Otto Hugo Liebers, 1887-1968 [RG3533.AM]


RG3533.AM: Otto Hugo Liebers, 1887-1968

Papers: 1916-1966
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska: State Legislator; dairyman; civic leader
Size: 35.5 cu.ft.; 71 boxes


Otto Hugo Liebers was born in Kearney County, Nebraska, in 1887. He received his early education there and in 1913 was graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture. That same year, he was appointed the first county agent in Nebraska and later served as immigration agent for the Burlington Railroad, a position he held until 1924 when he organized and managed the Nebraska Dairy Development Society. From 1926-1967 Liebers was associated with Skyline Dairy of Lincoln, which he founded with his sons. He was also a director of the American Guernsey Cattle Club, an honorary director of the Nebraska State Guernsey Breeder’s Association, and a former president of the Nebraska State Dairymen’s Association.

In 1951 Liebers was elected to the Nebraska Unicameral and he won re-election four consecutive times. He served as Chairman of the Legislative Council’s Tax Study Committee, and was a member of the Legislature’s Budget Committee. In 1953 Liebers co-introduced the Watershed District Bill which enabled the formation of Watershed Districts. Some of Liebers’ other activities included service as Co-Chairman and President Emeritus of the Salt-Wahoo Watershed Association; appraiser for the Federal Land Bank; a director of the National Bank of Commerce; Chairman of the Governor’s Council on Watershed and Flood Control; a director of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; and Chairman of the Board of the Nebraska Industrial Research Institute. He was a member of the 2nd Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, Rotary Club, and the University of Nebraska Alumni Association. In 1961 Liebers was cited by the Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement. Other awards included the University of Nebraska Distinguished Service Award and the Lincoln Kiwanis Club Medal.

Otto H. Liebers died on October 25, 1968, in Lincoln, Nebraska. Survivors included his wife, Ethel L. and son, Lawrence.


This collection consists of 71 manuscript boxes of the business, personal, and legislative papers of Otto Hugo Liebers, arranged in twelve subgroups containing sixty series. The Subgroups are: (1) General Correspondence, 1914-1967; (2) Nebraska Dairy Development Society files, 1927-1933; (3) Skyline Dairy Business Records, 1927-1961; (4) Federal Land Bank Records, 1934-1945; (5) Personal Records, 1920-1961; (6) American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965; (7) Legislative Files, 1950-1963; (8) Salt-Wahoo Watershed Association Files, 1948-1966; (9) Resources for the Future, 1952-1962; (10) Speeches, 1945-1962; (11) Printed Matter, 1926-1961; and (12) Second Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, 1948-1965. The bulk of the Otto Liebers collection relates to his service in the Nebraska Legislature, 1951-1958; to his interest and personal involvement in the dairy industry in Nebraska; and to his promotion of soil conservation and watershed development.

Subgroup 1 contains Liebers’ business and personal correspondence which did not fall readily into the other subgroups. Much of it deals with the dairy cattle business in Nebraska generally but it also reflects Liebers’ other interests, including the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. Subgroup 2, Nebraska Dairy Development Society files, includes correspondence relating to the Society’s promotion of the dairy industry in Nebraska. Administrative records and cattle pedigrees comprise other series within this subgroup.

Subgroup 3 relates to the Skyline Dairy, an enterprise founded by Liebers and his sons. In the early 1960s, the Skyline Dairy merged with the Roberts Dairy of Omaha. Series 1 contains administrative records; Series 2, accounting records; and Series 3 is made up of herd records. Subgroup 4 holds records of the Federal Land Bank by which Liebers was employed following his work with the Dairy Development Society. Series 1-3 contain appraisals, correspondence, and reports of Missouri River excluded areas, loan areas and drainage districts. Additional series deal with closed loans and Federal Land Bank printed matter.

Subgroup 5 contains personal papers of the Liebers family including income tax material, data relating to Otto Liebers’ 1948 campaign for the University of Nebraska Board of Regents, and files relating to Lawrence and Harry Liebers. American Guernsey Cattle Club records make up Subgroup 6. Liebers had personal and business dealings with the Club which was headquartered in Peterboro, N.H., throughout most of his career and at one time served on the board of directors. The several series within this subgroup contain correspondence, minutes and reports of the national organization.

Subgroup 7, Liebers’ legislative files, is the largest body of material within the collection. The bulk of this subgroup is arranged to reflect the five regular and one special sessions of the Nebraska Unicameral in which Liebers served. Much of the material throughout deals with taxation and budget matters. Additional material relates to the Watershed district bill which Liebers introduced in the 62nd session. A considerable amount of material relates to the Legislative Tax Study Committee. There is correspondence from the public and from officials as the committee studied possible revisions of Nebraska’s tax system. The study resulted in proposed amendments to the State Constitution which were submitted at the November 2, 1954, general election.

Subgroup 8 holds the records of the Salt-Wahoo Watershed Association of which Liebers was chairman and later president. This Association should not be confused with the Salt-Wahoo Watershed District which was the governmental subdivision resulting from the Watershed legislation which Liebers had sponsored in the Legislature. The Association was formed to promote flood control and conservation practices in the Salt-Wahoo watershed area of Lancaster and Saunders Counties. Most of the material in Subgroup 8 is correspondence. Subgroup 9 consists of files on “Resources for the Future,” a Ford Foundation-sponsored organization for which Liebers served as a director. This subgroup contains correspondence and administrative records and data about the Mid-Century Conference of Resources for the Future held in 1953.

Otto Liebers’ speeches make up Subgroup 10. These speeches reflect many of Liebers’ concerns and interests and are arranged by general and specific topics. The printed matter in Subgroup 11 contains seven series dealing principally with the dairy business, agriculture, and the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce. A file of the Guernsey Breeder’s Journal spans the years 1945-1953. Subgroup 12, 2nd Presbyterian Church of Lincoln data, relates to Liebers’ church work, including building fund committee records and the Westminister Foundation.

Note: See the photo component [RG3533.PH] for related images. Additional images of Otto Liebers appear in the KOLN/KGIN TV collection [RG0809.PH]; the KUON TV collection [RG0820.PH]; the Portraits collection [RG2411.PH]; and the Legislative Portraits collection [RG2141.PH]. Photographs of Liebers’ farm are located in the Lancaster County Soil Conservation Service collection [RG2570.PH]. The Fred A. Liebers collection [RG1161.PH] includes photographs of the Liebers’ home and family.


Subgroup 1: General Correspondence, 1914-1919, 1934-1967
Series 1 – Correspondence, 1914-1919, 1934-1967

Box 1

  1. 1914, 1916 A-Z
  2. 1917 A-M
  3. 1917 N-Z and unidentified
  4. 1918-1919 A-Z
  5. 1934-1936, 1938 and unidentified
  6. 1939-1941 A-Z
  7. 1941-1945 Chico Steel Products Corp.
  8. 1942 A-Z and unidentified
  9. 1942-1943 Middle West Invitational Sale; Elmhurst, IL

Box 2

  1. 1943 A-H
  2. 1943 I-L
  3. 1943 M-P
  4. 1943 R-U
  5. 1943 V-Z
  6. 1943-1944 Farm Credit
  7. 1943-1944 Mort Woods, Primrose Farms
  8. 1943-1944, 1946-1948 Hired Help
  9. 1944 A-Z
  10. 1944-1945 Cattle Inquiries
  11. 1944-1945 Guernsey Cattle Assn.

Box 3

  1. 1944-1945 Harry Herman, Missouri Guernsey Breeders Assoc. & Bill Hitz, Rosebud Farm
  2. 1944-1945 Indiana Guernsey Breeders’ Assn. & Louis McL. Merryman and Sons
  3. 1944-1945 McDonald Farms
  4. 1944-1945 Joe P. Muller. Owner, Jo-Be Farm. Omaha, NE
  5. 1944-1945 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Farm Credit Assn.
  6. 1945 A-Z and Cattle Sales
  7. 1945-1947 A-Z
  8. 1948 A-F
  9. 1948 G-K
  10. 1948 L-M
  11. 1948 N-S
  12. 1948 T-Z and unidentified
  13. 1948-1949: 1909 Class Reunion for the School of Agriculture University of Nebraska

Box 4

  1. 1949 A-C
  2. 1949 D-G
  3. 1949 H-K
  4. 1949 L-N
  5. 1949 O-S
  6. 1949 T-Z and unidentified
  7. 1950 A-F
  8. 1950 G-L

Box 5

  1. 1950 M-P
  2. 1950 R-U
  3. 1950 U-Z and unidentified
  4. 1951 A-L
  5. 1951 M-Z and unidentified
  6. 1952 A-L
  7. 1952 M-Z and unidentified
  8. 1953 A-L
  9. 1953 Lincoln Chamber of Commerce
  10. 1953 M-Z

Box 6

  1. 1953-1956 McDonald Farms
  2. 1953-1955 Nebraska Guernsey Breeders Assn.
  3. 1953-1955 Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement
  4. 1954 A-B
  5. 1954 C-G
  6. 1954 H-J
  7. 1954 K-O
  8. 1954 Lincoln Chamber of Commerce
  9. 1954 P-Z

Box 7

  1. 1955 A-I
  2. 1955 J-Z
  3. 1955 Lincoln Chamber of Commerce
  4. 1956 A-C
  5. 1956 D-L
  6. 1956 M-Z
  7. 1956-1957 Skyline Farm Party House
  8. 1957 A-N

Box 8

  1. 1957 O-Z
  2. 1957 Rotary Club Talk (Lincoln)
  3. 1958 A-Z
  4. 1958 McDonald Farms
  5. 1959 A-Z
  6. 1960 A-Z and unidentified
  7. 1961-1962 A-Z
  8. 1963 A-Z
  9. 1964 A-Z
  10. 1965 A-R
  11. 1965 S-Z and unidentified
  12. 1966-1967 A-Z
  13. Undated

Subgroup 2: Nebraska Dairy Development Society files, 1927-1933
Series 1 – Correspondence, 1927-1933

Box 9

  1. 1927 A-B
  2. 1927 Banks connected with Spring Purchases
  3. 1927 C
  4. 1927 Cattle Purchased in May
  5. 1927 Citizens National Bank, Appleton, Wisconsin
  6. 1927 J.S. Clark, Pres. Ravenna Creamery, Ravenna, Nebraska
  7. 1927 D and Dairy Calf Club
  8. 1927 E-G
  9. 1927 Harry Gordon, Harvard
  10. 1927 Carl R. Gray, Omaha President Union Pacific System

Box 10

  1. 1927 H
  2. 1927 Dr. C.H. Hayes, Chief, Bureau of Animal Industry, State of NE
  3. 1927 Alvah Hecht, County Extension Agent, Lexington, Nebr.
  4. 1927 F.L. Houghton, Sec. Holstein-Friesian Assn., Battleboro, Vermont.
  5. 1927 I-J
  6. 1927 K
  7. 1927 Val Keyser, Nebraska City Chamber of Commerce
  8. 1927 Val Kuska, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co.
  9. 1927 L
  10. 1927 M.N. Lawritson Lincoln Assistant Manager, Nebraska Dairy Development Society
  11. 1927 Liebers’ Correspondence while in Appleton, Wisc.
  12. 1927 M
  13. 1927 N

Box 11

  1. 1927 Nebraska Dairy Development Society: Form Letters, Annual Report and Miscellany
  2. 1927 O-P
  3. 1927 E.J. Peters, St. Michael, President, Nebraska State Dairymens’ Assn.
  4. 1927 R
  5. 1927 Paul Rigden, Union Pacific System
  6. 1927 Harry F. Rollett, Omaha National Bank
  7. 1927 S
  8. 1927 Phil Sheldon, County Extension Agent, Scottsbluff, Nebr.
  9. 1927 R.A. Smith, Supervisor of Agriculture, Union Pacific System
  10. 1927 T-V
  11. 1927 W

Box 12

  1. 1927 Waterloo Dairy Show, Waterloo, Iowa
  2. 1927 Joseph L. Worrell, County Extension Agent, Kearney, Nebraska
  3. 1927 Y-Z
  4. 1928 A
  5. 1928 The American Jersey Cattle Club
  6. 1928 B
  7. 1928 C
  8. 1928 Cattle Purchases, January and June-September and unidentified
  9. 1928 Cattle Purchases, October
  10. 1928 Cattle Purchases, November
  11. 1928 Cattle Purchases, December

Box 13

  1. 1928 Citizens National Bank, Appleton, Wisconsin
  2. 1928 J.S. Clark, President, Ravenna Creamery Co., Ravenna, Nebraska
  3. 1928 D
  4. 1928 E-F
  5. 1928 G
  6. 1928 Harry Gordon, Harvard, Nebraska
  7. 1928 Carl R. Gray, President, Union Pacific System
  8. 1928 H
  9. 1928 Dr. C.H. Hays, Chief, Bureau of Animal Industry
  10. 1928 Alvah R. Hecht, County Extension Agent, Kearney
  11. 1928 The Holstein Friesian Association
  12. 1928 I-J
  13. 1928 Stanley Jamison, Fox River Valley Guernsey Breeders Assn., Appleton, Wisconsin
  14. 1928 K-L
  15. 1928 Liebers’ Correspondence while in Appleton, Wisconsin and Miscellany
  16. 1928 E.M. Little, Dairy Cow Pavilion, Fremont, Nebraska

Box 14

  1. 1928 M-N
  2. 1928 Nebraska Dairy Development Society: Trustee Election and Miscellany
  3. 1928 O
  4. 1928 P
  5. 1928 Emory Peters, Owner, Valley View Dairy Farm, St. Michael, Nebraska
  6. 1928 R
  7. 1928 Paul Rigdon, Union Pacific System
  8. 1928 H.F. Rollett, Omaha National Bank
  9. 1928 S
  10. 1927-1929 Edwin Seybold’s correspondence with Liebers and Harry Gordon concerning calf purchased by Gordon from Seybold
  11. 1928 R.A. Smith, Supervisor of Agriculture, Union Pacific System
  12. 1928 T-V
  13. 1928 W-Z

Box 15

  1. 1929 A
  2. 1929 B
  3. 1929 C
  4. 1929 Cattle for Sale and Cattle Wanted
  5. 1929 Cattle Purchase I
  6. 1929 Cattle Purchase II
  7. 1929 Cattle Purchase III
  8. 1929 Cheese Production
  9. 1929 Citizens National Bank, Appleton, Wisconsin

Box 16

  1. 1929 W. Dale Clark, Treasurer, the Omaha National Bank
  2. 1929 D
  3. 1929 Dairy Calf Club
  4. 1929 E-F
  5. 1929 G
  6. 1929 Harry Gordon, Harvard
  7. 1929 H
  8. 1929 Holstein Fresian Assn.
  9. 1929 I-J
  10. 1929 K-L
  11. 1929 Liebers’ Business while away from Lincoln

Box 17

  1. 1929 M-N
  2. 1929 Nebraska Dairy Development Society: Form Letters, and Responses
  3. 1929 O-R
  4. 1929 Paul Rigdon, Union Pacific System
  5. 1929 H.F. Rollett, Omaha National Bank
  6. 1929 S
  7. 1929 R.A. Smith
  8. 1929 T-V
  9. 1929 W-Z

Box 18

  1. 1930 A-B
  2. 1930 Emmadine Farm
  3. 1930 F, H, I
  4. 1930 J, M, S, W
  5. 1931 Ayrshire Breeders Assn., C.T. Conklin, Sec.
  6. 1931 B, G, H, Emmadine Farms
  7. 1931 L
  8. 1931 M-N
  9. 1931 National Dairy Council
  10. 1931 P

Box 19

  1. 1931 R
  2. 1931 Paul Rigdon, Union Pacific System
  3. 1931 S
  4. 1931 R.A. Smith, Supervisor of Agriculture, Union Pacific System
  5. 1931 W.P. Snyder, Superintendent U.N. College of Agriculture Experiment Station, North Platte
  6. 1931 Dan V. Stephens, President, Stephens National Bank, Fremont, Nebraska
  7. 1931 T-U
  8. 1931 W, Y

Box 20

  1. 1932 A-B
  2. 1932 C
  3. 1932 Cattle Wanted and Cattle Purchases
  4. 1932 Cattle Abortion Disease Control
  5. 1932 D-E and Emmadine Farms
  6. 1932 J-N, S, U, W
  7. 1933 A-N
  8. 1933 National Dairy Council
  9. 1933 Nebraska Dairy Development Society: Form Letters
  10. 1933 O-R
  11. 1933 Paul Rigdon Union Pacific System
  12. 1933 S
  13. 1933 Dan Stephens, President, Stephens National Bank, Fremont, Nebraska
  14. 1933 W.P. Snyder, Superintendent, U.N. College of Agriculture Experiment Station, North Platte
  15. 1933 T, W
  16. Undated Form Letters

Subgroup 2: Nebraska Dairy Development Society files, 1927-1933
Series 2 – Administrative Records, 1925-1930

Box 21

  1. Dairy Calf Club Membership Roster, 1929 and Demonstration Information, 1926
  2. Dairy Club Inspection Records, 1928-1930
  3. Expense Accounts
  4. Reports and Membership Rosters, 1925-1930 and unidentified

Subgroup 2: Nebraska Dairy Development Society files, 1927-1933
Series 3 – Pedigrees

  1. Pedigrees
  2. Emmadine Bull Exhibit State Fair, 1931
  3. Emmadine Cattle

Subgroup 3: Skyline Dairy Business Records, 1927-1961
Series 1 – Administrative Records, 1935-1961

Box 22

  1. Inventories and Annual Reports, 1935-1947 and 1961
  2. Contracts and Leases
  3. Skyline Dairy Store Records
  4. Dairy Routes
  5. Property and Credit Statements
  6. Employment, 1949 and 1953-1956
  7. Soil Conservation, 1943-1947
  8. USDA Adjustment Agency and Conservation Program, 1943-1945
  9. Advertising
  10. News Releases, Clippings

Subgroup 3: Skyline Dairy Business Records, 1927-1961
Series 2 – Accounting Records, 1943-1955

  1. Audit Reports, 1943-1955
  2. Tax Returns, 1943-1949
  3. Monthly Trial Balances, 1947
  4. Register of Checks and Accounts Receivable, 1948-1951
  5. L.W. Chase Accounts

Subgroup 3: Skyline Dairy Business Records, 1927-1961
Series 3 – Herd Records, 1927-1957

Box 23

  1. Cattle Purchases, 1927-1928 and 1932
  2. Cattle Inventories, 1932-1939, 1941, and 1951-1953
  3. Herd Inventories and Ownership
  4. Records of Individual Cows
  5. Certificates and Pedigrees
  6. Certificates and Pedigrees
  7. Certificates and Pedigrees
  8. Bangs and T.B. Tests

Milk Production Records, 1955-1957 (See oversized item #1)
Individual Cows Lifetime Productions Records (See oversized item #2)

Subgroup 4: Federal Land Bank Records, 1934-1945
Series 1 – Appraisals (counties)

Box 24

  1. Cass
  2. Clay
  3. Clay
  4. Fillmore

Box 25

  1. Gage
  2. Hamilton, Webster, Adams

Box 26

  1. Jefferson
  2. Johnson

Box 27

  1. Lancaster
  2. Nemaha

Box 28

  1. Otoe
  2. Pawnee
  3. Richardson

Box 29

  1. Saline
  2. Saunders
  3. Saunders County – Wahoo
  4. Seward
  5. Thayer

Box 30

  1. York

Subgroup 4: Federal Land Bank Records, 1934-1945
Series 2 – Correspondence, 1938-1945

  1. 1938, 1940, 1941, 1942 A-Z
  2. 1943 A-Z
  3. 1944, 1945 and undated

Subgroup 4: Federal Land Bank Records, 1934-1945
Series 3 – Reports, 1934-1945

  1. Tri County Project

Box 31

  1. Misc. Reports, including:
    Nov. 30, 1934, Missouri River Excluded Area: Nemaha Co.
    March 6, 1936, Missouri River Excluded Area: Otoe Co.
    May 1, 1936, Missouri River Excluded Area: Richardson Co.
    May 5, 1936, Missouri River Excluded Area: Cass Co.
    Oct. 12, 1942, Loan Areas and Drainage Dist.: Sarpy Co.
    Nov. 5, 1942, Loan Areas and Drainage Dist.: Richardson Co.
    Nov. 5, 1942, Loan Areas and Drainage Dist.: Nemaha Co.
    Oct 23, 1942, Loan Areas in Missouri River Valley: Cass Co.
    Oct. 24, 1942, Loan Areas in Missouri River Valley: Otoe Co.
    Aug. 6, 1943, Loan Areas in Republican River Valley: Nuckolls, Webster, Franklin, Harlan, Furnas, Red Willow, Hitchcock and Dundy Counties
    Oct. 22, 1936, Drainage Dist. in Lancaster Co.
    June 17, 1938, Drainage Dist. #6: Richardson and Nemaha Co.
    March 28, 1945, Pump Irrigation in Nebraska

Subgroup 4: Federal Land Bank Records, 1934-1945
Series 4 – Loans, Closed and Re-Appraisals

  1. Loans Closed
  2. Reappraisals

Subgroup 4: Federal Land Bank Records, 1934-1945
Series 5 – Expense and Itinery Froms

  1. Expense and Itinery Forms

Subgroup 4: Federal Land Bank Records, 1934-1945
Series 6 – Land Bank Newsletters

  1. Land Bank Newsletters

Subgroup 4: Federal Land Bank Records, 1934-1945
Series 7 – Unidentified Appraisal Forms

  1. Unidentified Appraisal Forms

Subgroup 5: Personal Records, 1920-1961
Series 1 – Otto & Ethel Liebers files, 1920-1961

Box 32

  1. Biographical material
  2. Income tax returns, 1920-1950
  3. Receipts, Accounts and Expense Records
  4. Regent Candidacy, 1948
  5. Memo Pads
  6. Programs
  7. Last Will and Testament

Box 33

  1. Appointment Pad 1941
  2. Appointment Pad 1949
  3. Appointment Pad 1950
  4. Appointment Pad 1951
  5. Appointment Pad 1952
  6. Appointment Pad 1953
  7. Appointment Pad 1954
  8. Appointment Pad 1955
  9. Appointment Pad 1956
  10. Appointment Pad 1957
  11. Appointment Pad 1958
  12. Appointment Pad 1959
  13. Appointment Pad 1960
  14. Appointment Pad 1961

Subgroup 5: Personal Records, 1920-1961
Series 2 – Lawrence & Harry Liebers files

Box 34

  1. Awards and Cattle Papers
  2. School Papers

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 1 – Correspondence, 1927-1965

  1. Karl Musser, Sec., E.L. Safford, Herd Register Div.
  2. 1928 A-Z
  3. 1928 R.L. Holden, Field Representative
  4. 1929 A-Z
  5. 1930 A-Z
  6. 1931 R.L. Holden, Field Representative and General
  7. 1932 A-Z
  8. 1935, 1939-1945 A-Z
  9. 1941-1943 Robert Stewart, Field Representative
  10. 1943-1945 Robert Holden, Field Representative
  11. 1943-1944 Indiana Guernsey Sale

Box 35

  1. 1946-1947 John S. Clark, President
  2. 1948 A-Z
  3. 1948-1949 Golden Guernsey Executive Committee
  4. 1949 A-Z
  5. 1950 A-Z
  6. 1951 A-Z
  7. 1952 A-Z
  8. 1953 A-Z
  9. 1954 A-Z
  10. 1954 Annual Meeting

Box 36

  1. 1954 N-Z
  2. 1955 A-Z
  3. 1955-1956 Golden Guernsey
  4. 1945 A-Z
  5. 1957 A-Z
  6. 1958-1960 A-Z
  7. 1961 A-Z
  8. 1962-1965 A-Z

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 2 – Newsletters, 1931-1951

  1. Newsletters, 1931-1951

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 3 – Organizational Materials, Constitution & Reports

  1. Organizational Material, Constitution & Reports

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 4 – Syllabi: Executive Committee Meetings, 1947-1964

Box 37

  1. October 27-29, 1947
  2. May 17-18, 1948
  3. November 23, 1948
  4. May 8-10, 1949
  5. November 28-29, 1949
  6. May 7-9, 1950
  7. May 14-15, 1951
  8. September 21-22, 1951
  9. October 20-21, 1952
  10. May 18, 1953
  11. September 25-26, 1953
  12. May 24, 1954
  13. May 9, 1955
  14. October 9-10, 1955
  15. May 13, 1957
  16. November 9-10, 1959
  17. May 14 and 18, 1960
  18. May 13-17, 1961
  19. October 29-31, 1961
  20. May 1-5, 1964

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 5 – Minutes: Executive Committee Meetings, 1946-1962

Box 38

  1. May 13-14, 1946
  2. May 17-19, 1948
  3. November 22-23, 1948
  4. May 8-11, 1949
  5. November 28-29, 1949
  6. May 8-9, 1950
  7. September 22, 1950
  8. May 14, 1951
  9. September 21, 1951
  10. October 20-21, 1952
  11. January 9, 1953
  12. March 6, 1953
  13. May 18, 1953
  14. September 25, 1953
  15. May 24, 1954
  16. October 11, 1954
  17. May 9-10, 1955
  18. October 8-10, 1955
  19. May 7-19, 1956
  20. November 16, 1956
  21. May 13-15, 1957
  22. May 14-18, 1960
  23. November 2-4, 1960
  24. May 12-16, 1962

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 6 – Miscellaneous Minutes and Syllabi, 1946-1953

Box 39

  1. Advanced Register Syllabus, October 27-29, 1946
  2. Finance Committee Minutes, August 5, 1946 and November 24, 1947
  3. Golden Guernsey Committee Minutes, August 1, 1957
  4. Golden Guernsey Inc. Syllabus, October 28-29, 1946
  5. Governing Body Minutes, May 13, 1946
  6. Misc. Minutes, 1946-1947
  7. Special Golden Guernsey Committee Minutes, March 17, 1952
  8. Type Committee Minutes, August 30, 1948
  9. Type Committee Minutes, November 18-19, 1951
  10. Type Committee Minutes, November 19-20, 1953

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 7 – Treasurer’s Reports, 1946-1953

  1. Fiscal year ending March 31, 1946
  2. Fiscal year ending March 31, 1947
  3. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1948
  4. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1949
  5. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1950
  6. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1952
  7. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1953

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 8 – AGCC & Golden Guernsey Treasurer’s Reports, 1954-1960

  1. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1954
  2. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1955
  3. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1956
  4. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1960

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 9 – Secretary’s Reports, 1946-1953

  1. Fiscal year ending March 31, 1946
  2. Fiscal year ending March 31, 1947
  3. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1947
  4. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1948

Box 40

  1. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1949
  2. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1950
  3. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1952
  4. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1953

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 10 – AGCC & Golden Guernsey Secretary’s Reports, 1954-1960

  1. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1954
  2. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1955
  3. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1956
  4. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1960

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 11 – Golden Guernsey Inc., Secretary-Treasurer’s Reports, 1947-1953

  1. Fiscal year ending March 31, 1947
  2. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1947
  3. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1948
  4. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1949
  5. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1950
  6. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1952
  7. Fiscal year ending December 31, 1953

Subgroup 6: American Guernsey Cattle Club Files, 1927-1965
Series 12 – The Performance Register, Vol. XII, 1/1/58-1/1/59

Box 41

  1. The Performance Register, Vol. XII 1/1/58-1/1/59

Subgroup 7: Legislative Files, 1950-1963
Series 1 – Pre-election Material, 1950-1958

  1. Campaign Records and Printed Material, 1950-1958
  2. Petition for Election
  3. State Personnel Organization

Subgroup 7: Legislative Files, 1950-1963
Series 2 – 62nd Session, 1951, Jan. 2 – May 26

  1. Correspondence, 1950-1951 A-Z Bills
  2. LB247
  3. LB324, 329, 333, 378, and first reading of Gambling Bill
  4. Banking Dept. and Blue Sky Bulletin Bureau of Securities
  5. Budget – Board of Control, 1951-1953
  6. Budget – Board of Education of State Normal Schools, 1951-1953
  7. Budget – Game Forestation and Parks, 1951-1953

Box 42

  1. Budget – State of Nebraska
    Budget – University of Nebraska, 1951
  2. Clippings
  3. Corps of Engineers
  4. Ports of Entry – Financial Status
  5. State Reformatory for Women – Financial Status
  6. Tax Appraisal Board
  7. Watershed Material

Subgroup 7: Legislative Files, 1950-1963
Series 3 – 65th Session, 1953, Jan. 6 – June 13

Box 43

  1. General, 1952-1953
  2. General, 1954
  3. Crank Letters, 1953-1954
  4. Taxation, 1953 A-Z
  5. Taxation, 1954 A-L
  6. Taxation, 1954 M-Z
  7. Legislative Tax Study Committee, 1953

Box 44

  1. Legislative Tax Study Committee, 1954 A-L
  2. Legislative Tax Study Committee, 1954 M-Z Bills
  3. LB4 Amendment
  4. LB114
  5. LB504
  6. Bill Journal
  7. Board of Control, 1954 Financial Reports

Box 45

  1. Budget – State of Nebraska, 1955
    Committee on School Lands: Reports and Clippings
  2. Committee on Security for Dependents
  3. Education
  4. “Financing Public Education in the Decade Ahead”
  5. Governor’s Suggestion Committee
  6. Highways

Box 46

  1. List of Bills for which Liebers signed or co-signed
  2. Mental Health
  3. Nebraska’s Constitutional Amendment Committee
  4. “Nebraska Educational Directory,” 1953-1954
  5. Nebraska Osteopathic Association
  6. Public Power
  7. Safety Council Television Program
  8. Taxes Early Tax Study Information
  9. Taxes General Information, 1953
  10. Taxes General Information, 1954
  11. Taxes Legislative Council Committee on Tax Assessment, 1954

Box 47

  1. Taxes: Grain Assessment Meetings: Minutes and Related Information, 1954
  2. Taxes: Property Assessment Meetings: Minutes and Related information, 1953-1954
  3. Taxes: Other Tax Assessment Meetings: Minutes, March and April 1954
  4. Taxes: Related Information to March and April 1954 Meetings
  5. Taxes: Tax Clippings
  6. Taxes: Tax Questionnaire
  7. Taxes: Recommendations by Internet Groups
  8. Trucking
  9. U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Federal Grant-In-Aid Programs, 1954
  10. University of Nebraska Poultry Dept, 1954

Subgroup 7: Legislative Files, 1950-1963
Series 4 – 66th (Special) Session, 1954, April 20 – May 7

Box 48

  1. Revision of State Constitution with Regard to Taxes
  2. Amendments on November 2, 1954, Ballot

Subgroup 7: Legislative Files, 1950-1963
Series 5 – 67th Session, 1955, Jan. 4 – June 17

  1. General Correspondence, 1955 A-J
  2. General Correspondence, 1955 K-Z
  3. Legislative Correspondence, 1955-1956 A-Z
  4. Tax Study Correspondence, 1955-1956 A-Z
  5. Correspondence Re: LB92 & LB377 – Egg Production and Market News
  6. Correspondence Re: LB231 – Equal Pay for Women and LB274 40 hour week

Box 49

  1. LB138 College Dormitories
  2. LB148 Property Tax
  3. LB149 Use of Average Inventories
  4. LB150 To Change Tax Exempt Property
  5. LB151 Change Assessing Date
  6. LB152 Property Tax
  7. LB153 Appointment of Tax Commissioner
  8. LB154 Grain and Feed Taxes
  9. LB204 Gas Tax
  10. LB349 Parking Lot Trespassing
  11. LB384 Watershed Districts
  12. LBs 393, 479
  13. LBs 400, 406 and 510
  14. Bill Journal
  15. Bills Liebers Co-Introduced
  16. Budget – Board of Control, 1955
  17. Budget Message – Committee on the Budget

Box 50

  1. Budget State of Nebraska
    Budget University of Nebraska Biennial Budget Information
  2. Budget University of Nebraska Biennial Budget Request
  3. Clippings, 1954 and 1956
  4. Constitutional Amendments

Box 51

  1. Dept. of Roads Personnel
  2. Institutional Building Fund Committee I
  3. Institutional Building Fund Committee II
  4. Legislative Research
  5. Legislative Research
  6. State Plan for Construction of Several Health Facilities
  7. Watershed Committee – Antelope Creek
  8. Watershed Committee – Haskell Creek
  9. Watershed Committee – Papillion Creek
  10. Watershed Committee – Plum Creek
  11. Watershed Committee – Mud & Soap Creek

Box 52

  1. Watershed Committee – Wilson Creek
  2. Watershed Committee – Ziegler Watershed
  3. Tax Clippings, 1955
  4. Tax Clippings, 1956
  5. Tax Study Research, 1955
  6. Tax Study Research, 1956

Subgroup 7: Legislative Files, 1950-1963
Series 6 – 68th Session, 1957, Jan. 1 – June 19

  1. Correspondence, 1957 A-D
  2. Correspondence, 1957 E-I
  3. Correspondence, 1957 J-Z
  4. Budget Committee correspondence, 1957
  5. Invitations, 1957
  6. Correspondence regarding Primary Election for 68th Session, 1956

Box 53

  1. Correspondence related to LBs 1-100
  2. Correspondence related to LBs 101-150
  3. Correspondence related to LB134, LB88 Sales and/or Income Tax
  4. Correspondence related to LBs 151-200
  5. Correspondence related to LBs 201-300
  6. Correspondence related to LBs 301-350
  7. Correspondence related to LBs 351-400

Box 54

  1. Correspondence related to LBs 401-500
  2. Correspondence related to LBs 501-550
  3. Correspondence related to LBs 551-650
  4. LBs 51-150
  5. LB262 Property Tax
  6. LB266 Public Accountants
  7. LBs 351-400

Box 55

  1. LBS 401-600
  2. LB584 Sale of Milk
  3. Bill Journals
  4. Budget – Message Committee on the Budget
  5. Budget – State of Nebraska
  6. Budget – University of Nebraska
  7. Budget – University of Nebraska: Ag. College
  8. Budget – University of Nebraska: Budget Request
  9. Budget – University of Nebraska: Minority Report to Budget Committee Message
  10. Budget – University of Nebraska: Research

Box 56

  1. Budget – University of Nebraska: “Review of Accounting and Business Procedures,” June 1955
  2. Budget – University of Nebraska: Tuition
  3. Budget – University of Nebraska: Biennial Budget Information
  4. Cornhusker Motor Club Questionnaire
  5. Highway Financing
  6. Legislative Council, 1957-1958
  7. National Conference of Government, 1958
  8. Nursing Homes Regulations and Standards for Homes for Aged or Infirm, Jan. 1, 1957
  9. Research Material Reports
  10. Roll call Votes
  11. Tax Clippings
  12. Tax Study Committee
  13. Watershed Information

Subgroup 7: Legislative Files, 1950-1963
Series 7 – 69th Session, 1959, Jan. 6 – June 27

Box 57

  1. Correspondence, 1959-1960 A-C
  2. Correspondence, 1959-1960 D-G
  3. Correspondence, 1959-1960 H-L
  4. Correspondence, 1959-1960 M-O
  5. Correspondence, 1959-1960 P-Z and unidentified
  6. Budget Correspondence
  7. Correspondence Related to LBs 1-50
  8. Correspondence Related to LBs 51-150

Box 58

  1. Correspondence LBs 151-250
  2. Correspondence LBs 251-350
  3. Correspondence LBs 351-400
  4. Correspondence LBs 401-500
  5. Correspondence LBs 501-600
  6. Correspondence LBs 601-700
  7. Correspondence LBs 701-750
  8. LBs 301-500
  9. Budget – Agricultural Activities Budget Request

Box 59

  1. Budget – Agriculture and Inspection
  2. Budget – Aeronautics
  3. Budget – Athletics
  4. Budget – Attorney General
  5. Budget – Auditor of Public Accounts
  6. Budget – Banking Dept.
  7. Budget – Board of Control
  8. Budget – Examiners for Prof. Engineers and Architects
  9. Budget – Building Commission
  10. Budget – Civilian Defense
  11. Budget – District Court; Probation Office
  12. Budget – Education Dept.
  13. Budget – Education Dept. Bellevue School Dist.
  14. Budget – Education Dept. Vocational Education
  15. Budget – Educational Lands & Funds
  16. Budget – Fair Board

Box 60

  1. Budget – Game Forestation and Parks I
  2. Budget – Game Forestation and Parks II
  3. Budget – General Fund
  4. Budget – General Material
  5. Budget – Governor
  6. Budget – Health Dept.
  7. Budget – Historical Society
  8. Budget – Information
  9. Budget – Insurance Dept.
  10. Budget – Labor Dept.
  11. Budget – Legislative Council
  12. Budget – Library Commission
  13. Budget – Liquor Control Commission
  14. Budget – Lieutenant Governor
  15. Budget – Legislature (Clerk of)
  16. Budget – Military Dept.
  17. Budget – Motor Vehicle Dept.

Box 61

  1. Budget – Motor Vehicle Dealers Licenses
  2. Budget – Nebraska (State) 1959-1960
  3. Budget – Nebraska School Retirement Fund
  4. Budget – Nebraska Vocational Technical School
  5. Budget – Pardons and Paroles
  6. Budget – Personnel Comparison Between 6/58 and 3/59
  7. Budget – Public Welfare
  8. Budget – Railway Commission
  9. Budget – Real Estate Commission
  10. Budget – Recapitulation of 1959-1960 Biennial Budget
  11. Budget – Revision of Statutes
  12. Budget – Roads and Irrigation
  13. Budget – Safety Patrol
  14. Budget – State Inspections
    Budget – State Normal Schools
  15. Budget – Supreme Court and Library

Box 62

  1. Budget – Secretary of State
  2. Budget – Soil Conservation Service
  3. Budget – Spanish-Civil War
  4. Budget – Superintendent of Capitol
  5. Budget – Tax Commission
  6. Budget – Treasurer
  7. Budget – University of Nebraska – Budget Request
  8. Budget – University of Nebraska – Salary Request
  9. Budget – University of Nebraska – Related Data
  10. Budget – Veterans Affairs
  11. Budget – Water Resources
  12. Budget – Workmen’s Compensation Court
  13. Committee on Government Reorganization
  14. Cornhusker Motor Club Questionnaire
  15. “Development of the Nebraska Employment Security Law and Other Pertinent Facts,” 1959
  16. Gov. Brooks Contested Election
  17. Legislature, 1959

Box 63

  1. Legislature, 1959
  2. Legislature, 1960
  3. Legislature, 1957-1960
  4. Normal Schools
  5. (Pink Sheet) Legislature Reorganization Resolution
  6. State Auditors Monthly Statements, October and November 1960
  7. State Railway Commission

Subgroup 7: Legislative Files, 1950-1963
Series 8 – Miscellany (after Liebers’ last term)

  1. Correspondence, 1961 A-Z
  2. Budget – Adjutant Generals Dept., 1961-1963
  3. Budget – Undated Material
  4. Budget – University of Nebraska, 1963
  5. Legislative and Printed Matter

Subgroup 8: Salt-Wahoo Watershed Association Files, 1948-1966
Series 1 – Correspondence, 1948-1966

  1. 1948, 1950-1953 A-Z
  2. 1954-1955 State Watershed Advisory Board
  3. 1956-1959 A-Z
  4. 1960 A-Z

Box 64

  1. 1961 A-Z
  2. 1962 A-Z February-June
  3. 1962 A-Z July-October
  4. 1964 A-Z
  5. 1965 A-Z January-March
  6. 1965 A-Z April-June
  7. 1966 A-Z

Subgroup 8: Salt-Wahoo Watershed Association Files, 1948-1966
Series 2 – Miscellany

  1. Agenda, Clippings, Posters, and Minutes

Box 65

  1. Printed Matter and Reports

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 1 – By-Laws

  1. By-Laws

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 2 – Board of Directors Meetings, 1952, 1955, 1956, 1958-1961

  1. Meetings, 1952-1961

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 3 – Correspondence, 1953-1965

  1. 1953 A-Z
  2. 1954-1955 A-Z
  3. 1956-1958 A-Z
  4. 1959-1951 and 1965

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 4 – Annual Meetings & Financial Statements, 1953, 1955-1962

  1. Meetings, 1953-1962

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 5 – Annual Reports, 1952-1959

Box 66

  1. 1952-1954, 1956 and 1959
  2. Drafts of 1961 and 1966 Reports

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 6 – Mid-Century Conference on Resources for the Future, 1953

  1. Correspondence, 1953 and 1954
  2. Report Volume I
  3. Report Volume II
  4. Report Volume III

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 7 – Reports and Grant Proposals

Box 67

  1. Reports
  2. Grant Proposals, 1954, 1956, 1960 and 1961

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 8 – News Releases, 1953-1955

  1. New Releases, 1953-1955

Subgroup 9: Resources for the Future, 1952-1962
Series 9 – Printed Matter

  1. Congressional Studies
  2. Non-R.F.F. Resources Material
  3. R.F.F. Resources Material

Subgroup 10: Speeches, 1945-1962
Series 1 – General Topics

Box 68

  1. Humor and Sense
  2. Notes for Talks
  3. Talks – Agricultural
  4. Talks – The American Guernsey Cattle Club
  5. Talks – Appraising
  6. Talks – Church Groups
  7. Talks – Dairying
  8. Talks – Education
  9. Talks – General
  10. Talks – Guernsey Breeders
  11. Talks – Watershed

Subgroup 10: Speeches, 1945-1962
Series 2 – Specific Topics

  1. A Speech List, 1954, Feb. 9 – 1957, July 16
  2. “The Bright Spot on the Farm,” 1956, Jan. 25
  3. Brucellosis, 1949, Nov. 8
  4. “The Business Man and the Farmer,” 1955, Aug. 23
  5. “The Cost of State Government,” 1957, June 10
  6. “Facts and Fiction about State Government,” 1957, July 16
  7. “The Financing of Higher Education,” 1962, Oct. 22
  8. “The Income and Expenses of Nebraska State Government,” 1955, Nov. 14
  9. “The Legislature Tax Study Committee,” 1953, Oct. 7
  10. “The Life and Contributions of George E. Condra,” 1955, Apr. 12
  11. “Local Responsibility and Organization of Watershed Programs,” 1951, Aug. 3
  12. “Nebraska Constitutional Amendments,” 1954, Oct. 4 – Nov. 2
  13. “Nebraska Schools,” 1954, Nov. 22
  14. “Opportunities for Young People,” 1955, Mar. 25
  15. “Our Neighbors,” 1963, May 13
  16. Panel Discussion of Water Legislation, 1957, Oct. 1

Box 69

  1. “A Political History of the Salt-Wahoo Watershed Association,” 1956, Sept. 18
  2. Presentation of J.C. Penney, 1960, Oct. 5
  3. Remarks – Blue Valley Watershed Association, 1957, Nov. 18
  4. Remarks – Candlelight Club, 1959, Dec.
  5. Remarks – Master of Ceremonies at the Community Singfest, 1956, July 1
  6. Remarks – Cuming Soil Conservation Dist., 1955, Nov. 30
  7. Remarks – Meeting the Candidates YWCA, 1956, Oct. 15
  8. Remarks – National Diary Shrine, 1962, Oct. 3
  9. Remarks – Nebraska Water Conference-Panel, 1957, Mar. 1
  10. Salt-Wahoo Watershed Assn. Water Legislation, 1957, May 8
  11. “Some Experiences and Observations in Developing a Profitable Herd of Guernsey Cattle,” 1945, May 3
  12. “A Tribute to Dean Williams Wesley Burr,” 1956, May 19

Subgroup 11: Printed Matter, 1926-1961
Series 1 – Cattle Breeders Literature

  1. Ayshire Cattle
  2. Guernsey Cattle
  3. Holstein-Frieisan Cattle
  4. Jersey Cattle

Subgroup 11: Printed Matter, 1926-1961
Series 2 – Cattle Circulars, 1929-1961

  1. Cattle Circulars, 1929-1961
  2. Cattle Pedigrees, 1942-1947

Subgroup 11: Printed Matter, 1926-1961
Series 3 – Dairy Materials

  1. Buffalo and Antelope-Pierce Counties Dairy Herd Improvement Association Annual Reports, 1929-1930 and 1939
  2. Cheese and Creameries
  3. Clippings, 1939-1947
  4. Dairy Cattle Congress Cattle Premium List, 1932, Oct. 3
  5. Dairy Herd Improvement Association Newsletter, 1943-1949
  6. Dairy Market Information

Box 70

  1. Dairy Product Information
  2. Miscellany
  3. National Dairy Show, 1931
  4. Nebraska’s Dairy Production Testing Newsletter, 1948
  5. Nebraska Cow-Testing Association, 1926-1929

Subgroup 11: Printed Matter, 1926-1961
Series 4 – General Agriculture

  1. “Agriculture” (College Magazine) November 1909
  2. Agriculture Advisory Council Minutes, 1958 and 1961
  3. Pamphlets
  4. Crop and Livestock Bulletins, 1927-1932
  5. National Pasture, Forage, and Livestock Conference, 1949 and 1952
  6. Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement
  7. Directory of Charter Members of the Farmers’ Club, Lincoln, January 15, 1947
  8. Agenda of the Great Plains Agricultural Council, August 2-4, 1951
  9. Farming and Politics
  10. “The Hormel Farmer,” 1955, June 15 and “Ag College News Service,” 1962, Apr. 30
  11. Wheat Information

Subgroup 11: Printed Matter, 1926-1961
Series 5 – Lincoln Chamber of Commerce

  1. Air Base Housing Committee, 1954
  2. Minutes, 1952-1954

Subgroup 11: Printed Matter, 1926-1961
Series 6 – Miscellany

  1. Ford Foundation Pamphlets
  2. General Material
    Maps, Certificates, and Rosters (see oversized)
    Blueprints, Cattle Information, Graphs, and Photographs (see oversized)

Subgroup 11: Printed Matter, 1926-1961
Series 7 – Guernsey Breeders’ Journals

Volume 68, 1945
Volume 69, 1946
Volume 70, 1946
Volume 71, 1947
Volume 72, 1947
Volume 74, 1948
Volume 75, 1949
Volume 76, 1949
Volume 77, 1949
Volume 78, 1950
Volume 79, 1950
Volume 82, 1951
Volume 83, 1951
Volume 84, 1952
Volume 85, 1952
Volume 86, 1952
Volume 87, 1953
Volume 88, 1953
Volume 89, 1953

Subgroup 12: Second Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, 1948-1965
Series 1 – Correspondence, 1947-1965, n.d.

Box 71

  1. Correspondence, 1947-1965, n.d.

Subgroup 12: Second Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, 1948-1965
Series 2 – Administrative Records, 1946-1953

  1. Budget 1946, 1949-1953
  2. Second Presbyterian Church Foundation
  3. Session and Congregational Meetings

Subgroup 12: Second Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, 1948-1965
Series 3 – Building Fund Committee Files, 1948-1952

  1. Minutes, 1948-1952
  2. Working Papers and Notes
  3. Contracts
  4. Drawings and Charts
  5. Bills, Statements and Estimates, 1949-1952

Subgroup 12: Second Presbyterian Church of Lincoln, 1948-1965
Series 4 – Westminster Foundation

  1. Correspondence, 1954-1955 A-Z
  2. Minutes, Financial Records, and other material

Subject headings:

Agriculture — Nebraska
American Guernsey Cattle Club
Budget — Nebraska
Burr, William Wesley, 1880-1963
Cattle industry and trade — Nebraska
Chamber of Commerce (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Dairying — Nebraska
Education — Nebraska
Finance — Nebraska
Flood control — Nebraska
Ford Foundation Resources for the Future, Inc.
Legislators — Nebraska
Liebers, Otto Hugo, 1887-1968
Natural resources — Nebraska
Nebraska Dairy Development Society
Nebraska Hall of Agricultural Achievement
Nebraska. Agricultural Experiment Station
Nebraska. Legislative Council
Nebraska. Legislature
Presbyterian Church in Nebraska
Salt-Wahoo Watershed Association
Salt-Wahoo Watershed District
Second Presbyterian Church (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Skyline Dairy (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Snyder, William Patton, 1875-1934
Stephens, Dan Voorhees, 1868-1939
Taxation — Nebraska
United States Federal Land Bank (Omaha, Nebraska)
Watersheds — Nebraska

JEP/pjm 12-12-1977
Encoded TMM 06-11-2010

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