RG3566.AM: Zora Inez Shields, 1879-1969
Papers: 1890s-1969; mostly 1930s-1969
Omaha, Nebraska: Librarian; Genealogist
Size: 6.0 cu. ft.
Born on a farm in Holmes County near Napolean, Ohio on May 14, 1879, Zora Inez Shields was the daughter of Fred C. and Edith Simmons Shields. She graduated from Omaha Central High School in Omaha, Nebraska in 1897 and went on to attend the University of Nebraska, where she received her bachelors and masters degrees in 1902 and 1904. After receiving her degree, Shields returned to Omaha Central High School and served as a teacher and librarian until her retirement in 1937. Shortly after retirement she began focusing on genealogical research, which she continued until shortly before her death in November of 1969.
This collection consists of eight boxes of manuscript material arranged into two series: 1. Genealogical Correspondence; and 2. Genealogical Data. The bulk of this material consists of genealogical information about several hundred families. However, only a few families have been covered extensively. Throughout the collection there are personal records including grocery lists, drafts of correspondence to financial officers, lists of apartment rentals, and financial records. Materials in the collection were re-housed, but original folder titles and arrangement were retained.
Series 1 – Genealogical Correspondence
Box 1
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
Box 2
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
- Genealogical Correspondence
Series 2 – Genealogical Data
- Maps
- Probate
- Index Families
- Workbook
- Families Inserted in Index Workbook, Rough Work
- Critchfield, Manchester, Ranney, Scriplin
- Bowen-Butterworth
- Families I A-G
- Families II H-R
- Families III S-Z
- Families I, Beginning Notes, Migrations A-B 1/3
- Families I, Beginning Notes, Migrations C 2/3
- Families I, Beginning Notes, Migrations D-E 3/3
- Families II, Beginning Notes, Migrations G 1/3
- Families II, Beginning Notes, Migrations H 2/3
Box 3
- Families II, Beginning Notes, Migrations I-L 3/3
- Families III, Beginning Data, Migrations M-O 1/3
- Families III, Beginning Data, Migrations P-Q 2/3
- Families III, Beginning Data, Migrations R-S 3/3
- Families IV, Beginning Data, Migrations T-U 1/2
- Families IV, Beginning Data, Migrations V-W 2/2
- Col. I Abell – Bourne
- Col. II Campbell – Cushmen
- Col. III Eames – Guy
- Col. IV Hack – Judsen
- Col. V Keen – Norton
- Col. VI OíBriens – Purchase
- Col. VII Rainsford – Symmes
- Col. VIII Taber – Turner
- Col. IX Underwood – Young
- Workbook I [contains personal financial records (ca 1961), including ledger book (ca 1933). Also includes lengthy pleas (drafts and copies of) to financial officers.]
- Massachusetts I A-B
- Massachusetts I C-L
Box 4
- Massachusetts II M-Q
- Massachusetts II R-Z
- Bristol County, Massachusetts, Acushnet – Westport
- Deeds, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
- Freetown Marriages
- Plymouth
- New Jersey
- New Jersey
- New Jersey, In Process
- Bucks County, Pennsylvania
- II A
- Freetown, Swansea
- Rhode Island I
- New Jersey II, 1/2
- New Jersey II, 2/2
- Ohio
- Ohio, Holmes County
- Work
- Geography, New York, Long Island, Barbados
- Geography, Connecticut
- Connecticut, Adams – Hyde
Box 5
- Virginia, Md, Etc.
- Maryland
- Magazine Records
- Plan
- Bibliography, Genealogical
- Omaha [contains “Recollections and A Diary of the ’80’s in Omaha” by Janet (Wallace) Curtis]
- Clayton [Clayton was Miss Shields financial advisor]
- Mancester, Workbook
- Smith
- Shields I
- Shields II
- Shields III
- Hathaway
- Lee
- Simmons
- Paine
- Notes to be Inserted
- Old Notes, confirmed
- Candidates, Boston, N.E.H.J. Soc. Purchases
- West
- Trip 1949, Notes to be transferred
- Andrews, Hamlin Family
- Simmons – Shields
- Overseas
Box 6
- Early Immigration, Migration
- Originals, Old Notes, in Longhand, Now Typed, in Notebooks A – B
- Originals, Old Notes, in Longhand, Now Typed, in Notebooks C – G
- Originals, Old Notes, in Longhand, Now Typed, in Notebooks H – W
- Scrapbook (Obituaries, articles, etc.) (See Oversize)
Box 7 Index cards
Box 8 Index cards
Box 9 Index cards
Clayton family
Connecticut — Genealogy
Hathaway family
Lee family
Manchester family
Maryland — Genealogy
Massachusetts — Genealogy
Nebraska — Genealogy
New Jersey — Genealogy
New York — Genealogy
Ohio — Genealogy
Paine family
Pennsylvania — Genealogy
Rhode Island — Genealogy
Shields family
Simmons family
Smith family
Virginia — Genealogy
04-08-1971 LS/JEP/pmc
11-30-2004 ljd/tmm