Ralph Frederick Beermann, 1912-1977 [RG3089.AM]


RG3089.AM: Ralph Frederick Beermann, 1912-1977

Papers: 1961-1964
Dakota City, Dakota County, Neb.: U.S. Representative
Size: 41.5 cu.ft.; 83 boxes


Born near Dakota City, Dakota County, Nebraska on August 13, 1912, Ralph Frederick Beermann attended public schools in South Sioux City, Nebraska and went on to attend Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa. During World War II, Beermann served in the U.S. Army in the African and European Theaters with the 601st Ordnance Battalion, 301st Ordnance Regiment. After the war he partnered with six brothers (Beermann Bros.) in farming, cattle feeding, and alfalfa dehydrating in Dakota County, Nebraska.

Long active in politics, Beermann organized the Dakota County Young Republicans in 1946. He served as the chairman of the Dakota County Republican Central Committee for ten years, and in 1960 he defeated Democratic Rep. Larry Brock to represent Nebraska’s 3rd District. Following the state’s House redistricting in 1961, Beermann defeated Clair Callan to represent Nebraska’s newly formed 1st District. In 1964 Beermann lost his bid for reelection to Clair Callan. Beermann served both terms on the House Agriculture Committee. Following his loss to Callan, Beermann resumed his business activities with Beermann Bros., but in 1972 he returned to politics when he won a seat on the board of the Nebraska Public Power District. He served on the board of the NPPD until his death in 1977.

Ralph Beermann died on February 17, 1977 when the single-engine plane he was piloting crashed at the Sioux City (Iowa) airport. His plane apparently caught a pole with its wing and flipped over near the end of the runway. Beermann was survived by his wife, Marjorie, and four brothers. He was laid to rest at the Dakota City Cemetery in Dakota City, Nebraska.


The material in this collection relates to Congressman Beermann’s activities in the House of Representatives from 1961 to 1964. The collection consists of 83 file boxes, arranged in the order kept by Mr. Beermann during his two terms in Congress. The papers consist largely of correspondence and are arranged in three series:

Series 1 – 87th Congress, 1961-1962

Boxes 1-6: General correspondence by topic
Boxes 6-10: Agricultural committee files
Boxes 10-19: Legislation, arranged alphabetically
Boxes 20-23: Acknowledgements, congratulations and invitations
Boxes 24-27: Requests and recommendations
Box 28: Bills

Series 2 – 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963

Boxes 28-31: General correspondence by topic
Box 31: Republican Party
Boxes 32-40: Legislation, arranged alphabetically
Boxes 40-42: Acknowledgements, congratulations and invitations
Boxes 43-46: Requests

Series 3 – 88th Congress, 2nd Session, 1963-1964

Boxes 47-49: Agriculture
Boxes 50-59: General correspondence by topic
Boxes 60-64: Agricultural committee files
Boxes 65-74: Legislation, arranged alphabetically
Box 75: Supreme Court
Box 76: Acknowledgements
Boxes 77-78: Extension of remarks
Boxes 78-79: Invitations
Boxes 80-83: Requests

Note: There is currently no description available for the photograph component [RG3089.PH] of this collection. Please ask a reference staff member for assistance with the photographs.


Series 1 – 87th Congress, 1961-1962

Box 1

  1. USDA
  2. Ag Dept. Credit Unions
  3. ASCS
  4. PVS Act
  5. CCC
  6. Ag. – Wheat
  7. Billie Sol Estes
  8. FHA

Box 2

  1. REA
  2. Soil Conservation
  3. Air Force – Gen
  4. Transfers – Discharges
  5. Inman Case
  6. Army General
  7. Engineers
  8. Discharges – Fort Lee Boys
  9. Discharges
  10. Gen. Walker
  11. Census Bureau

Box 3

  1. Civil Aeronautic Brand
  2. High Plains
  3. Civil Service
  4. Dept. of Commerce
  5. Rural Area Development Adm.
  6. Dept. of Defense
  7. Civil Defense
  8. FAA
  9. Frontier Airlines
  10. FCC
  11. WJAG

Box 4

  1. GPO
  2. HEW
  3. Food & Drugs
  4. Hospital Construction
  5. Office of Education
  6. Social Security
  7. Public Health Service
  8. Housing & Home Finance Agency
  9. ICC
  10. Dept. of Justice – General
  11. FBI
  12. Immigration & Naturalization
  13. Labor – CNW Strike
  14. NASA, NLRB
  15. Navy Gen, Transfers & Discharges, Marine Corps
  16. GSA

Box 5

  1. General
  2. Commemorative Stamps
  3. Postmasters, Rural Carriers, etc.
  4. Post Office Construction
  5. Rural Routes
  6. Allen, Nebraska Post Office
  7. Dakota City
  8. Beemer Rural Carrier Cumming County
  9. Creston, Nebraska
  10. Post Office – Fremont
  11. Post Office – Genoa
  12. Genoa – Postmastership
  13. Giltner Rural Carrier – Hamilton County
  14. Howe Post Office
  15. Lyons Postmaster – Burt County
  16. McLean Rural Carrier – Pierce County
  17. Post Office – Madison
  18. Madison Rural Route
  19. Post Office – Milford
  20. Post Office – Meadow Grove
  21. Milford Rural Carrier – Seward County
  22. Palmer Post Office
  23. Pilger Postmaster – Stanton County
  24. So. Sioux County
  25. Surprise – 4th Class – Butler County
  26. Tekamah Post Office
  27. Waco Rural Carrier – York County
  28. Yutan
  29. Verdigre Post Office

Box 6

  1. SBA
  2. State Dept. General
  3. Passports, Visas, Etc. – Supreme Court – Treasury – General – IRS
  4. Veterans Admin.
  5. White House
  6. Ag Committee Votes
  7. Agriculture Committee – Tobacco
  8. Letters to be Used in Committee
  9. Committee Notices
  10. Agriculture Committee Releases

Box 7

  1. Committee Correspondence
  2. Ag Committee – Subcommittee Oversight and Consumer Relations
  3. Ag Committee – Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies, and Manpower
  4. Ag Committee – Subcommittee on Oilseeds and Rice
  5. Ag Committee – Public Law 480
  6. Ag Committee – Subcommittee on Dairy and Poultry

Box 8

  1. Farm Labor – Public Law 78
  2. Ag Committee – Hog Cholera
  3. Oilseeds & Rice Subcommittee trip to Texas
  4. Food and Fiber
  5. Subcommittee Domestic Marketing
  6. Ag. Committee – Cotton
  7. Ag. Committee – Wheat
  8. Ag. Committee – Wool Act
  9. Ag. Feed Grains Bill
  10. Ag. Committee – Feed Grains HR 4510

Box 9

  1. Feed Grains Program – 1961
  2. Feed Grains – Working File
  3. Ag – Feed & Grains
  4. Ag. Committee HR 5023
  5. Agric. Com. Sub-Com Hearings Sioux City, etc.

Box 10

  1. C.E.D.
  2. Dairy
  3. Committees, Whip Notices, Republican Conference, Policy Committee
  4. Agric., Anti-Trust
  5. Appropriations
  6. AEC, Appropriations, Hanford Project

Box 11

  1. Area Redevelopment
  2. Banking, Berlin, Budget
  3. Captive Nations, Censorship, Civil Rights
  4. Communism
  5. Education – Federal Aid to (Opposed) Robo Letter
  6. Communism
  7. Civil Service, Cuba, Constitutional Amendment
  8. Disarmament, Delaware River Com., Depressed Areas, Dist-Col., Education
  9. Education; Fed Aid to:

Box 12

  1. Education – Aid to Parochial Schools
  2. Foreign Affairs, Trade, FCC & Radio, Flood Control, Foreign Aid
  3. 1961 – General
  4. General
  5. GI Bill, Housing, Home Rule, Housing
  6. ICC
  7. Indians, Interior (Water Rights)
  8. Interstate Commerce (Rate-Making)

Box 13

  1. Judiciary Com, Labor-Migrant Workers, Common Site Picketting, Liquor
  2. Labor – Minimum Wage
  3. Labor – Minimum Wage – Robo
  4. HR 3935 Minimum Wage
  5. Misc. HR 4999

Box 14

  1. Legislation – Miscellaneous (Nebraska)
  2. Misc.
  3. Veterans

Box 15

  1. Veterans
  2. Taxes – General
  3. Taxes – Gore Amend – HR 10
  4. Taxes: Excise, Income

Box 16

  1. Taxes – (Robo)(Savings & Loan)
  2. Taxes, Telephone, Transportation, Trade
  3. Trade
  4. Un-American Act
  5. United Nations
  6. UN Bonds, Unemployment
  7. Urban Redevelopment (Affairs)

Box 17

  1. Water Pollution, Welfare, Wilderness Act
  2. N.S. Life Ins., New Frontier
  3. Nuclear Testimony, Nursing Bill
  4. Postal Rate Increase
  5. Postal Pay Increase
  6. Postal-Communism Mail, Public Works
  7. Qual. Stab. Bill, Railroads
  8. Reclamation, Reorganization Plans

Box 18

  1. Reclamation, Frying Pan, Ark.
  2. Rules Com.
  3. Medicare – Social Security HR 4222
  4. Social Security (Medicare)
  5. Social Security, Steel Crisis

Box 19

  1. Taxes, Clay Products
  2. Taxes – Co-op
  3. Taxes – Highway
  4. Taxes – General

Box 20

  1. Acknowledgements – Nebraska
  2. Acknowledgements – Out of State

Box 21

  1. Acknowledgements – Out of State
  2. Condolences
  3. Congrats – Gen.
  4. Wedding Anniv., Congrats from Others
  5. Birthday Congrats
  6. Congratulations, General

Box 22

  1. Invitations – Accepted
  2. Invites – Declined, Invites to Others
  3. Invites – Declined

Box 23

  1. Invitations

Box 24

  1. Newspapers – Magazine Subscriptions
  2. Newsletter
  3. News – Release Corres.
  4. Radio & TV
  5. Office Staff, Applicants, Football Tickets
  6. Peace Corps

Box 25

  1. Office – Nebr., No, Positions
  2. Positions (High School Grads)
  3. Recommendations
  4. Requests
  5. Requests – Farm Bulletins
  6. Requests 1961

Box 26

  1. Yearbooks
  2. Flags, Photos & Biographical Material Requests
  3. Requests & Students, Cong. Directory, Battle Monuments

Box 27

  1. Nebr. Gen.
  2. Redistricting
  3. Mead Ordinance, Fort Robinson, Rurbia
  4. Newspapers – Libraries
  5. Visitors

Box 28

  1. Bills, 87th Congress

Series 2 – 88th Congress, 1st Session, 1963

  1. Ag
  2. Air Force – General
  3. AF Transfers, etc.
  4. General
  5. Discharge, Transfers, etc
  6. CAB
  7. Civil Service
  8. Commerce Dept.

Box 29

  1. National Guard
  2. Department of Defense, Civil Defense, National Guard
  3. FAA
  4. Frontier Airlines
  5. FCC
  6. GSA
  7. Food & Drug
  8. Health, Ed. & Welfare
  9. Education
  10. HEW – Public Health
  11. Social Security
  12. Housing & Home Fin. Agency
  13. FHA

Box 30

  1. ICC
  2. Labor
  3. National Relations Board
  4. Navy
  5. Guantanamo Bay Trip
  6. Navy – Transfers – Discharges
  7. Tariff Com.
  8. Arms Control & Disarmament

Box 31

  1. US Info Agency
  2. Small Business
  3. State Dept – General
  4. Test Ban Treaty
  5. Treasury – Gen, IRS
  6. Veterans
  7. Rep. Conference
  8. HR 12 – Medical Asst. Act
  9. Rep. Whip Notices
  10. Rep. Policy Com.
  11. Minority Staffing

Box 32

  1. Ag – Appropriations
  2. Appropriations
  3. Appropriations – Military
  4. Captive Nations
  5. Civil Rights

Box 33

  1. Civil Rights (Robo Letter)
  2. Cuba
  3. Civil Rights (Robo Letter – Petition)
  4. Education
  5. Education – Fed Dist – (For Aid to Parochial)
  6. Dist of Columbia
  7. Education – HR 6143

Box 34

  1. Education (Impacted Areas), Vocational Ed, Equal Pay
  2. FCC
  3. Federal Pay Increase
  4. Federal Pay Robo Letter
  5. Food & Drug
  6. Foreign Aid
  7. Foreign Aid – HR 7885
  8. Foreign Affairs (Policy)

Box 35

  1. Material from Meeting w/ Nebr. Federation of Retail Associations
  2. General
  3. ICC
  4. Independent, Bus Ballot
  5. Interior

Box 36

  1. Misc (Out of District)
  2. Monroe Doctrine
  3. New Frontier
  4. Postal, Postal Pay
  5. Medicare
  6. Military Pay
  7. Misc. (Nebr.)
  8. Mental Health
  9. Military

Box 37

  1. Social Security
  2. Supreme Court
  3. Space
  4. Taxes – Co-Ops
  5. Taxes – Excise
  6. School Lunch
  7. Selective Service
  8. Railroads
  9. Quality Stabilization
  10. Railroads – Robo Letter

Box 38

  1. Taxes – Income
  2. Trade
  3. Transportation
  4. United Nations
  5. UN (Arab Isreal)
  6. Veterans – Discharge Petition
  7. Taxes – General

Box 39

  1. Veterans
  2. Ack – Out of State
  3. Wilderness Bill
  4. Acknowledgements – Nebr.

Box 40

  1. General Congrats
  2. Birthday Congrats, Wedding
  3. Invitations – Accepted

Box 41

  1. Invitations – Accepted
  2. Invitations – Declined

Box 42

  1. Subscriptions
  2. Newsletter – No Answer
  3. Invitations – Declined
  4. 1963 – Founders Day
  5. Newsletter

Box 43

  1. Newsletter
  2. Requests

Box 44

  1. Yeabooks
  2. Photos, Students, Cong. Directory

Box 45

  1. Nebr. Gen.
  2. Nebr. Breakfast
  3. Whitney
  4. Visitors

Box 46

  1. Agriculture
  2. Dr. Willard Cochrane
  3. Ag Research Service
  4. Freeman
  5. Freeman Speeches
  6. Dual Grading of Beef

Series 3 – 88th Congress, 2nd Session, 1963-1964

Box 47

  1. Meat Imports

Box 48

  1. Meat Imports
  2. Ag (Root Worm)
  3. Ag Stabilization and Conservation Service

Box 49

  1. Commodity Credit Corporation
  2. Farmers Home Administration
  3. Rural Electrification Administration
  4. Soil Conservation Service
  5. Rural Areas Development Office

Box 50

  1. Ag – Marketing Service
  2. Lincoln Air Force Base
  3. Air Force – Transfers, Discharges
  4. Air Force – General
  5. Dept of Army – General
  6. Army Engineers
  7. Engineers – Blue River Basin
  8. Flood Control

Box 51

  1. Elkhorn – Flood Control
  2. Little Nemaha Flood Control
  3. Flood Control – Papio Creek
  4. Flood Control – Salt Wahoo
  5. Discharges – Transfers – Army

Box 52

  1. Census Bureau
  2. Civil Aeronautics Board
  3. Civil Service
  4. Area Redevelopment Administration
  5. Department of Commerce
  6. Area Redevelopment (Delmarva Soybean Plant) Vienna, MD
  7. Department of Defense
  8. National Guard
  9. Federal Aviation Agency
  10. Federal Communications Commission

Box 53

  1. Fish & Wildlife Service
  2. Federal Power Commission
  3. Federal Trade Commission
  4. General Services Administration
  5. National Archives & Records
  6. Government Printing Office
  7. Department of Health, Education, & Welfare
  8. Food & Drug Administration
  9. Hospital Construction – HEW
  10. Health, Education, & Welfare – Office of Education
  11. Social Security
  12. Federal Home Loan Bank Board
  13. Railroad Retirement
  14. Public Housing
  15. Dept of Interior – General

Box 54

  1. Bureau of Reclamation
  2. Bureau of Land Management
  3. National Park Service
  4. Outdoor Recreation
  5. Bureau of Indian Affairs

Box 55

  1. Angus Dam
  2. Cedar River Irrigation Project
  3. Colorado River Storage Project – Correspondence
  4. Colorado River Storage Project – Working File
  5. Elkhorn Basin Flood Control & Irrigation
  6. Elkhorn Valley Water Resources Assn.
  7. Little Blue River
  8. Loup River Storage – Correspondence & News Clips
  9. Loup River Storage Project

Box 56

  1. Maple Creek
  2. Mirage Flats Irrigation Project
  3. Shell Creek
  4. North Loup Projects & Big Indian Creek
  5. Cedar River Valley
  6. Mid-State Reclamation
  7. Bellwood & Bear-Pierce-Cedar Watershed Projects

Box 57

  1. Interstate Commerce Commission
  2. ICC – Box Car
  3. Post Office Dept
  4. Commemorative Stamp (Sokol-Crete)
  5. FBI
  6. Immigration & Naturalization
  7. Dept. of Labor
  8. National Aeronautics & Space Administration
  9. Dept of the Navy, Transfers – Discharges, Marine Corps

Box 58

  1. Post Office – General
  2. Lincoln Post Office
  3. Postmasters
  4. Rural Carriers (Post Office)
  5. Rural Routes
  6. Tariff Commission
  7. Supreme Court
  8. Atomic Energy Commission
  9. Smithsonian Institute
  10. Small Business Administration
  11. State Dept.
  12. Agency of International Development
  13. State Dept – Passports, Visas, Etc.
  14. Dept of Treasury
  15. Veterans Administration
  16. International Revenue Service
  17. White House

Box 59

  1. Ag. Committee – Legislative Calendar
  2. Ag. Committee

Box 60

  1. Ag. Committee

Box 61

  1. Ag. Committee

Box 62

  1. Ag. Committee

Box 63

  1. Ag. Committee

Box 64

  1. Ag. Committee

Box 65

  1. Beermann Bills & Correspondence

Box 66

  1. Beermann Bills & Correspondence
  2. Legislation A

Box 67

  1. Legislation A

Box 68

  1. Legislation B-C

Box 69

  1. Legislation D-G

Box 70

  1. Legislation H-L

Box 71

  1. Legislation M

Box 72

  1. Legislation M-Q

Box 73

  1. Legislation R-T

Box 74

  1. Legislation T-Y

Box 75

  1. Supreme Court
  2. Supreme Court – Letters – Unanswered by Mimeographed Letters
  3. Supreme Court – Robo Letter

Box 76

  1. Acknowledgements
  2. Biographical-Letters, Condolences, Congratulations
  3. Congratulations

Box 77

  1. Congressional Record List
  2. Extension of Remarks, 1964
  3. Extension of Remarks, 1963

Box 78

  1. Extension of Remarks Correspondence, Warren Commission, Eulogies
  2. Invitations – Declined
  3. Invitations – Accepted

Box 79

  1. Invitations – Accepted
  2. Newsletter
  3. Radio & TV
  4. Questionnaire Correspondence
  5. Questionnaire – 1962 – Nebraska Voters Opinion Poll

Box 80

  1. Employment
  2. Peace Corps
  3. Requests

Box 81

  1. Yearbooks
  2. Flags

Box 82

  1. Brides, Soil Surveys
  2. Nebraska

Box 83

  1. Nebr. Breakfast
  2. Federal Credit Bill
  3. Nebraska Files
  4. Visitors
  5. Beermann, Ralph F. 1912-

Subject headings:

Beermann, Ralph Frederick, 1912-1977
Legislators — United States
Nebraska — Politics and government
Political parties
Politics — Nebraska
Republican Party
United States. Congress. House of Representatives, 1961-1964

Revised 11-06-2007 TMM

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