Richard Lowitt, 1922- [RG3101.AM]


RG3101.AM: Richard Lowitt, 1922-

Research materials, manuscript drafts, etc.:
New London, CT; Lexington, KY; and Ames, IA: History Professor; author; and authority on Sen. George W. Norris
Size: 11.5 cu.ft.; 12 boxes and 1 reel of microfilm


Richard Lowitt, son of Eugene and Elanor (Lebowitz) Lowitt, was born in New York City on February 25, 1922. He received his B.S.S. from the City College of New York in 1943. His graduate degrees, an M.A. in 1945 and a Ph.D. in 1950, were received from Columbia University. Lowitt has taught at the University of Maryland, Florida State University, the University of Rhode Island, Brown, Yale, Emory, Connecticut College, the University of Kentucky, Iowa State University, and the University of Oklahoma.

Lowitt’s first book, A Merchant Prince of the 19th Century: William E. Dodge, was published in 1954. Much of Lowitt’s subsequent professional career has been spent in researching and writing about Nebraska Senator George W. Norris. His work has culminated in the authoritative biographical text on Norris and is comprised of three volumes: George W. Norris: The Making of a Progressive, 1861-1912 (1963); George W. Norris: The Persistence of a Progressive, 1913-1933 (1971); and George W. Norris: The Triumph of a Progressive, 1933-1944 (1978). This trilogy is available in the Library.


This collection consists of eleven boxes and one microfilmed reel of manuscript material arranged in three series: 1) Research Notes; 2) Manuscript Draft (Handwritten); and 3) Manuscript Draft (Typewritten). This material relates to the research conducted by and writings of Richard Lowitt for his three volume biography of George W. Norris, Senator from Nebraska.

The bulk of the collection consists of Lowitt’s Research Notes of Series 1. Covering over 400 files, the material found in this series is comprised of Lowitt’s notes on research materials examined; transcriptions of correspondence written by, to, or about Norris; and Lowitt’s evaluations of primary and secondary source material. Photocopies and transcriptions of the material in this series were made from originals found in the Library of Congress, the National Archives, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, and many other repositories. History Nebraska will not make reproductions from the microfilm portion of this series. For his first biographical volume on Norris, Lowitt’s files are arranged by topic and/or time period. The research materials for the second and third Norris biography volumes follow the chapter titles used by Lowitt in those published works. (The exception to this is the research material gathered for a planned Chapter 35, to be titled “The Last Year.” In the published work, this material was used in Chapter 34, “Senator-at-Large.”)

Series 2 and Series 3 are comprised of Manuscript Drafts of Lowitt’s last book on Norris, George W. Norris: The Triumph of a Progressive, 1933-1944. The draft of Series 2 is handwritten, while the draft of Series 3 is in typescript form with revisions. These two series can be used in conjunction in order to determine the progression of Lowitt’s thought and writing.

Note: See the Library Catalog and the Nebraska History index for various published materials by Richard Lowitt. For the papers of George W. Norris, see RG3298.


Series 1 – Research Notes

Box 1
Vol. 1 – George W. Norris: The Making of a Progressive, 1861-1912 Folder

  1. Miscellaneous Correspondence Items, 1885-1912 (not used in manuscript)
  2. Miscellaneous Correspondence Items, 1885-1912 (not used in manuscript)
  3. Nebraska Family
  4. Vital Statistics
  5. Family – Ohio
  6. Loyal United Nine (L.U.N.), to 1900
  7. Education: Baldwin and Valparaiso University
  8. Real Estate – Beaver City, etc., to 1895
  9. Real Estate – Beaver City, etc., to 1895
  10. Nebraska and Beaver City, to 1900
  11. Nebraska Lawyer, to 1890
  12. Nebraska Lawyer, to 1890
  13. Real Estate – Beaver City Mills, 1895-1900
  14. Real Estate – Beaver City Mills, 1895-1900
  15. Judge Norris – Personal, 1890-1899
  16. Judge Norris – Personal, 1890-1899
  17. Judge Norris – Personal, 1890-1899
  18. Politics, to 1895
  19. Judicial Nominations, Campaign and Election, 1895
  20. Judicial Nominations, Campaign and Election, 1895
  21. Judge Norris, 1895-1899
  22. Judge Norris, 1895-1899
  23. Politics, 1895-1899
  24. Reelection Campaign, 1899
  25. Articles – Nebraska Mortgage Loan Business; General Accounts, to 1900
  26. Mortgage Loan Collection, to 1895
  27. Mortgage Loan Collection, to 1895
  28. 1900
  29. 1900
  30. 1900
  31. 1901
  32. 1901
  33. Memorandum: Norris Campaigns of 1895, 1899, 1902
    Early Congressional Races, 1902-1904
  34. Congressional Campaign, to Hastings Nominating Convention of June, 1902
  35. Campaign, July – November, 1902
  36. Campaign, July – November, 1902
  37. Campaign, July – November, 1902
  38. Miscellaneous, 1902
  39. Congressman – Elect, 1902 – October 1902
  40. 58th Congress; 1904 Campaign
  41. 58th Congress; 1904 Campaign
  42. Congressional Record, 58th Congress, 2nd Session, Dec. 7 1903 – April 28, 1904
  43. 59th Congress – 1st Session, 1905-1906
  44. 59th Congress – 1st Session, 1905-1906
  45. Congressional Record, 59th Congress, 1st Session, Dec. 4, 1905-June 30, 1906
  46. Campaign, 1906
  47. Campaign, 1906
  48. Campaign, 1906
  49. Congressional Record, 59th Congress, 2nd Session, Dec. 3, 1906-March 4, 1907
  50. 60th Congress – 1st Session, 1907-1908
  51. Congressional Record, 60th Congress, 1st Session, Dec. 2, 1907-May 30, 1908
  52. Congressional Record, 60th Congress, 1st Session, Dec. 2, 1907-May 30, 1908
  53. Campaign, 1908
  54. Campaign, 1908
  55. Campaign, 1908
  56. Campaign, 1908
  57. 60th Congress – 2nd Session, 1908-?
  58. Congressional Record, 60th Congress, 2nd Session, Dec. 7, 1908-March 4, 1909
  59. Congressional Record, 61st Congress, 1st Session, March 15, 1909-August 5, 1909
  60. Rules Fight, 1909-1910
  61. Rules Fight, 1909-1910
  62. Rules Fight, 1909-1910
  63. Cannon Fight, 1910 – newspaper photocopies
  64. Insurgency, 1910
  65. Insurgency, 1910
  66. Congressional Record, 61st Congress, 2nd Session, Dec. 6, 1909-June 25, 1910
  67. Cannon Material – Insurgency
  68. Senate Campaign, 1910
  69. Senate Campaign, 1910
  70. Campaign and Election Results, 1910
  71. Campaign and Election Results, 1910
  72. 61st Congress – 3rd Session, December 5, 1910-March 4, 1911
  73. 61st Congress – 3rd Session, December 5, 1910-March 4, 1911
  74. Congressional Record, 61st Congress, 3rd Session, Dec. 5, 1910-March 4, 1911

Box 2

  1. March-September, 1911
  2. March-September, 1911
  3. Congressional Record, 62nd Congress, 1st Session, April 4-August 22, 1911
  4. August-September, 1911
  5. August-September, 1911
  6. August-September, 1911
  7. October-December, 1911
  8. October-December, 1911
  9. Congressional Record, 62nd Congress, 2nd Session, Dec. 4, 1911-August 26, 1912
  10. Politics, December 1911-March 1912
  11. Politics, December 1911-March 1912
  12. Politics, December 1911-March 1912
  13. Politics, December 1911-March 1912
  14. March-April, 1912
  15. March-April, 1912
  16. March-April, 1912
  17. March-July, 1912
  18. March-July, 1912
  19. March-July, 1912
  20. March-July, 1912
  21. August 1912
  22. September 1912
  23. September 1912
  24. October-November, 1912
  25. October-November, 1912
  26. 1912-1913

Reel 1

Press Coverage of Cannon fight, 1910
Periodical articles on Norris, 1914-1928
Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Morris L. Cooke relating to Norris (Nebraska State Historical Society cannot copy items from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library.)

Vol. 2 – George W. Norris: The Persistence of a Progressive, 1913-1933

Box 2 (cont.)

  1. Chapter 1: The New Freedom?
  2. Chapter 1: The New Freedom?
  3. Chapter 1: The New Freedom?
  4. Chapter 1: The New Freedom?
  5. Chapter 2: Progressivism: New Style
  6. Chapter 2: Progressivism: New Style
  7. Chapter 2: Progressivism: New Style
  8. Chapter 3: The Road to War
  9. Chapter 3: The Road to War
    Chapter 4: Congress Alone Has the Right to Declare War
  10. Chapter 4: Congress Alone Has the Right to Declare War
  11. Chapter 5: Taking the Profit Out of War
  12. Chapter 5: Taking the Profit Out of War
    Chapter 6: The 1918 Campaign
  13. Chapter 6: The 1918 Campaign
  14. Chapter 7: Peacemaking
  15. Chapter 7: Peacemaking
  16. Chapter 8: End of an Era?
  17. Chapter 8: End of an Era?
  18. Chapter 9: Normaley: Foreign Affairs
  19. Chapter 9: Normaley: Foreign Affairs
  20. Chapter 9: Normaley: Foreign Affairs

Box 3

  1. Chapter 10: Normaley: Domestic Problems
  2. Chapter 11: Aid to Agriculture
  3. Chapter 11: Aid to Agriculture
    Chapter 12: Producers and Consumers
  4. Chapter 12: Producers and Consumers
  5. Chapter 13: The Proper Use of Natural Resources
  6. Chapter 13: The Proper Use of Natural Resources
  7. Chapter 14: The Greatest Gift Since Salvation
  8. Chapter 14: The Greatest Gift Since Salvation
    Chapter 15: 1924: Personal and Political
  9. Chapter 15: 1924: Personal and Political
  10. Chapter 16: My Party, Right or Wrong
  11. Chapter 17: The Coolidge-Underwood Coalition
  12. Chapter 18: Multiple-Purpose Developments
  13. Chapter 19: The Business of the United States is Business
  14. Chapter 19: The Business of the United States is Business
  15. Chapter 19: The Business of the United States is Business
  16. Chapter 20: No Relief for the Farmer
  17. Chapter 20: No Relief for the Farmer
    Chapter 21: Confronting Coolidge
  18. Chapter 21: Confronting Coolidge
  19. Chapter 22: Social Trends
  20. Chapter 22: Social Trends
  21. Chapter 22: Social Trends
  22. Chapter 23: The Turning of the Tide
  23. Chapter 23: The Turning of the Tide
  24. Chapter 23: The Turning of the Tide
  25. Chapter 24: Primacy of Public Interest
  26. Chapter 25: Isolationism
  27. Chapter 26: The Patriot’s Duty
  28. Chapter 27: 1928
  29. Chapter 27: 1928
  30. Chapter 28: The Same Old Story
  31. Chapter 28: The Same Old Story
  32. Chapter 29: The Dictates of Conscience
  33. Chapter 29: The Dictates of Conscience

Box 4

  1. Chapter 30: Pounding Home the Message
  2. Chapter 30: Pounding Home the Message
  3. Chapter 30: Pounding Home the Message
  4. Chapter 31: The President and the Power Trust
  5. Chapter 31: The President and the Power Trust
  6. Chapter 31: The President and the Power Trust
  7. Chapter 32: Conservatism Hits Bottom
  8. Chapter 32: Conservatism Hits Bottom
    Chapter 33: Depression: Part I
  9. Chapter 33: Depression: Part I
  10. Chapter 34: Depression: Part II
  11. Chapter 34: Depression: Part II
    Chapter 35: Persistence Pays Off
  12. Chapter 35: Persistence Pays Off
  13. Chapter 36: The World at Home
  14. Chapter 36: The World at Home
  15. Chapter 37: Fruits of Righteousness
  16. Chapter 38: Dreams Come True

V3 – George W. Norris: The Triumph of a Progress, 1933-1944

  1. Miscellaneous Items (see also OB001)
  2. Chapter 1: The 100 Days
  3. Chapter 1: The 100 Days
  4. Chapter 1: The 100 Days
  5. Chapter 1: The 100 Days
  6. Chapter 2: TVA
  7. Chapter 2: TVA
  8. Chapter 2: TVA
  9. Chapter 3: Transitions: I
  10. Chapter 3: Transitions: I
  11. Chapter 4: Transitions: II
  12. Chapter 4: Transitions: II
  13. Chapter 4: Transitions: II
  14. Chapter 4: Transitions: II
  15. Chapter 5: Most Useful Legislator
  16. Chapter 5: Most Useful Legislator
  17. Chapter 5: Most Useful Legislator
  18. Chapter 5: Most Useful Legislator
  19. Chapter 5: Most Useful Legislator
  20. Chapter 6: One-House Legislator
  21. Chapter 6: One-House Legislator
  22. Chapter 6: One-House Legislator

Box 5

  1. Chapter 6: Continuation of One-House Legislator
  2. Chapter 6: Continuation of One-House Legislator
  3. Chapter 6: Continuation of One-House Legislator
  4. Chapter 7: Flood Tide
  5. Chapter 7: Flood Tide
  6. Chapter 7: Flood Tide
  7. Chapter 7: Flood Tide
  8. Chapter 7: Flood Tide
  9. Chapter 8: “There Ain’t No God”
  10. Chapter 8: “There Ain’t No God”
  11. Chapter 8: “There Ain’t No God”
  12. Chapter 8: “There Ain’t No God”
  13. Chapter 8: “There Ain’t No God”
  14. Chapter 9: We Want Water
  15. Chapter 9: We Want Water
  16. Chapter 9: We Want Water
  17. Chapter 9: We Want Water
  18. Chapter 9: We Want Water
  19. Chapter 9: We Want Water
  20. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
  21. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
  22. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
  23. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
  24. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
  25. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
  26. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
  27. Chapter 11: New Deal for Rural America
  28. Chapter 11: New Deal for Rural America
  29. Chapter 11: New Deal for Rural America
  30. Chapter 11: New Deal for Rural America
  31. Chapter 11: New Deal for Rural America
  32. Chapter 12: 1936: Preliminaries
  33. Chapter 12: 1936: Preliminaries
  34. Chapter 12: 1936: Preliminaries
  35. Chapter 12: 1936: Preliminaries
  36. Chapter 12: 1936: Preliminaries

Box 6

  1. Chapter 13: 1936: Campaigning for Franklin D. Roosevelt
  2. Chapter 13: 1936: Campaigning for Franklin D. Roosevelt
  3. Chapter 13: 1936: Campaigning for Franklin D. Roosevelt
  4. Chapter 13: 1936: Campaigning for Franklin D. Roosevelt
  5. Chapter 13: 1936: Campaigning for Franklin D. Roosevelt
  6. Chapter 13: 1936: Campaigning for Franklin D. Roosevelt
  7. Chapter 14: Cover Story
  8. Chapter 14: Cover Story
  9. Chapter 14: Cover Story
  10. Chapter 14: Cover Story
  11. Chapter 14: Cover Story
  12. Chapter 15: “Only God Can Change the Supreme Court”
  13. Chapter 15: “Only God Can Change the Supreme Court”
  14. Chapter 15: “Only God Can Change the Supreme Court”
  15. Chapter 15: “Only God Can Change the Supreme Court”
  16. Chapter 15: “Only God Can Change the Supreme Court”
  17. Chapter 15: “Only God Can Change the Supreme Court”
  18. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
  19. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
  20. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
  21. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
  22. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
  23. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
  24. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
  25. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  26. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  27. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  28. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  29. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  30. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  31. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  32. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  33. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  34. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  35. Chapter 18: Successful Challenges
  36. Chapter 18: Successful Challenges
  37. Chapter 18: Successful Challenges
  38. Chapter 18: Successful Challenges
  39. Chapter 18: Successful Challenges
  40. Chapter 18: Successful Challenges

Box 7

  1. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  2. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  3. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  4. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  5. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  6. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  7. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  8. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  9. Chapter 20: Neutrality: An End to Innocence
  10. Chapter 20: Neutrality: An End to Innocence
  11. Chapter 20: Neutrality: An End to Innocence
  12. Chapter 20: Neutrality: An End to Innocence
  13. Chapter 21: Senatorial Frustrations
  14. Chapter 21: Senatorial Frustrations
  15. Chapter 21: Senatorial Frustrations
  16. Chapter 21: Senatorial Frustrations
  17. Chapter 21: Senatorial Frustrations
  18. Chapter 21: Senatorial Frustrations
  19. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
  20. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
  21. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
  22. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
  23. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
  24. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
  25. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
  26. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
  27. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  28. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  29. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  30. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  31. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  32. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  33. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  34. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  35. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  36. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  37. Chapter 24: Nebraska at the Crossroads
  38. Chapter 24: Nebraska at the Crossroads
  39. Chapter 24: Nebraska at the Crossroads

Box 8

  1. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  2. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  3. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  4. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  5. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  6. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  7. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  8. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  9. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  10. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  11. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  12. Chapter 24: Continuation of Nebraska at the Crossroads
  13. Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  14. Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  15. Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  16. Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  17. Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  18. Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  19. Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  20. Chapter 26: Dean of Congress
  21. Chapter 26: Dean of Congress
  22. Chapter 26: Dean of Congress
  23. Chapter 26: Dean of Congress
  24. Chapter 26: Dean of Congress
  25. Chapter 26: Dean of Congress
  26. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  27. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  28. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  29. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  30. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  31. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  32. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  33. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  34. Chapter 28: The Last Congress: Domestic Aspects
  35. Chapter 28: The Last Congress: Domestic Aspects
  36. Chapter 28: The Last Congress: Domestic Aspects
  37. Chapter 28: The Last Congress: Domestic Aspects
  38. Chapter 28: The Last Congress: Domestic Aspects
    Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace
  39. Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace
  40. Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace
  41. Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace
  42. Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace
  43. Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace
  44. Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace

Box 9

  1. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  2. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  3. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  4. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  5. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  6. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  7. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  8. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  9. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  10. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  11. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  12. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  13. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  14. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  15. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  16. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  17. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  18. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  19. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  20. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  21. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  22. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  23. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  24. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  25. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  26. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  27. Chapter 33: The Last Hurrah
  28. Chapter 33: The Last Hurrah
  29. Chapter 33: The Last Hurrah
  30. Chapter 33: The Last Hurrah
  31. Chapter 33: The Last Hurrah
  32. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  33. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  34. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  35. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  36. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  37. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  38. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  39. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  40. Chapter 35: The Last Year
  41. Chapter 35: The Last Year
  42. Chapter 35: The Last Year
  43. Chapter 35: The Last Year
  44. Chapter 35: The Last Year
  45. Chapter 35: The Last Year
  46. Chapter 35: The Last Year
  47. Chapter 35: The Last Year
  48. Chapter 35: The Last Year

Box 10

  1. Chapter 35: Continuation of The Last Year (No Chapter 35 in published volume)
  2. Chapter 35: Continuation of The Last Year (No Chapter 35 in published volume)
  3. Chapter 35: Continuation of The Last Year (No Chapter 35 in published volume)
  4. Chapter 35: Continuation of The Last Year (No Chapter 35 in published volume)
  5. Chapter 35: Continuation of The Last Year (No Chapter 35 in published volume)
  6. Chapter 36: Epilogue
  7. Chapter 36: Epilogue
  8. Chapter 36: Epilogue

Box 9a – Miscellaneous Index Card Notes, 1930s and 1940s

Series 2 – Manuscript Draft (handwritten)

Box 10 (cont.)

  1. Preface
    Chapter 1: The 100 Days
    Chapter 2: TVA
  2. Chapter 3: Transitions I
    Chapter 4: Transitions II
    Chapter 5: Most Useful Legislator
  3. Chapter 6: One-House Legislature
    Chapter 7: Flood Tide
  4. Chapter 8: “There Ain’t No God”
    Chapter 9: We Want Water
  5. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
    Chapter 11: New Deal for Rural America
  6. Chapter 12: 1936: Preliminaries
    Chapter 13: 1936: Campaigning for Franklin D. Roosevelt
  7. Chapter 14: Cover Story
    Chapter 15: “Only God Can Change the Supreme Court”
  8. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
    Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  9. Chapter 18: Successful Challenges
    Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  10. Chapter 20: Neutrality: An End to Innocence
    Chapter 21: Senatorial Frustrations
  11. Chapter 22: TVA: New Controversies
    Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  12. Chapter 24: Nebraska at the Crossroads
    Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  13. Chapter 26: Dean of Congress
    Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  14. Chapter 28: The Last Congress: Domestic Aspects
    Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace
  15. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
    Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  16. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
    Chapter 33: The Last Hurrah
  17. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
    Chapter 35: The Last Year
    Chapter 36: Epilogue
  18. Bibliographical Essay

Series 3 – Manuscript Draft (typewritten)

Box 11

  1. Preface
  2. Chapter 1: The 100 Days
  3. Chapter 2: TVA
  4. Chapter 3: Transitions: I
  5. Chapter 4: Transitions: II
  6. Chapter 5: Most Useful Legislator
  7. Chapter 6: One-House Legislator
  8. Chapter 7: Flood Tide
  9. Chapter 8: “There Ain’t No God”
  10. Chapter 9: We Want Water
  11. Chapter 10: “A Great American Experiment”
  12. Chapter 11: New Deal for Rural America
  13. Chapter 12: 1936: Preliminaries
  14. Chapter 13: 1936: Campaign
  15. Chapter 14: Cover Story
  16. Chapter 15: “Only God Can Change the Supreme Court”
  17. Chapter 16: Saving the Situation
  18. Chapter 17: Trouble in Paradise
  19. Chapter 18: Successful Challenges
  20. Chapter 19: Nebraska Fights for Survival
  21. Chapter 20: Neutrality: An End to Innocence
  22. Chapter 21: Senatorial Frustrations
  23. Chapter 22: New Controversies
  24. Chapter 23: 1940: A Momentous Session
  25. Chapter 24: Nebraska at the Crossroads
  26. Chapter 25: 1940: For Franklin D. Roosevelt
  27. Chapter 26: Dean of Congress
  28. Chapter 27: No Choice Left
  29. Chapter 28: The Last Congress: Domestic Aspects
  30. Chapter 29: The Last Congress: War and Peace
  31. Chapter 30: TVA: Mission Accomplished?
  32. Chapter 31: Nebraska: A State in Transition
  33. Chapter 32: The Last Campaign
  34. Chapter 33: The Last Hurrah
  35. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  36. Chapter 34: Senator-at-Large
  37. Epilogue
  38. Index

Subject headings:

Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941
Cannon, Joseph Gurney, 1836-1926
Coolidge, (John) Calvin, 1872-1933
Depressions — 1929 — United States
Harding, Warren Gamaliel, 1865-1923
Hoover, Herbert Clark, 1874-1964
Lawrence, James Earnest, 1889-1957
Legislative bodies — Nebraska
Lowitt, Richard, 1922-
McCook (Neb.) — History
Muscle Shoals (Ala.)
New Deal, 1933-1939
Norris, George William, 1861-1944
Progressivism (United States politics)
Public utilities
Red Willow County (Neb.) — History
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1882-1945
Rural electrification
Taft, William Howard, 1857-1930
Tennessee Valley Authority
United States. Congress. House of Representatives
United States. Congress. Senate
Wilson (Thomas) Woodrow, 1856-1924
World War, 1914-1918 — Public opinion

AIP/ksa 10-1990
Encoded TMM 06-21-2010

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The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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NSHS's mission is to collect, preserve, and open our shared history to all Nebraskans.

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Volunteers are the heroes of NSHS. So much history, so little time! Your work helps us share access to Nebraska’s stories at our museums and sites, the reference room, and online.