"This is the day that many resolutions are made," said the Lincoln Evening News on January 1, 1907, "and The News has gathered a few on the fly that may aid in ...
"The large number of claims coming into the [Nebraska] State Auditor's office for bounties on wolves and coyotes has led that official to make an investigation," said ...
Today many Nebraskans live in counties known by different names than they were during Nebraska's territorial years. The first eight counties in the state were Douglas, ...
Ghosts are popularly imagined to favor the color white when materializing for public view. However, a ghost clothed in black was said to haunt the streets of Alma in ...
Although the most popular toys for the current holiday season are electronic, more than a century ago the toys in Santa's pack were likely to be mechanical. The Lincoln ...
J. Sterling Morton, for whom Morton County was named, about 1859. NSHS RG1013.PH1-6
Today many Nebraskans live in counties known by different names than they were ...
Although the most popular toys for the current holiday season are electronic, more than a century ago the toys in Santa's pack were likely to be mechanical. The Lincoln ...
In the early morning of July 21, 1911, Missouri Pacific engine number 2364 crashed into the Northwestern depot in Lincoln, Nebraska. The crash tore away a portion of the ...