Walter F. Roberts, 1894-1966 [RG1053.AM]


RG1053.AM:  Walter F. Roberts, 1894-1966

Papers:  1914-1966

Wahoo, Saunders County, Nebraska:  State Railway Commissioner, Defense Committee Member during World War II

Size:  2.0 cu.ft.; 4 boxes


Walter F. Roberts was born on November 25, 1894 in O’Neill, Nebraska. Mr. Roberts attended the University of Nebraska Lincoln School of Agriculture from 1914-1919. He served in the United States Navy during World War I. He was married in 1923, and had one son and one daughter.  Throughout his life, Mr. Roberts was very active in civil affairs. He served as the State Commander of the American Legion from 1940-1941. Mr. Roberts was also very active in the World War II effort. He served as the Nebraska Civilian Defense Coordinator from 1941 to 1943, and he was the Executive Director of the National War Fund of Nebraska from 1943 to 1946. From 1946 to 1952, Mr. Roberts served as the State Railway Commissioner.  Mr. Roberts was involved in real estate, insurance, and farm loan businesses as well as being the Personnel Director of the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company from 1952 to 1959. Mr. Roberts was also engaged in farming and cattle feeding with his son in Wahoo, Nebraska. Walter F. Roberts died on October 19, 1966 in Wahoo, Nebraska at the age of 71.


The Walter F. Roberts papers are arranged in eight series:

Series 1 – University of Nebraska, 1914-1966

Series 2 – Order of the Knights of Pythias, 1944-1946

Series 3 – Nebraska United War Fund Executive Director, 1943-1946

Series 4 – Nebraska Civil Defense Coordinator, 1941-1943

Series 5 – Nebraska State Railway Commissioner Campaign, 1946

Series 6 – Nebraska State Railway Commissioner, 1946-1952

Series 7 – Walter F. Roberts Estate, 1935-1966

Series 8 – Correspondence and Miscellany, 1931-1966

This collection relates to the life and activities (primarily the career and public service) of Walter F. Roberts during the years 1914 to 1966. Although some information about his personal beliefs and ideas is available, the collection does not contain a great deal about his personal life while he was young, or after his retirement.

Series 1 consists mainly of programs and annuals from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln while Mr. Roberts was a student from 1914 to 1919. Series 2 consists of the Knights of Pythias materials, such as letters, Nebraska Lodge of the Knights of Pythias bulletins, and financial reports. Series 3 contains material about the Nebraska United War Fund, of which Roberts was Executive Director from 1943 to 1946. Included are National War Fund Conference meeting notes and Nebraska War Fund Bulletins, as well as financial reports. In addition, the series also contains information on the United Service Organization campaign committee as well as information on the Nebraska Health Planning Committee.

Series 4 consists of materials on the Nebraska Civil Defense Committee. Roberts served as its coordinator from 1941 to 1943. Included are the Nebraska State Civil Defense Plan, the California State Civil Defense Plan, and the American Legion State Fund Relief Manual. Series 5 contains material pertaining to Roberts’ successful campaign for Nebraska State Railway Commissioner in 1946, including campaign advertising information, Railway Commission information, and Republican Party campaign announcements and schedules. In addition, the series also contains financial reports and endorsement letters.

Series 6 contains information relating to Roberts’ service as Railway Commissioner from 1946 to 1952. Letters of congratulation, as well as his certificate of election, are included. Series 7 contains some of Roberts’ financial and real estate accounts from 1935 to 1966. Series 8 consists of correspondence and miscellaneous materials from such groups as the American Legion and the Nebraska Tax Research Institute. Also included in the series are Roberts’ resignation as Railway Commissioner in 1952, and his Personnel Director correspondence from the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company during 1949 to 1959. The series also contains a large quantity of correspondence with various other groups and individuals.


Series 1 – University of Nebraska, 1914-1966

Box 1


    1. Alumni Banquet Programs, 1914-1915, 1919, 1921

      School of Agriculture Annuals, 1913-1914

      Farmer’s Fair Guide Book, 1923

      School of Agriculture Reunion Program, 1966

Series 2 – Order of the Knights of Pythias, 1944-1946

Box 1


    1. Knights of Pythias National Letters and Bulletins, 1944-1946

      Financial reports, 1944-1946

      Public Speaking Contests, 1944-1946

    1. Knights of Pythias Nebraska Letters and Bulletins, 1944-1946

Series 3 – Nebraska United War Fund Executive Director, 1943-1946

Box 1


    1. Nebraska Health Planning Committee Report, 1943

      National War Fund Reports, 1944

      National War Fund Financial Reports, 1944

      United War Fund Correspondence, 1945-1946

      United Service Organization-Nebraska Bulletins, 1946

    1. United War Fund of Nebraska Bulletins, 1943-1946

Series 4 – Nebraska Civil Defense Coordinator, 1941-1943

Box 2


    1. American Legion State Fund Relief Manual, 1941

    1. American Legion State Fund Relief Manual, 1941

    1. Correspondence, 1941-1943

    1. California State Civil Defense Plan, 1951

    1. Nebraska State Civil Defense Plan, 1951

Series 5 – Nebraska State Railway Commissioner Campaign, 1946

Box 2


    1. Nebraska State Railway Commission Information, 1945-1949

      Republican Party Candidates and schedules, 1946

      Campaign Advertising Information, 1946

    1. Campaign Endorsement Letters, 1946

      Election Financial Statements, 1946

      Nebraska Labor Union Correspondence, 1946

      Campaign Correspondence, 1946

Box 3


    1. Nebraska County Election Delegates, 1946

Series 6 – Nebraska State Railway Commissioner, 1946-1952

Box 3


    1. Congratulation Correspondence, 1946

      Certificate of Election, 1947

Series 7 – Walter F. Roberts Estate, 1935-1966

Box 3


    1. Financial and Real Estate Accounts, 1935-1966

Series 8 – Correspondence and Miscellany, 1931-1966

Box 3


    1. American Legion, 1940-1951

      Lodge Correspondence, 1944-1956

    1. Nebraska Tax Research Institute, 1951

      Nebraska State Railway Commissioner Resignation, 1952

    1. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company Personnel Director correspondence, 1952-1959

    1. Personnel Director Personnel-o-grams, 1952-1959

Box 4


    1. Correspondence, 1931-1966

    1. Correspondence

    1. Correspondence

    1. Correspondence

    1. Correspondence and Funeral Book, 1966


Subject headings:

Agriculture — Nebraska

Civil defense — Nebraska

Fraternal organizations — Nebraska


Labor unions

Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Nebraska State Railway Commission (Nebraska)

Nebraska United War Fund (Nebraska)

Order of the Knights of Pythias (Nebraska)

Political campaigns

Political parties


Roberts, Walter F., 1894-1966


University of Nebraska (Lincoln, Nebraska)

World War, 1939-1945


Revised TMM        04-26-2007

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