Dazzler, a Poland China from Leigh, Nebraska, held the unofficial title of World’s Largest Hog in 1928.
As a piglet, Dazzler ate normally but started to grow very large. In April 1928 the Leigh World newspaper wrote that Dazzler’s weight was then almost 1,285 pounds. In June Dazzler’s owner, William Deichmann, was approached by the Raven Pig Meal Company of Omaha, which wanted to take Dazzler on a tour of state fairs to promote their product. Trucks, trains, and planes transported Dazzler to various expositions, where thousands saw him. His fame was short lived though. In September 1928 he was sold for five cents per pound to a man who specialized in buying unusual animals for exhibition. Dazzler was apparently tired of show business, for he died two months later.
“Nebraska Grows Em’ Big. ‘Dazzler’ the mammoth hog and its owner, Wm. Deichmann” (Source: Leigh World, 071l53w, 4-6-1928, p. 5, c1-3, see also Nebraska History article, Winter 1999)