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“From Our Special Correspondent”: Dispatches from the 1875 Black Hills Council at Red Cloud Agency, Nebraska
From Our Special Correspondent: Dispatches from the 1875 Black Hills Council at Red Cloud Agency, Nebraska, edited by James E. Potter
For a month in late summer 1875 the nation’s gaze was drawn to proceedings at the remote Red Cloud Agency in northwestern Nebraska, where the federal government sought unsuccessfully to convince Lakota leaders to cede ownership of the Black Hills. The council was noteworthy for the issues involved, its effect on the future of Indian-white relations, and because it was among the largest such gatherings in American history. Gathered in this volume, the correspondents’ reports provide a fascinating glimpse of the personalities, interactions, and cultures of the Indian, mixed-blood, and white participants in the negotiations. Interested in reading an excerpt from the book’s introduction? Check out this link. Want to learn more about the humor in the book? Read our blog post about the jokes and pranks here.
Red Dog’s village southeast of Red Cloud Agency.
Introduction, editorial notes, map, fourteen photographs, references, three appendixes, bibliography, index. 336 pages, $29.95 paperback; ISBN: 978-0-933307-37-7