Woods Park Neighborhood Association [RG6149.AM]


RG6149.AM: Woods Park Neighborhood Association (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Records: 1979-2008
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska
Size: 3.25 cu.ft.; 4 boxes + oversize


The Woods Park Neighborhood in Lincoln, Nebraska, consists of the area bounded by 24th Street, Capitol Parkway/Normal Boulevard, 33rd Street and “O” Street. According to their bylaws, the purpose of the Woods Park Neighborhood Association is:

  • To improve the appearance of the neighborhood in order to make it a distinctive and attractive area in which to live.
  • To preserve the character of the neighborhood including its unique historic qualities.
  • To educate the residents of the neighborhood concerning neighborhood issues.
  • To meet community needs and ensure that all living in the area will feel a part of the neighborhood.
  • To take action on issues affecting our neighborhood.


This collection consists of the records of the Woods Park Neighborhood Association of Lincoln, Nebraska. Records include bylaws and organizational records, minutes of meetings, membership materials, master plan and improvement project files, newsletters and other historical information. The bulk of the records date between 1979 and 2008.

The collection is mostly unprocessed, but a basic inventory is available.


Box 1

  1. Bylaws
  2. Board members
  3. Membership forms
  4. Membership lists
  5. Secretary’s book, 1979-1980
  6. President’s notebook, 1980-1981
  7. Minutes, 1981-1983
  8. President’s notebook, 1984-1985
  9. President’s notebook, 1985-1986
  10. 1986
  11. 1987
  12. 1987
  13. 1988
  14. Agenda/minutes, 1986-1988
  15. 1989
  16. 1990
  17. 1991
  18. Minutes/agendas, 1992-1993
  19. 1992
  20. 1993
  21. 1993
  22. Minutes, 1994-1996
  23. 1994
  24. 1995
  25. 1996
  26. 1997
  27. Agenda/minutes, 1998
  28. 1998
  29. Agenda/minutes, 1999
  30. 1999, Billboard, cell towers, etc.

Box 2

  1. Agenda/minutes, 2000
  2. 2000, Neighborhood Pres., etc.
  3. Agenda/minutes, 2001
  4. 2001
  5. 2002
  6. Masters – WPNA 2002 Election
  7. 2003
  8. 2004
  9. 2005
  10. 2006
  11. 2007
  12. 2008
  13. Lincoln Neighborhood Newsletters
  14. Old Newsletters
  15. 1986
  16. 1987
  17. 1988
  18. 1989
  19. 1990
  20. 1991
  21. 1992
  22. 1993
  23. 1994
  24. 1995
  25. 1996
  26. 1997
  27. 1998
  28. 1999
  29. 2000
  30. WP Stationary
  31. Woods Park Brochure
  32. Neighborhood brochures
  33. Community Development Highlights
  34. Zoning, pt. 1
  35. Zoning, pt. 2
  36. Zoning, pt. 3
  37. Zoning, pt. 4
  38. Woods Park Neighborhood Plan, 1987
  39. Woods Park Neighborhood Plan, 1987
  40. Neighborhood Plan scrapbook, pt. 1
  41. Neighborhood Plan scrapbook, pt. 2
  42. Neighborhood Plan scrapbook, pt. 3
  43. Neighborhood Plan scrapbook, pt. 4
  44. Focus Area Action Plan

Box 3

  1. History/Preservation, pt. 1
  2. History/Preservation, pt. 2
  3. Certificates and Awards
  4. Health Department
  5. Diverter/Traffic
  6. Kuklin Pool
  7. Antelope Valley Project
  8. Antelope Valley Project
  9. Woods Park Master Plan
  10. Tennis Bubbles
  11. Problem Properties
  12. Parks
  13. Heart of Lincoln Home Tours
  14. Heart of Lincoln
  15. Correspondence
  16. Walking Tours
  17. Housing
  18. Maps (see also oversize)
  19. Pavement of “L” Street
  20. Alleys
  21. Schools
  22. Community Centers
  23. Recycling
  24. Neighborhood Watch
  25. Round Table
  26. Liability
  27. Businesses
  28. People of WPNA
  29. General Historic Info
  30. LES: Central Lincoln Reliability Study
  31. Neighborhood Initiatives
  32. LINC: Lincoln Neighborhoods, Inc.
  33. Contracts
  34. NCIP: Nebraska Community Improvement Program
  35. 1985 NCIP Lincoln Neighborhood Bus Tour
  36. Community Development Block Grants
  37. Community Development Task Force
  38. Neighborhood Week
  39. Neighborhoods, Inc.
  40. Neighborhood Housing Service (NHS)
  41. Community Resource Office
  42. Self Help Grant, 1980-1981 (27th St.)
  43. “Trees for Neighbors 1982” Project Final Report
  44. “Trees for Neighbors 1983” Project Final Report

Box 4

  1. “Trees for Neighbors 1982”
  2. Trees
  3. 27th Street Planting
  4. 1988 WPNA Change of Zone scrapbook – file folder
  5. High School House, 935 S. 28th
  6. Community Congress, 1989-1990
  7. 29th Street Resurfacing
  8. Amigos
  9. Elliott Area Action Plan
  10. S. 27th Target Action Plan
  11. Cleanups


Subject headings:

City planning — Nebraska — Lincoln
Housing — Nebraska — Lincoln
Neighborhood government — Nebraska — Lincoln
Woods Park Neighborhood Association (Lincoln, Neb.)


TMM 10-01-2020


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