter

    1. Misc. Untitled Speeches

Series 5 – Book length manuscripts, undated

    1. Julius Sterling Morton Biography

      Chapter 1.  The West Beckons

      Chapter 2.  The Morton in Early History (two versions)

      Chapter 3.  J. Sterling Morton


    1. Manuscript:  The Children’s Book

      Chapter 5.  Little Papio & Fontanelle

      Chapter 6.  Little of my Birth

      Chapter 7.  Last Years at Nye House

      Chapter 8.  At Pink House

      Chapter 9.  At Blanchard House

      Chapter 10.  High School & Little to Eat

      Chapter 12.  On my own

      Chapter 13.  Disciple of Blackstone

      Chapter 14.  A Job at Last

    1. Manuscript:  Aunt Jane’s Book


      Letters Home

      A Forty-niner

    1. Bound Undated Manuscript:  Under Tropic Skies

Series 6 – Notes, 1920-1945

Box 10


    1. Closed Gates of Janus

    1. Convicted Yourself, Mr. Human!

    1. Debt to Mothers

    1. Diptheria

    1. ‘Dous Words

    1. Eccentricities of Genius

    1. Education for the Blind

    1. Education and Citizenship

    1. Elks Memorial

    1. English Literature

    1. The Family and the School

    1. Fascinating Study of Genealogy

    1. Fire

    1. Forsitan

    1. Fremont Homes

    1. Greek Literature Review

    1. Ideals of the Medical Profession

    1. Japan and Hawaii

    1. Legion Convention at Omaha

    1. Morton Trail

Box 11


    1. Patriotism and Citizenship

    1. Sources of Inspiration

    1. Success or Failure (teaching)

    1. Then and now

    1. Utility Corporation

    1. Misc.

    1. Misc.

Series 7 – Keene and Mabel (Avery) Abbott manuscripts, 1905-1935

    1. Undated, Keene Abbott:  Manuscripts

      Clippings of Published stories

      Biographical Data

    1. Undated, Mabel Abbott:  Manuscripts

Series 8 – Research data, undated

Box 12


    1. Abbott, Lillian

    1. Abbott, Luther Jewett Sr.

    1. Abbott, Luther Jewett Sr.

    1. Abbott, Luther Jewett Sr.

    1. Abbott, John W.C.  Speech (1890)

    1. Arbor Day

    1. Arbor Day 1932, 1939 & 1942

    1. Arbor Day 1947

    1. Arbor Lodge

    1. Arbor Lodge (Mark Morton)

Box 13


    1. Art and Literature

    1. Blind, Employment of

    1. Brown, John

    1. Brownell Hall, Omaha, NE

    1. Bryan, William Jennings

    1. a.   Calendar Reform-General

    1. b. Calendar Reform-General

    1. c. Calendar Reform-General

    1. d. Calendar Reform-Wd. Calendar Association

    1. e. Calendar Reform, Eastman & Liberty Calendars

    1. f. Calendar Reform-Measurement of time

Box 14


    1. g. Calendar Reform-Misc

    1. Cass County

    1. Constitution

    1. Copyrights and patents

    1. Convocation Material

    1. Cather, Willa

    1. Convention of the Blind

    1. Deaf-Blind in Nebraska

    1. Education of the Blind

    1. Ethics and Ideals

    1. Flag, The U.S.

    1. Fontanelle

    1. a. Fremont-Early History Through Letters

    1. b. Fremont-History

Box 15


    1. c. Fremont-Schools and Alumni

    1. d. Fremont-Misc.

    1. Goodard, Clarence W.

    1. Hugh’s Speech-March 4, 1939

    1. Intercommunity Rotary Programs

    1. Indian War, 1900-1901

    1. Jamestown

    1. Lewis & Clark

    1. Lavender, Luke and Historic Sights

    1. a. Lincoln, Abraham

    1. b. Lincoln, Abraham (Place in History)

Box 16


    1. Lincoln, Name and Place

    1. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph

    1. McColloch, Bruce

    1. MacClay, Mira Abbott

    1. Memorial Addresses

    1. Methodists

    1. Monuments

    1. Morton Arboretum

    1. Morton Family Genealogy

    1. a. Morton, J. Sterling-College

    1. b. Morton, J. Sterling-and the Mormons

Box 17


    1. c. Morton, J. Sterling-Misc

    1. Morton, Joy

    1. Morton, Mark

    1. Morton, Sterling

    1. Morton, Misc.

    1. a. Nebraska, History of

    1. b. Nebraska, History of

Box 18


    1. Nebraska City

    1. Nebraska, State of (Misc.)

    1. a. Nebraska State Historical Society

    1. b. Nebraska State Medical Society

    1. Newbranch Family

    1. New England Mutual-Noble

    1. News-Press, Nebr. City

    1. Nuckolls, Stephen

    1. Otoe County

Box 19


    1. Paine Collection

    1. Palmyra

    1. Pepys, Samuel

    1. Perkins Institute

    1. Philippines

    1. Pound, Louise and Roscoe

    1. Pioneers

    1. Quotations

    1. Reading

    1. a. Rotary (Award Honorees)

    1. b. Rotary-Projects

Box 20


    1. a. School for the Blind-Reports, program

    1. b. School for the Blind-Misc.

    1. a. Siefert, Helen

    1. b. Siefert, Helen

    1. Shakespeare

    1. Sioux Indian Uprising

    1. St. Louis Murder Case

    1. State Institutions

    1. Stamp Day 1932

    1. Sterling Morton Essay Contest, 1945-1947

Box 21


    1. Stevenson, Robert Louis

    1. Syracuse, Nebr. History

    1. Sweet-Tipton Debate

    1. Table Creek Treaty

    1. Texas

    1. Transfer Day-September 27, 1923

    1. Union Calendar

    1. University of Nebraska

    1. Ware, Fredrick

    1. Washington, Superman and Patriot

    1. Weaver, Arthur

    1. Wives of the Governors

    1. Wolfe, Henry Kirke

    1. Woodruff, Eugene B.

    1. Workers Convention (for the blind)

    1. World War II

    1. Wyke, Charles H. Van

    1. Misc.-Trees

    1. Misc.-Ferguson, Fenner

      Mercury Mines

      Padills, Ezeqiel

      Steinhart, John W.

      Wagon, Gregg

      Warren, Louis A.

Series 9 – Diaries of Clara F. Abbott, 1863-1967

Box 22


    1. Intro To Muzzie’s Diary by N.C. Abbott

      Diary, Sept. 1863-Dec. 1863

      Diary, Feb. 1865-March 1866

      Diary, April 1866-Feb. 1867

    1. Diary, August 1867-July 1868

Series 10 – Diaries of Luther J. Abbott, Jr., 1898-1899

    1. June 17, 1898-Oct. 1, 1898

    1. Oct. 4, 1898-Nov. 23, 1898

    1. Dec. 12, 1898-Feb. 18, 1899

    1. Feb. 20, 1899-April 1, 1899

    1. April 27, 1899-July 17, 1899

    1. July 12, 1899- August 30, 1899

Series 11 – Diaries of Ned C. Abbott, 1921-1953

(Diary indicates the personal daily record of N.C. Abbott.  Journal indicates the professional record of his activities at the school for the blind.)

Box 22a


    1. Diary, Oct. 13, 1921 to Nov. 28, 1922

    1. Diary, May 16 to Oct. 12, 1921

      Diary,1921-1940 (Selected Entries)

Box 23


    1. Diary, Nov. 29, 1922 to Feb. 23, 1923

    1. Diary, Feb. 24, 1923 to July 4, 1923

    1. Diary, July 5, 1923 to Dec. 20, 1923

    1. Diary, Dec. 22, 1923 to March 26, 1924

    1. Diary, March 27, 1924 to July 7, 1924

    1. Diary, July 8, 1924 to Sept. 23, 1924

Box 24


    1. Diary, Sept. 24, 1924 to Dec. 21, 1924

    1. Diary, Sept. 17, 1926 to Nov. 12, 1926

    1. Diary, June 25, 1928

    1. Diary, Jan. 1, 1929 to Dec. 31, 1929

    1. Diary, 1930 (Fair Book)

    1. Diary, June 12, 1930 to July 9, 1923; Convention Trip

    1. Diary, Jan. 1, 1930 to Dec. 21, 1930

    1. Diary, 1931

    1. Diary, 1932

    1. Diary, 1933

    1. Diary, 1934

    1. Diary, 1935

    1. Diary, 1936

    1. Diary, 1937

    1. Diary, 1938

    1. Diary, 1938 State Fair Book)

    1. Journal, 1938 (Convention)

    1. Journal, 1938

    1. Diary, 1933-1940 (Misc. Collected Entries)

Box 25


    1. Diary, 1939

    1. Journal, 1939

    1. Diary, 1940

    1. Journal, 1940

    1. Diary, 1941

    1. Journal, 1941

    1. Diary, 1942

    1. Journal, 1942

    1. Diary, 1943

    1. Journal, 1943

    1. Diary, 1944

    1. Journal, 1944

    1. Diary, 1945

Box 26


    1. Journal, 1945

    1. Diary, Jan.-June, 1946

    1. Diary, July-Sept. 1946

    1. Journal, 1946

    1. Diary, Oct. 1946-August 21, 1947

    1. Journal, 1947

    1. Diary, August 27, 1947 to Dec. 31, 1947

    1. Journal, 1947

    1. Diary, 1948

Box 27


    1. Journal, 1949

    1. Diary, 1949

    1. Diary, 1949-1951 (Misc. Collected entries)

    1. Diary, Nov. 28, 1949 to Jan. 5, 1950

    1. Diary, Jan. 1, 1950-Dec. 16, 1950

    1. Diary, Dec. 19-Dec. 31, 1950

    1. Diary, 1951

    1. Diary, 1952

    1. Diary, 1953

    1. Diary, 1956 (Scattered entries)

Series 12 – Account books of N.C. Abbott, 1889-1946


    1. Oct. 19, 1889-Oct. 15, 1892

      Oct. 17, 1892-May 30, 1893

      May 25, 1892-August 31, 1894

      Sept. 1, 1894-June 14, 1897

      July 1, 1897-May 30, 1899

      June 1, 1901-Jan. 1, 1902

      Aug. 1, 1902-Oct. 1, 1905

    1. May 1899-June 31, 1902 (Scattered)

      Sept. 3, 1901-May 1, 1903

      Oct. 1, 1905-July 1, 1909

      July 2, 1909-Feb. 8, 1912

      March 1, 1912-Jan. 1, 1915

      Jan. 2, 1915-June 21, 1918

Box 28


    1. June 1, 1918-Dec. 23, 1923

      Jan. 1, 1924-July 1, 1931

      July 1, 1931-Dec. 31, 1937

      Jan. 1, 1938-June 30, 1946

Series 13 – Printed matter, 1890-1955

    1. Abbott Family

    1. Arbor Day

    1. Blind Education

    1. Booklets(Misc.)

    1. Bowering, Mrs. Eva

    1. The Kiote (Campus student literary magazine of Abbotts college days

    1. Lincoln, Abraham

    1. Morton Salt Company

Box 29


    1. Publication of Nebraska

    1. Publication of Nebraska

    1. Publications (Misc.)

Series 14 – Newspaper clippings, 1847-1960

    1. Governors

    1. Quintract

    1. 1940

    1. 1943

    1. Anesthesia

    1. Autographs

    1. Anniversary

    1. Arboretum

    1. Auto

    1. Queen Anne

    1. Cleveland, Grover; Tributes to

    1. Des Moines

    1. Fremont

    1. Fly’s Eye

    1. Jones and Plattsmouth Library

    1. Frick-Abbott debate

    1. Paul Colson

    1. George B. Lake

    1. Teachers’ Pensions

    1. Seward Independent

    1. National Spelling Crown

    1. Yorty, Samuel W.; Mailing/Nebraska Centennial Plans

    1. Griswold and Cochran

    1. China and Japan/Omaha Centennial

    1. McMillen, William C.

    1. 1947 World Herald Dedication

    1. Tekamah Address

    1. “The Spirit of Freedom”

    1. Sidney Rodeo

    1. Poem and Prayers

    1. Plattsmouth Bridge over the Platte

    1. Piper, Joel A.

    1. Pastoral Nebraska (South West)

    1. Nebraska State Penitentiary

    1. People 1945

    1. Overland Theatre

    1. Orators

    1. Reunion

    1. Pipal, Frank; Arbor Day

    1. World Herald Diamond Jubilee

    1. Wood, Grant

    1. Wheeler Family

    1. Watson Brothers

    1. University of Nebraska and the J.S. Morton Collection

    1. Unitarian Church

    1. Crosby, Robert Baker

    1. Thanksgiving Day

    1. School for the Blind

    1. Borglum, Gutzon

    1. Kinney, Charles Finch

    1. Fort Kearney

    1. Holidays

    1. Misc.

    1. Nebraska Diamond Jubilee

    1. Harden, Judge Edward R.

Box 30


    1. Haslam-Abbott Contract

    1. Gregg, Edward S.

    1. Grand Island Jubilee

    1. Fremont, John C.

    1. Grimes, George

    1. Coffee, Harry B.

    1. Elsworth College

    1. Academy Awards 1954

    1. Majors and Waddell

    1. Love Memorial Library

    1. Nebraska City Burlington Bridge

    1. Herbert Hoover Expenses

    1. L.A. Times

    1. Crosby, Robert

    1. World Problems

    1. Stockport Rotary

    1. District 160 Rotary Review

    1. Reed, Wayne O.

    1. 1952 Easter Blizzard

    1. University Commission

    1. Nebraska City 1947-1948

    1. Rotary Service (20th Annual Awards)

    1. Kiwanis Awards

    1. Board of Control Roster

    1. Misc.

    1. Misc.

    1. Misc.

    1. Misc.

    1. Misc.

Box 31


    1. Misc.

7 scrapbooks of clippings, 1890-1939 (see oversize)

Series 15 – Miscellany, 1874-1960

    1. Degrees, certificates, handbills, programs, etc. (see also oversize)

    1. Misc. (General)

Box 32


    1. Misc. (Including University Records)

    1. Misc. (General)


Subject headings:

Abbott family

Abbott, Clara F. (Culbertson), 1835-1911

Abbott, Lewis Keene, 1876-1941

Abbott, Luther Jewett, 1831-1900

Abbott, Mabel Avery (Rundell), 1870-

Abbott, Ned Culbertson, 1874-1960

Aldrich, Bess Streeter, 1881-1954

Arbor Day

Cather, Willa Sibert, 1873-1947

Colman family

Culbertson family

Farnum family

Fontanelle (Nebraska) — History

Fremont (Nebraska) — History

Frontier and pioneer life — Nebraska

Howell, Robert Beecher, 1864-1933

Jewett family

Morton family

Morton, Joy, 1855-1934

Morton, Julius Sterling, 1832-1902

Morton, Mark, 1858-1951

Morton, Sterling, 1885-1961

Nebraska City (Nebraska) — History

Nebraska School for the Blind

Nebraska State Historical Society

Olson, James Clifton, 1917-2005

Siefert, Helen

Spanish-American War


L. Willmore/js      08-11-1964

Revised JEP/ht   06-29-1973

Revised TMM     08-14-2018

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The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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Volunteers are the heroes of NSHS. So much history, so little time! Your work helps us share access to Nebraska’s stories at our museums and sites, the reference room, and online.