Conservation and prison reform were combined in a proposal by R. A. Hawley for the reclamation of the Sandhills of Nebraska in 1893. Hawley believed it feasible to plant ...
U.S. Army laundresses, often wives of senior enlisted men, were once given daily rations, quarters, fuel, bedding straw, and medical services. An article in Nebraska ...
Modern shipping companies pride themselves on prompt, reliable delivery service, whatever the weather. But few of them could match the phenomenal performance of this ...
The wild and wooly American West has been fodder for stories, dime novels, comic books,motion pictures, and television programs. Many fictionalized accounts exaggerate ...
The movie industry was in its infancy seventy-five years ago, but that didn't stop someenterprising Nebraskans from getting in on the ground floor. The Black Hills ...
The frontier post of Fort Robinson was the scene of frequent dances and parties. The following account of an 1883 "hop" was published in the Omaha Bee: "Fort Robinson, ...
Captain Emmet Crawford was killed in Mexico on January 18, 1886, after his command of Third U.S. Cavalry had chased Apache raiders across the border and was attacked ...
The Army and Navy Journal, a publication for officers and enlisted men, often published letters by correspondents from military posts throughout the West. Occasional ...
Fort Robinson provides the following holiday story of devotion and courage. It can be found in A Frontier Army Christmas, a new book published by the Nebraska State ...
African-American soldiers on the western frontier are the focus of an exhibit at the Nebraska History Museum in Lincoln. Buffalo Soldiers West, on loan from the Colorado ...
Red Dog, an Oglala Lakota who lived at the Red Cloud Agency, Nebraska, 1876-77 (Nebraska State Historical Society
In the summer of 1876, following the ...
During World War II there were 126 Prisoner of War (POW) camps in the United States. Fort Robinson, Nebraska had one of these camps. By the end of the war, this camp ...