Val (Frederick Valdemar Erastus) Peterson, 1903-1983 [RG2386.AM]


RG2386.AM: Val (Frederick Valdemar Erastus) Peterson, 1903-1983

Papers: 1942-1977, n.d.
Oakland, Burt County, Neb.: Former Nebraska Governor
Size: 6.0 cu.ft.; 6 boxes


Val (Frederick Valdemar Erastus) Peterson was born in Oakland, Nebraska, on July 18, 1903, the son of Henry C. and Hermanda (Swanberg) Peterson. He graduated from Wayne State College in 1927 and received an MA degree from the University of Nebraska in 1931, taking additional graduate study the next two years. He married Elizabeth Howells Pleak on June 6, 1929.

Peterson coached athletics and taught government and history in Nebraska high schools from 1925-1930 and was superintendent of the Elgin public schools from 1933-1939. He published the Elgin Review from 1936-1946, and served as secretary to Nebraska Governor, Dwight Griswold in 1941 and 1942. Peterson was elected three times as Governor of Nebraska on the Republican ticket serving from 1947 to 1953. From 1953-1957 he was administrative assistant with cabinet rank to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. During this time he was the Federal Civil Defense Administrator in charge of all disaster relief activities, and presided over White House governors’ and mayors’ conferences. He was named ambassador to Denmark in 1957 and served in that position until 1961 and later served as ambassador to Finland, 1969-1973. In Finland he hosted the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) in 1973.

Val Peterson has received numerous awards and citations for distinguished service in government and in the Air Force during World War II and has served on boards of numerous corporations and professional and fraternal organizations.


The materials in this collection were transferred from Val Peterson’s gubernatorial records held in RG001, SG33. These materials consist of post-gubernatorial correspondence and other files not officially related to Peterson’s time as Governor.

See the photo component [RG2386.PH] for related images. See also the NSHS Library Catalog and the Nebraska History index for published materials by and about Val Peterson.


Box 1

  1. A 1961-1966
  2. Adams County Sanitary & Improvement Dist. #1
  3. Air Force Association
  4. Ak-Sar-Ben
  5. Ambassadorship 1975
  6. American Retail Federation
  7. B 1961-1966
  8. B 1970s
  9. Bank Records
  10. Behlen Manufacturing Co. 1961-1962 – Fallout Shelters
  11. Behlen Manufacturing Co. – Nebraska Centennial Coliseum, 1963-1965
  12. Bouges (Oakland Independent) 1961-1966
  13. Boy Scouts of America Relief Administration
  14. C 1961-1966
  15. Christian Record Braille Foundation
  16. Council of Former Governors, Inc. 1976
  17. Curtis, Carl T. (Sen., US)
  18. D 1961-1966
  19. Danaher, Earl – Insurance Complaint
  20. Danish Brotherhood in America
  21. Ambassador to Denmark
  22. Denmark/Sweden
  23. Denmark – Crowe Letters, 1974
  24. Durham, C.W. 1962-
  25. E 1963-1966
  26. Eisenhower, Dwight D.
  27. Election Results – 1964
  28. Election – 1966
  29. Elections – Federal Election Commission, 1975
  30. Expenses – Automobile
  31. F 1961-1966
  32. Fairbury Jr. College
  33. Faulkner, Edwin J. (Woodmen Accident & Life) 1961-1966
  34. Finland, Ambassador to
  35. First National Bank, Hastings, 1963-1966
  36. Ford, Gerald R.
  37. G 1961-1966
  38. Goodman, Thomas Hill, 1961-1965

Box 2

  1. K 1961-1963
  2. K 1964-1966
  3. L 1961-1963
  4. L 1964-1966
  5. Letters answered and outgoing, 1974
  6. Letters answered and outgoing, 1975
  7. Letters answered and outgoing, 1975-1976
  8. M 1961-1962
  9. M 1963-1964
  10. M 1965-1966
  11. M-1 Rifle (Richard D. Lesh), 1967
  12. Mc 1961-1963
  13. Mc 1964-1965
  14. McDonald Foundation: By Laws
  15. McDonald Foundation: Executive Minutes, 1959-1960
  16. McDonald Foundation Minutes, 1963
  17. N 1961-1963
  18. N 1964-1966
  19. Natural Resources District 1969-1974 Lower & Upper Elkhorn
  20. Neb. Congressman for Val Peterson for Ambassador, 1976
  21. Norman Nordstrand, 1961-1964
  22. Norman Nordstrand, 1965
  23. O 1961-1966
  24. P 1961-1962
  25. P 1963-1964
  26. P 1965-1966
  27. Person to Person
  28. Peterson Family: Fred Kern, 1961-1965
  29. Peterson Family: William Lawn T., 1961-1962
  30. Peterson Family: Carl Peterson, 1962-1965
  31. Peterson Family: Evan Peterson,
  32. Peterson Family: Fred Peterson, 1963-1965

Box 3

  1. Fred Peterson Railway Commission, 3rd District
  2. Personal, 1962-1965
  3. Personal, 1965-1966
  4. Political, 1963
  5. Political, 1964-1965
  6. Politiken, “Good Bye Val,” 1961
  7. Q 1962
  8. R 1961-1962
  9. R 1963-1964
  10. R 1965-1966
  11. Redpath Bureau (CE Backman), 1963-1965
  12. Republican NTL Convention, 1972
  13. Earl Reutzel, 1961-1965
  14. Nelson Rockefeller, 1975-1976
  15. S 1961-1962
  16. S 1963-1964
  17. S 1965-1966
  18. Sanitary and Improvement District, 1966-1967
  19. Speaking Engagements Accepted, 1965
  20. Speaking Engagements Accepted, 1966, Jan.-Feb.
  21. Speaking Engagements Accepted, 1966, Mar.
  22. Speaking Engagements Accepted, 1966, Apr.-May
  23. Speaking Engagements Not Accepted, 1966, Feb.-Mar.
  24. Speaking Engagements Not Accepted, 1966, Apr.-May
  25. T 1961-1963
  26. T 1964-1966
  27. Telephone Conversations
  28. Tiemann, 1966
  29. Visit to Turkey
  30. U 1961-1966
  31. V 1961-1966
  32. W 1961-1962
  33. W 1963-1964
  34. W 1965-1966
  35. Waste, Animal: Nebraska Management Project
  36. Water Preservation Plans, 1963
  37. Wayne State College, Public Affairs Institute Info, 1975
  38. George Wright, 1961-1965
  39. X-Y-Z 1961-1966

Box 4

  1. AASCU Announcement, 1976
  2. AASCU Clippings, 1976
  3. Awards & Letterhead
  4. Biographical Sketch
  5. Cards & Plates
  6. Certificate of Election: Director Lower Elkhorn at Large NRD
  7. Congressional Record: Civil Defense Program, 1961
  8. Bob Considine Series on Think Tanks
  9. Diet by Dr. Paul Charlton
  10. Finland
  11. Finland Booklets
  12. Finland, General
  13. Finland: Newspaper Articles and Personal
  14. Finland: S.A.L.T. Newspaper Clippings
  15. Finland Speeches: 1958-1959
  16. Foreign Newspaper Clippings
  17. Governors Mansion, General Material
  18. Mental Health Project Grant Application
  19. Middle East Conference: Wayne State College, 1974
  20. Military Records, 1942-1945
  21. Military Records, 1945-1955
  22. Military Records, 1955-1957
  23. Military Records, 1961
  24. Military Records, 1962-1963
  25. University of Nebraska Budget Controversy: Gov Exon Newspaper Clippings, 1971
  26. Passports
  27. Personal, Federal Government Service
  28. Political, Finland
  29. Resume, 1968-1976
  30. Retirement
  31. American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Awards Luncheon
  32. Speeches: Democratic Administration, 1963-1965
  33. Speech: General
  34. Speech: 1968 GOP Convention
  35. Speech: Natural Law and Scientific Method
  36. Speeches: Nebraska’s Strengths and Weaknesses
  37. Speech Note cards
  38. Speech: The Open Society
  39. Speeches: A Plan for Action: Governor’s Game Plan
  40. Republican Dinner, Columbus, 1965
  41. Speech Titles
  42. Tribute to Fred Seaton
  43. Speech: Wealthy Countries Get Richer – Poor Countries Get Poorer
  44. Speech: Wesleyans Great Teaching Program
  45. Who’s Who Papers

Box 5

  1. Daily Log, 1961-1962
  2. Daily Log, 1963-1964
  3. Daily Log, 1965-1966
  4. Daily Log, 1968
  5. Daily Log, 1975-1976
  6. Daily Log, 1977
  7. Diary, 1963
  8. Diary, 1964
  9. Certificate of Secretary to the Gov.
  10. Civil Defense, 1956-1957
  11. Paper on Val Peterson
  12. Briefing Book on Finland
  13. Finland Fact Book
  14. Helsinki Consultations
  15. Consolidated Reports on FCDA Programs
  16. Economic Strengths of NE
  17. Address Book

Box 6

  1. Ha 1961-1966
  2. He-Hu
  3. Hardin, Clifford M.
  4. Hastings State Hospital
  5. Helprin, Dorothy
  6. Honorariums
  7. Hruska, Roman L.
  8. Hump Pilots Association, 1970-1972
  9. I
  10. Insurance
  11. International Christian Leadership
  12. International Club of Washington
  13. International Platform Assn.
  14. J
  15. Legislative Council
  16. Legislative – Nebraska
  17. Lutheran Church
  18. Martin, Dave (M.C.)
  19. McDonald Foundation
  20. McDonald (J.M.) Company
  21. Media
  22. Memberships
  23. Mid-America Mutual Fund, Inc.
  24. Nebraska Association For 4-H Development
  25. Nebraska Heart Association
  26. Nebraska State Centennial Commission
  27. Nebraska State Offices
  28. Real Estate – Florida/Tennessee
  29. Real Estate – Hastings
  30. Real Estate – Wayne, Nebraska
  31. Republican Central Committee
  32. Republican National Convention, 1972
  33. Sod House Society
  34. Taxation
  35. Taxes
  36. Nebraska Tax Research Council, Inc.
  37. US Air Force Reserve Center
  38. US Civil Service Commission
  39. US Congress – Congrats to Members
  40. US Dept. of Defense
  41. GSA – National Archives
  42. United State – State Dept.
  43. University of Nebraska
  44. Board of Regents Campaign, 1961-1962
  45. University of Nebraska – Board of Regents, 1962-1963
  46. University of Nebraska – Board of Regents, 1964
  47. University of Nebraska – Board of Regents, 1965
  48. University of Nebraska – Trip to Turkey, 1965
  49. University of Nebraska – Board of Regents, 1966
  50. Board of Regents Minutes, 1963-1965
  51. Veterans of Foreign Wars
  52. Water Resources
  53. Wayne State College (Bressler, John T., Jr.)
  54. Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial


Subject headings:

Ambassadors — United States
Diplomatic and Consular Service, American — Denmark
Diplomatic and Consular Service, American — Finland
McDonald Foundation
Peterson, Val (Frederick Valdemar Erastus), 1903-1983
Peterson family
Politics — Nebraska
University of Nebraska


TMM/bl 12-2007
Encoded TMM 03-07-2011

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